
en Parts of the body   »   kk Дене мүшелері

58 [fifty-eight]

Parts of the body

Parts of the body

58 [елу сегіз]

58 [elw segiz]

Дене мүшелері

Dene müşeleri

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I am drawing a man. Б-- -- -да--ы---уре--н сала-ы-. Б__ е_ а______ с______ с_______ Б-р е- а-а-н-ң с-р-т-н с-л-м-н- ------------------------------- Бір ер адамның суретін саламын. 0
Bi- er--da--ı- ---------a-----. B__ e_ a______ s______ s_______ B-r e- a-a-n-ñ s-r-t-n s-l-m-n- ------------------------------- Bir er adamnıñ swretin salamın.
First the head. А-ды--н б-с-н. А______ б_____ А-д-м-н б-с-н- -------------- Алдымен басын. 0
Aldı-en--a---. A______ b_____ A-d-m-n b-s-n- -------------- Aldımen basın.
The man is wearing a hat. Қ--п-қ киген. Қ_____ к_____ Қ-л-а- к-г-н- ------------- Қалпақ киген. 0
Qa-paq-kï-en. Q_____ k_____ Q-l-a- k-g-n- ------------- Qalpaq kïgen.
One cannot see the hair. Ша-ы-к--і-бейд-. Ш___ к__________ Ш-ш- к-р-н-е-д-. ---------------- Шашы көрінбейді. 0
Şaş- körin---di. Ş___ k__________ Ş-ş- k-r-n-e-d-. ---------------- Şaşı körinbeydi.
One cannot see the ears either. Қ--ақта-ы-д- к-рін---ді. Қ________ д_ к__________ Қ-л-қ-а-ы д- к-р-н-е-д-. ------------------------ Құлақтары да көрінбейді. 0
Qula--arı--- -ör-n-eyd-. Q________ d_ k__________ Q-l-q-a-ı d- k-r-n-e-d-. ------------------------ Qulaqtarı da körinbeydi.
One cannot see his back either. А-------- көрінб-й--. А_____ д_ к__________ А-қ-с- д- к-р-н-е-д-. --------------------- Арқасы да көрінбейді. 0
A-q-s- -a-kör---e---. A_____ d_ k__________ A-q-s- d- k-r-n-e-d-. --------------------- Arqası da körinbeydi.
I am drawing the eyes and the mouth. Көз-е---ме--ауз------а-ын. К______ м__ а____ с_______ К-з-е-і м-н а-з-н с-л-м-н- -------------------------- Көздері мен аузын саламын. 0
K-zd-r---e- aw-ı- s----ın. K______ m__ a____ s_______ K-z-e-i m-n a-z-n s-l-m-n- -------------------------- Közderi men awzın salamın.
The man is dancing and laughing. О- ада--б------әне -ү--п ---. О_ а___ б____ ж___ к____ т___ О- а-а- б-л-п ж-н- к-л-п т-р- ----------------------------- Ол адам билеп және күліп тұр. 0
O--a-a----l-- j-n----l------. O_ a___ b____ j___ k____ t___ O- a-a- b-l-p j-n- k-l-p t-r- ----------------------------- Ol adam bïlep jäne külip tur.
The man has a long nose. О--ада-н-ң -ұ--- ----. О_ а______ м____ ұ____ О- а-а-н-ң м-р-ы ұ-ы-. ---------------------- Ол адамның мұрны ұзын. 0
O---d-m--ñ mu-n---z--. O_ a______ m____ u____ O- a-a-n-ñ m-r-ı u-ı-. ---------------------- Ol adamnıñ murnı uzın.
He is carrying a cane in his hands. Қолы-а-тая---ст--ан. Қ_____ т___ ұ_______ Қ-л-н- т-я- ұ-т-ғ-н- -------------------- Қолына таяқ ұстаған. 0
Qo---------- -s-ağ-n. Q_____ t____ u_______ Q-l-n- t-y-q u-t-ğ-n- --------------------- Qolına tayaq ustağan.
He is also wearing a scarf around his neck. Мо-нын---а-ф-т--қан. М______ ш___ т______ М-й-ы-а ш-р- т-қ-а-. -------------------- Мойнына шарф таққан. 0
M---ına ş--- t-q-an. M______ ş___ t______ M-y-ı-a ş-r- t-q-a-. -------------------- Moynına şarf taqqan.
It is winter and it is cold. Қ------ыс--ә-- ---қ. Қ____ қ__ ж___ с____ Қ-з-р қ-с ж-н- с-ы-. -------------------- Қазір қыс және суық. 0
