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54 [fifty-four]



54 [шъэныкъорэ плIырэ]

54 [shjenykorje plIyrje]



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I want to buy a present. С- -I---а--ын ---------оигъ-. С_ ш_________ с____ с________ С- ш-у-ь-ф-ы- с-э-ы с-I-и-ъ-. ----------------------------- Сэ шIухьафтын сщэфы сшIоигъу. 0
S-------h'-f--- --h-j--y-s--I-ig-. S__ s__________ s_______ s________ S-e s-I-h-a-t-n s-h-j-f- s-h-o-g-. ---------------------------------- Sje shIuh'aftyn sshhjefy sshIoigu.
But nothing too expensive. А- -----пIэ---дэ-. А_ м_______ д_____ А- м-л-э-I- д-д-у- ------------------ Ау мылъэпIэ дэдэу. 0
A- m-----I-- d-e----. A_ m________ d_______ A- m-l-e-I-e d-e-j-u- --------------------- Au myljepIje djedjeu.
Maybe a handbag? Iалъм--- ц-ы-I--э --у-т-? I_______ ц_______ х______ I-л-м-к- ц-ы-I-м- х-у-т-? ------------------------- Iалъмэкъ цIыкIумэ хъущта? 0
I-lmj-k--Iy-Iu-j----s----? I______ c________ h_______ I-l-j-k c-y-I-m-e h-s-h-a- -------------------------- Ialmjek cIykIumje hushhta?
Which color would you like? Сы-----о- ----ас-? С__ ы____ у_______ С-д ы-ъ-у у-к-а-а- ------------------ Сыд ышъоу уикIаса? 0
Syd ys----u-k---a? S__ y____ u_______ S-d y-h-u u-k-a-a- ------------------ Syd yshou uikIasa?
Black, brown or white? Ш--цIэ-- х--плъэ--е ф--ь-у-ар-? Ш_______ х_______ е ф_____ а___ Ш-у-I-у- х-а-л-э- е ф-ж-э- а-а- ------------------------------- ШIуцIэу, хьаплъэу е фыжьэу ара? 0
Sh--c-jeu- -'-pl--u e--yzh'-e---r-? S_________ h_______ e f_______ a___ S-I-c-j-u- h-a-l-e- e f-z-'-e- a-a- ----------------------------------- ShIucIjeu, h'apljeu e fyzh'jeu ara?
A large one or a small one? Инэ---ьа--э ц-ыкI-- --а? И___ х_____ ц______ а___ И-э- х-а-м- ц-ы-I-у а-а- ------------------------ Инэу хьаумэ цIыкIоу ара? 0
Inj-u h-aumje---y-Io-----? I____ h______ c______ a___ I-j-u h-a-m-e c-y-I-u a-a- -------------------------- Injeu h'aumje cIykIou ara?
May I see this one, please? Мыщ-с-п-ъымэ -ъущ-а? М__ с_______ х______ М-щ с-п-ъ-м- х-у-т-? -------------------- Мыщ сеплъымэ хъущта? 0
M-sh- sep--mj--h---h-a? M____ s_______ h_______ M-s-h s-p-y-j- h-s-h-a- ----------------------- Myshh seplymje hushhta?
Is it made of leather? М---ш----зыхэ-I---ыгъэр? М__ ш___ з______________ М-р ш-у- з-х-ш-ы-I-г-э-? ------------------------ Мыр шъуа зыхэшIыкIыгъэр? 0
M-- s-u- --hj-s-Iyk-ygj--? M__ s___ z________________ M-r s-u- z-h-e-h-y-I-g-e-? -------------------------- Myr shua zyhjeshIykIygjer?
Or is it made of plastic? Хь-у---къэ---------ъэ-гора--ых-----I-г--р? Х_____ к_____________ г___ з______________ Х-а-м- к-э-г-п-ы-ы-ъ- г-р- з-х-ш-ы-I-г-э-? ------------------------------------------ Хьаумэ къэугупшысыгъэ гора зыхэшIыкIыгъэр? 0
H'---j---je-g-p--y-y----g-ra---hj-shIy-Iy-j--? H______ k______________ g___ z________________ H-a-m-e k-e-g-p-h-s-g-e g-r- z-h-e-h-y-I-g-e-? ---------------------------------------------- H'aumje kjeugupshysygje gora zyhjeshIykIygjer?
Of leather, of course. Ш--, I- --л-э-. Ш___ I_ х______ Ш-о- I- х-л-э-. --------------- Шъо, Iо хэлъэп. 0
Sh-- I- --e-jep. S___ I_ h_______ S-o- I- h-e-j-p- ---------------- Sho, Io hjeljep.
This is very good quality. Дэг-у дэд----ъ-рэм-фэд. Д____ д____ х_____ ф___ Д-г-у д-д-у х-у-э- ф-д- ----------------------- Дэгъу дэдэу хъурэм фэд. 0
Dje-u d-e-je-----j-m-----. D____ d______ h_____ f____ D-e-u d-e-j-u h-r-e- f-e-. -------------------------- Djegu djedjeu hurjem fjed.
