
en In the swimming pool   »   kk Бассейнде

50 [fifty]

In the swimming pool

In the swimming pool

50 [елу]

50 [elw]



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It is hot today. Б--і----н -с-ық. Б____ к__ ы_____ Б-г-н к-н ы-т-қ- ---------------- Бүгін күн ыстық. 0
B-g-n k-n-ıs--q. B____ k__ ı_____ B-g-n k-n ı-t-q- ---------------- Bügin kün ıstıq.
Shall we go to the swimming pool? Ба--е-н-е-б--а-ы----? Б________ б______ б__ Б-с-е-н-е б-р-м-з б-? --------------------- Бассейнге барамыз ба? 0
Bas---ng------mız ba? B________ b______ b__ B-s-e-n-e b-r-m-z b-? --------------------- Basseynge baramız ba?
Do you feel like swimming? С--а -үзу-е --ла----ра----? С___ ж_____ қ____ қ________ С-д- ж-з-г- қ-л-й қ-р-й-ы-? --------------------------- Суда жүзуге қалай қарайсың? 0
Swda jüzwg---a-----a--ysı-? S___ j_____ q____ q________ S-d- j-z-g- q-l-y q-r-y-ı-? --------------------------- Swda jüzwge qalay qaraysıñ?
Do you have a towel? С-н-- сүл---ба- --? С____ с____ б__ м__ С-н-е с-л-і б-р м-? ------------------- Сенде сүлгі бар ма? 0
S-nde-s-lg- -ar--a? S____ s____ b__ m__ S-n-e s-l-i b-r m-? ------------------- Sende sülgi bar ma?
Do you have swimming trunks? Сен-е--үз-г- --нал-ан-к-ім-ба--ма? С____ ж_____ а_______ к___ б__ м__ С-н-е ж-з-г- а-н-л-а- к-і- б-р м-? ---------------------------------- Сенде жүзуге арналған киім бар ма? 0
Sen---j-zwge---na---- kïim--a- --? S____ j_____ a_______ k___ b__ m__ S-n-e j-z-g- a-n-l-a- k-i- b-r m-? ---------------------------------- Sende jüzwge arnalğan kïim bar ma?
Do you have a bathing suit? С-нд------л---н--и-- -ар ма? С____ ш________ к___ б__ м__ С-н-е ш-м-л-т-н к-і- б-р м-? ---------------------------- Сенде шомылатын киім бар ма? 0
S-nde şo-ı---ı- -ïi- -a--ma? S____ ş________ k___ b__ m__ S-n-e ş-m-l-t-n k-i- b-r m-? ---------------------------- Sende şomılatın kïim bar ma?
Can you swim? Ж-з- --а--ң --? Ж___ а_____ б__ Ж-з- а-а-ы- б-? --------------- Жүзе аласың ба? 0
J--e al-s-ñ-b-? J___ a_____ b__ J-z- a-a-ı- b-? --------------- Jüze alasıñ ba?
Can you dive? С--г--ала-ы--б-? С____ а_____ б__ С-ң-и а-а-ы- б-? ---------------- Сүңги аласың ба? 0
Sü----ala------? S____ a_____ b__ S-ñ-ï a-a-ı- b-? ---------------- Süñgï alasıñ ba?
Can you jump in the water? Суғ- секір---ласың б-? С___ с_____ а_____ б__ С-ғ- с-к-р- а-а-ы- б-? ---------------------- Суға секіре аласың ба? 0
Swğ- sek--e -l--ı----? S___ s_____ a_____ b__ S-ğ- s-k-r- a-a-ı- b-? ---------------------- Swğa sekire alasıñ ba?
Where is the shower? Д-ш-қ-й------? Д__ қ__ ж_____ Д-ш қ-й ж-р-е- -------------- Душ қай жерде? 0
D-- qay-jerd-? D__ q__ j_____ D-ş q-y j-r-e- -------------- Dwş qay jerde?
Where is the changing room? К-------------ы----лм--қ--да? К___ а__________ б____ қ_____ К-і- а-ы-т-р-т-н б-л-е қ-й-а- ----------------------------- Киім ауыстыратын бөлме қайда? 0
K-----wı-tı-at----öl-- q-y-a? K___ a__________ b____ q_____ K-i- a-ı-t-r-t-n b-l-e q-y-a- ----------------------------- Kïim awıstıratın bölme qayda?
Where are the swimming goggles? Жүз-г- а-н-л--- --з-л---ік-қ-й-а? Ж_____ а_______ к_________ қ_____ Ж-з-г- а-н-л-а- к-з-л-і-і- қ-й-а- --------------------------------- Жүзуге арналған көзілдірік қайда? 0
J---g- ar-----n k-zild-r-k ---da? J_____ a_______ k_________ q_____ J-z-g- a-n-l-a- k-z-l-i-i- q-y-a- --------------------------------- Jüzwge arnalğan közildirik qayda?
Is the water deep? Су--е-е---е? С_ т____ б__ С- т-р-ң б-? ------------ Су терең бе? 0
Sw t--eñ be? S_ t____ b__ S- t-r-ñ b-? ------------ Sw tereñ be?
Is the water clean? Су --за---? С_ т___ м__ С- т-з- м-? ----------- Су таза ма? 0
Sw t--a --? S_ t___ m__ S- t-z- m-? ----------- Sw taza ma?
Is the water warm? С- ж--- --? С_ ж___ м__ С- ж-л- м-? ----------- Су жылы ма? 0
Sw---l- --? S_ j___ m__ S- j-l- m-? ----------- Sw jılı ma?
I am freezing. То--п---рм--. Т____ т______ Т-ң-п т-р-ы-. ------------- Тоңып тұрмын. 0
Toñ-p-t--mın. T____ t______ T-ñ-p t-r-ı-. ------------- Toñıp turmın.
The water is too cold. Су ты--су-қ. С_ т__ с____ С- т-м с-ы-. ------------ Су тым суық. 0
S- -ım-sw-q. S_ t__ s____ S- t-m s-ı-. ------------ Sw tım swıq.
I am getting out of the water now. М-- е-------а---ығамы-. М__ е___ с____ ш_______ М-н е-д- с-д-н ш-ғ-м-н- ----------------------- Мен енді судан шығамын. 0
Men -n-i--w----şığ----. M__ e___ s____ ş_______ M-n e-d- s-d-n ş-ğ-m-n- ----------------------- Men endi swdan şığamın.