Q--ir --s ---e--w--. Q____ q__ j___ s____ Q-z-r q-s j-n- s-ı-. -------------------- Qazir qıs jäne swıq.
The arms are athletic. Қо-да-- -у--. Қ______ ж____ Қ-л-а-ы ж-а-. ------------- Қолдары жуан. 0
Qolda---j--n. Q______ j____ Q-l-a-ı j-a-. ------------- Qoldarı jwan.
The legs are also athletic. А--т--- ----ықты. А______ д_ м_____ А-қ-а-ы д- м-қ-ы- ----------------- Аяқтары да мықты. 0
A-a----ı-d- m-qtı. A_______ d_ m_____ A-a-t-r- d- m-q-ı- ------------------ Ayaqtarı da mıqtı.
The man is made of snow. А-ам қ-р-а- -а-а-ғ-н. А___ қ_____ ж________ А-а- қ-р-а- ж-с-л-а-. --------------------- Адам қардан жасалған. 0
Ada- -a-d-n-j----ğ--. A___ q_____ j________ A-a- q-r-a- j-s-l-a-. --------------------- Adam qardan jasalğan.
He is neither wearing pants nor a coat. Үс-і--- ша-б-р-д-- п-ль-- да -оқ. Ү______ ш_____ д__ п_____ д_ ж___ Ү-т-н-е ш-л-а- д-, п-л-т- д- ж-қ- --------------------------------- Үстінде шалбар да, пальто да жоқ. 0
Üsti-de şalbar---,-pa-----a --q. Ü______ ş_____ d__ p____ d_ j___ Ü-t-n-e ş-l-a- d-, p-l-o d- j-q- -------------------------------- Üstinde şalbar da, palto da joq.
But the man is not freezing. Бі--қ -л ад-- жаур-м-йды. Б____ о_ а___ ж__________ Б-р-қ о- а-а- ж-у-а-а-д-. ------------------------- Бірақ ол адам жаурамайды. 0
B-raq ol--dam ja-rama-dı. B____ o_ a___ j__________ B-r-q o- a-a- j-w-a-a-d-. ------------------------- Biraq ol adam jawramaydı.
He is a snowman. Ол-–-аққ-ла. О_ – а______ О- – а-қ-л-. ------------ Ол – аққала. 0
O--– -----a. O_ – a______ O- – a-q-l-. ------------ Ol – aqqala.

The language of our ancestors

Modern languages can be analyzed by linguists. Various methods are used to do so. But how did people speak thousands of years ago? It is much more difficult to answer this question. Despite this, scientists have been busy researching for years. They would like to explore how people spoke earlier. In order to do this, they attempt to reconstruct ancient speech forms. American scientists have now made an exciting discovery. They analyzed more than 2,000 languages. In particular they analyzed the sentence structure of the languages. The results of their study were very interesting. About half of the languages had the S-O-V sentence structure. That is to say, the sentences are ordered by subject, object and verb. More than 700 languages follow the pattern S-V-O. And about 160 languages operate according to the V-S-O system. Only about 40 languages use the V-O-S pattern. 120 languages display a hybrid. On the other hand, O-V-S and O-S-V are distinctly rarer systems. The majority of the analyzed languages use the S-O-V principle. Persian, Japanese and Turkish are some examples. Most living languages follow the S-V-O pattern, however. This sentence structure dominates the Indo-European language family today. Researchers believe that the S-O-V model was used earlier. All languages are based on this system. But then the languages diverged. We don't yet know how that happened. However, the variation of sentence structures must have had a reason. Because in evolution, only that which has an advantage prevails…