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54 [fifty-four]



54 [пятьдесят четыре]

54 [pyatʹdesyat chetyre]



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I want to buy a present. Я-----л ---/ хоте-а-б- --пит- п----о-. Я х____ б_ / х_____ б_ к_____ п_______ Я х-т-л б- / х-т-л- б- к-п-т- п-д-р-к- -------------------------------------- Я хотел бы / хотела бы купить подарок. 0
Y- -----l------k------ by-kup--ʹ---d-r--. Y_ k_____ b_ / k______ b_ k_____ p_______ Y- k-o-e- b- / k-o-e-a b- k-p-t- p-d-r-k- ----------------------------------------- Ya khotel by / khotela by kupitʹ podarok.
But nothing too expensive. Но н-ч--о о---ь---рог---. Н_ н_____ о____ д________ Н- н-ч-г- о-е-ь д-р-г-г-. ------------------------- Но ничего очень дорогого. 0
N--------- --h----d-ro----. N_ n______ o_____ d________ N- n-c-e-o o-h-n- d-r-g-g-. --------------------------- No nichego ochenʹ dorogogo.
Maybe a handbag? М--ет-бы---сум----? М____ б___ с_______ М-ж-т б-т- с-м-ч-у- ------------------- Может быть сумочку? 0
Mo--e--by-ʹ-s-moc--u? M_____ b___ s________ M-z-e- b-t- s-m-c-k-? --------------------- Mozhet bytʹ sumochku?
Which color would you like? Како- ц-е- Вы-хо--ли бы? К____ ц___ В_ х_____ б__ К-к-й ц-е- В- х-т-л- б-? ------------------------ Какой цвет Вы хотели бы? 0
K---y-t--et V- k----l- -y? K____ t____ V_ k______ b__ K-k-y t-v-t V- k-o-e-i b-? -------------------------- Kakoy tsvet Vy khoteli by?
Black, brown or white? Ч--н--- -о--чневый -л- б-л--? Ч______ к_________ и__ б_____ Ч-р-ы-, к-р-ч-е-ы- и-и б-л-й- ----------------------------- Чёрный, коричневый или белый? 0
Chër-y-,-kor-c-n---y ili-bel--? C_______ k__________ i__ b_____ C-ë-n-y- k-r-c-n-v-y i-i b-l-y- ------------------------------- Chërnyy, korichnevyy ili belyy?
A large one or a small one? Б-ль-ую-и-и ---е---ую? Б______ и__ м_________ Б-л-ш-ю и-и м-л-н-к-ю- ---------------------- Большую или маленькую? 0
B--ʹs-uyu-----mal---k-yu? B________ i__ m__________ B-l-s-u-u i-i m-l-n-k-y-? ------------------------- Bolʹshuyu ili malenʹkuyu?
May I see this one, please? М-жн- п-смотр-----т-? М____ п_________ э___ М-ж-о п-с-о-р-т- э-у- --------------------- Можно посмотреть эту? 0
Mo---o----m-t-e-----u? M_____ p_________ e___ M-z-n- p-s-o-r-t- e-u- ---------------------- Mozhno posmotretʹ etu?
Is it made of leather? Она -----ая? О__ к_______ О-а к-ж-н-я- ------------ Она кожаная? 0
On--k---ana-a? O__ k_________ O-a k-z-a-a-a- -------------- Ona kozhanaya?
Or is it made of plastic? Ил---на и- и-к-ст-еных-----риа-ов? И__ о__ и_ и__________ м__________ И-и о-а и- и-к-с-в-н-х м-т-р-а-о-? ---------------------------------- Или она из искуственых материалов? 0
I-- on- -- --k--t----k---ate----ov? I__ o__ i_ i___________ m__________ I-i o-a i- i-k-s-v-n-k- m-t-r-a-o-? ----------------------------------- Ili ona iz iskustvenykh materialov?
Of leather, of course. Ко--ч-о-к-ж----. К______ к_______ К-н-ч-о к-ж-н-я- ---------------- Конечно кожаная. 0
K--echn- k-z-a--ya. K_______ k_________ K-n-c-n- k-z-a-a-a- ------------------- Konechno kozhanaya.
This is very good quality. Э-о ос--е-н--х--ош-- ---ество. Э__ о_______ х______ к________ Э-о о-о-е-н- х-р-ш-е к-ч-с-в-. ------------------------------ Это особенно хорошее качество. 0
E---os--e---------s---e -achestv-. E__ o_______ k_________ k_________ E-o o-o-e-n- k-o-o-h-y- k-c-e-t-o- ---------------------------------- Eto osobenno khorosheye kachestvo.