Unknown languages

Thousands of different languages exist worldwide. Linguists estimate that there are 6,000 to 7,000. However, the exact number is still unknown today. This is because there are still many undiscovered languages. These languages are mostly spoken in remote regions. One example of such a region is the Amazon. There are still many people living in isolation there. They have no contact with other cultures. Despite this, they all have their own language, of course. There are still unidentified languages in other parts of the world as well. We still do not know how many languages there are in Central Africa. New Guinea hasn't been thoroughly researched from a linguistic standpoint either. Whenever a new language is discovered, it's always a sensation. About two years ago scientists discovered Koro. Koro is spoken in the small villages of northern India. Only about 1,000 people speak this language. It is only spoken. Koro doesn't exist in written form. Researchers are puzzled by how Koro has survived for so long. Koro belongs to the Tibeto-Burmese language family. There are about 300 of these languages in all of Asia. But Koro isn't closely related to any of these languages. That means that it must have a history all of its own. Unfortunately, minor languages die out quickly. Occasionally a language disappears within a single generation. As a result, researchers often only have a little time to study them. But there is a little hope for Koro. It is to be documented in an audio dictionary...
Did you know?
Hungarian is counted among the Finno-Ugrian languages. As a Uralic language, it is markedly different from the Indo-Germanic languages. Hungarian is distantly related to Finnish. This similarity is only noticeable in the linguistic structure though. Hungarians and Finns cannot understand each other. About 15 million people speak Hungarian. These people live primarily in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine. The Hungarian language is divided into nine dialect groups. It is written with Latin letters. Regardless of the length of the word, the emphasis is on the first syllable. It is also important to differentiate between short and long vowels in the pronunciation. Hungarian grammar is not that simple. It has many peculiarities. This uniqueness of the language is an important hallmark of Hungarian identity. Everyone who learns Hungarian will quickly understand why the Hungarians love their language so much!