And the bag is really very reasonable. Iалъ-э------у--- ш--пк---кIэ ---. I_________ ы____ ш__________ б___ I-л-м-к-ы- ы-а-и ш-ы-к-э-к-э б-п- --------------------------------- Iалъмэкъым ыуаси шъыпкъэмкIэ бэп. 0
Ialm-ek----ua---s----jemkI-- b---. I________ y____ s___________ b____ I-l-j-k-m y-a-i s-y-k-e-k-j- b-e-. ---------------------------------- Ialmjekym yuasi shypkjemkIje bjep.
I like it. Ар -ы-- -е---. А_ с___ р_____ А- с-г- р-х-ы- -------------- Ар сыгу рехьы. 0
Ar s-g- ---'y. A_ s___ r_____ A- s-g- r-h-y- -------------- Ar sygu reh'y.
I’ll take it. Сщ-ф--т. С_______ С-э-ы-т- -------- Сщэфыщт. 0
S-h-je-y-h-t. S____________ S-h-j-f-s-h-. ------------- Sshhjefyshht.
Can I exchange it if needed? И--кI-гъо--х----- къы--ыз-блэшъ-хъ--ь---а? И_________ х_____ к_______________________ И-ы-I-г-о- х-у-э- к-ы-ф-з-б-э-ъ-х-у-ь-щ-а- ------------------------------------------ ИщыкIагъоу хъумэ, къысфызэблэшъухъужьыщта? 0
I-h-ykIa-o- -------k-s--zj-bl--s-uhuz-'-s-h--? I__________ h_____ k__________________________ I-h-y-I-g-u h-m-e- k-s-y-j-b-j-s-u-u-h-y-h-t-? ---------------------------------------------- IshhykIagou humje, kysfyzjebljeshuhuzh'yshhta?
Of course. А------. А__ а___ А-э а-ы- -------- Адэ ары. 0
Adje-ar-. A___ a___ A-j- a-y- --------- Adje ary.
We’ll gift wrap it. Ш-ух-а---н -эд-у къ----I-ц-ыт-ых-а--. Ш_________ ф____ к___________________ Ш-у-ь-ф-ы- ф-д-у к-ы-э-I-ц-ы-щ-х-а-т- ------------------------------------- ШIухьафтын фэдэу къызэкIоцIытщыхьащт. 0
Sh-uh'-f-yn--j-d--u-ky--e--o-Iyt-h------h-t. S__________ f______ k_______________________ S-I-h-a-t-n f-e-j-u k-z-e-I-c-y-s-h-h-a-h-t- -------------------------------------------- ShIuh'aftyn fjedjeu kyzjekIocIytshhyh'ashht.
The cashier is over there. Ка-сэ- --кI--щы-. К_____ м____ щ___ К-с-э- м-к-э щ-т- ----------------- Кассэр мокIэ щыт. 0
Kas---r-mok-je s-h-t. K______ m_____ s_____ K-s-j-r m-k-j- s-h-t- --------------------- Kassjer mokIje shhyt.

Who understands whom?

There are about 7 billion people in the world. They all have a language. Unfortunately, it's not always the same. So in order to speak with other nations, we must learn languages. That is often very arduous. But there are languages that are very similar. Their speakers understand one another, without mastering the other language. This phenomenon is called mutual intelligibility . Whereby two variants are distinguished. The first variant is oral mutual intelligibility . Here, the speakers understand each other when they talk. They do not understand the written form of the other language, however. This is because the languages have different written forms. Examples of this are the languages Hindi and Urdu. Written mutual intelligibility is the second variant. In this case, the other language is understood in its written form. But the speakers do not understand each other when they speak to each other. The reason for this is that they have very different pronunciation. German and Dutch are examples of this. The most closely related languages contain both variants. Meaning they are mutually intelligible both orally and in written form. Russian and Ukrainian or Thai and Laotian are examples. But there is also an asymmetrical form of mutual intelligibility. That is the case when speakers have different levels of understanding each other. Portuguese understand Spanish better than the Spanish understand Portuguese. Austrians also understand Germans better than the other way around. In these examples, pronunciation or dialect is a hindrance. He who really wants to have good conversations must learn something new…