And the bag is really very reasonable. И---м---д-й-т-и---ьн- о------ешёв-я. И с____ д____________ о____ д_______ И с-м-а д-й-т-и-е-ь-о о-е-ь д-ш-в-я- ------------------------------------ И сумка действительно очень дешёвая. 0
I --m---dey-tv-t-l-n---c-en---es-ë-aya. I s____ d____________ o_____ d_________ I s-m-a d-y-t-i-e-ʹ-o o-h-n- d-s-ë-a-a- --------------------------------------- I sumka deystvitelʹno ochenʹ deshëvaya.
I like it. О-- --- нра-и-ся. О__ м__ н________ О-а м-е н-а-и-с-. ----------------- Она мне нравится. 0
Ona-mn---ravi-sy-. O__ m__ n_________ O-a m-e n-a-i-s-a- ------------------ Ona mne nravitsya.
I’ll take it. Я-её--озьм-. Я е_ в______ Я е- в-з-м-. ------------ Я её возьму. 0
Ya -e-- v-z-mu. Y_ y___ v______ Y- y-y- v-z-m-. --------------- Ya yeyë vozʹmu.
Can I exchange it if needed? Смо-у --её- ес---н---о---оме-я-ь? С____ я е__ е___ н_____ п________ С-о-у я е-, е-л- н-ж-о- п-м-н-т-? --------------------------------- Смогу я её, если нужно, поменять? 0
Sm-g-------y-- y-sl- --zhno, ----nya--? S____ y_ y____ y____ n______ p_________ S-o-u y- y-y-, y-s-i n-z-n-, p-m-n-a-ʹ- --------------------------------------- Smogu ya yeyë, yesli nuzhno, pomenyatʹ?
Of course. С-м- -об-------ме-тс-. С___ с____ р__________ С-м- с-б-й р-з-м-е-с-. ---------------------- Само собой разумеется. 0
Samo--ob-----z-m-y-t--a. S___ s____ r____________ S-m- s-b-y r-z-m-y-t-y-. ------------------------ Samo soboy razumeyetsya.
We’ll gift wrap it. Мы у-а-у-м её к-к п-д-рок. М_ у______ е_ к__ п_______ М- у-а-у-м е- к-к п-д-р-к- -------------------------- Мы упакуем её как подарок. 0
M- ----uye- y--ë -ak p--a-ok. M_ u_______ y___ k__ p_______ M- u-a-u-e- y-y- k-k p-d-r-k- ----------------------------- My upakuyem yeyë kak podarok.
The cashier is over there. Кас-а в-н-там. К____ в__ т___ К-с-а в-н т-м- -------------- Касса вон там. 0
K--s- --- t--. K____ v__ t___ K-s-a v-n t-m- -------------- Kassa von tam.

Who understands whom?

There are about 7 billion people in the world. They all have a language. Unfortunately, it's not always the same. So in order to speak with other nations, we must learn languages. That is often very arduous. But there are languages that are very similar. Their speakers understand one another, without mastering the other language. This phenomenon is called mutual intelligibility . Whereby two variants are distinguished. The first variant is oral mutual intelligibility . Here, the speakers understand each other when they talk. They do not understand the written form of the other language, however. This is because the languages have different written forms. Examples of this are the languages Hindi and Urdu. Written mutual intelligibility is the second variant. In this case, the other language is understood in its written form. But the speakers do not understand each other when they speak to each other. The reason for this is that they have very different pronunciation. German and Dutch are examples of this. The most closely related languages contain both variants. Meaning they are mutually intelligible both orally and in written form. Russian and Ukrainian or Thai and Laotian are examples. But there is also an asymmetrical form of mutual intelligibility. That is the case when speakers have different levels of understanding each other. Portuguese understand Spanish better than the Spanish understand Portuguese. Austrians also understand Germans better than the other way around. In these examples, pronunciation or dialect is a hindrance. He who really wants to have good conversations must learn something new…