
en At the post office   »   be У паштовым аддзяленні

59 [fifty-nine]

At the post office

At the post office

59 [пяцьдзесят дзевяць]

59 [pyats’dzesyat dzevyats’]

У паштовым аддзяленні

[U pashtovym addzyalennі]

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English (UK) Belarusian Play More
Where is the nearest post office? Дзе з-----з--ца--л--эй-ае-а-дз-ленне -ош-ы? Д__ з__________ б________ а_________ п_____ Д-е з-а-о-з-ц-а б-і-э-ш-е а-д-я-е-н- п-ш-ы- ------------------------------------------- Дзе знаходзіцца бліжэйшае аддзяленне пошты? 0
D-e zn-khodz-tsts---lі-he--h-e-a-d-y-le--e-po----? D__ z_____________ b__________ a__________ p______ D-e z-a-h-d-і-s-s- b-і-h-y-h-e a-d-y-l-n-e p-s-t-? -------------------------------------------------- Dze znakhodzіtstsa blіzheyshae addzyalenne poshty?
Is the post office far from here? Ці-д-лё-а -а--ліж----г---ддз----ня -ош-ы? Ц_ д_____ д_ б_________ а_________ п_____ Ц- д-л-к- д- б-і-э-ш-г- а-д-я-е-н- п-ш-ы- ----------------------------------------- Ці далёка да бліжэйшага аддзялення пошты? 0
Tsі-dal------ bl--hey--a-a a-d-ya-en--a-po-h-y? T__ d_____ d_ b___________ a___________ p______ T-і d-l-k- d- b-і-h-y-h-g- a-d-y-l-n-y- p-s-t-? ----------------------------------------------- Tsі daleka da blіzheyshaga addzyalennya poshty?
Where is the nearest mail box? Дзе зн-хо--і-ц--бл-жэ---- па-то----с--ыня? Д__ з__________ б________ п_______ с______ Д-е з-а-о-з-ц-а б-і-э-ш-я п-ш-о-а- с-р-н-? ------------------------------------------ Дзе знаходзіцца бліжэйшая паштовая скрыня? 0
D-- -nakhod-іts----b-і-hey-h-y- pa---o-ay---k--ny-? D__ z_____________ b___________ p_________ s_______ D-e z-a-h-d-і-s-s- b-і-h-y-h-y- p-s-t-v-y- s-r-n-a- --------------------------------------------------- Dze znakhodzіtstsa blіzheyshaya pashtovaya skrynya?
I need a couple of stamps. Мне----р-б--я-н--а-ькі-па--о-ы--мар-к. М__ п________ н_______ п_______ м_____ М-е п-т-э-н-я н-к-л-к- п-ш-о-ы- м-р-к- -------------------------------------- Мне патрэбныя некалькі паштовых марак. 0
Mne-p-t----yy- -e-al’---pasht---k- ---a-. M__ p_________ n_______ p_________ m_____ M-e p-t-e-n-y- n-k-l-k- p-s-t-v-k- m-r-k- ----------------------------------------- Mne patrebnyya nekal’kі pashtovykh marak.
For a card and a letter. Дл--п-шт--к--і -іс-а. Д__ п_______ і л_____ Д-я п-ш-о-к- і л-с-а- --------------------- Для паштоўкі і ліста. 0
D--- --------і-- -іsta. D___ p________ і l_____ D-y- p-s-t-u-і і l-s-a- ----------------------- Dlya pashtoukі і lіsta.
How much is the postage to America? К-лькі--а--уе-п-р-с-л-а ў--мер---? К_____ к_____ п________ ў А_______ К-л-к- к-ш-у- п-р-с-л-а ў А-е-ы-у- ---------------------------------- Колькі каштуе перасылка ў Амерыку? 0
K---kі k-----e--eras---- ----ery--? K_____ k______ p________ u A_______ K-l-k- k-s-t-e p-r-s-l-a u A-e-y-u- ----------------------------------- Kol’kі kashtue perasylka u Ameryku?
How heavy is the package? К-ль------ыць ---ыл--? К_____ в_____ п_______ К-л-к- в-ж-ц- п-с-л-а- ---------------------- Колькі важыць пасылка? 0
Kol’k- -a-h---- -a-y---? K_____ v_______ p_______ K-l-k- v-z-y-s- p-s-l-a- ------------------------ Kol’kі vazhyts’ pasylka?
Can I send it by air mail? Ці ---- - ад----і-- я----і-по--а-? Ц_ м___ я а________ я_ а__________ Ц- м-г- я а-п-а-і-ь я- а-і-п-ш-а-? ---------------------------------- Ці магу я адправіць яе авіяпоштай? 0
Tsі -agu-y- -dpr-v--s’ ya--------pos--ay? T__ m___ y_ a_________ y___ a____________ T-і m-g- y- a-p-a-і-s- y-y- a-і-a-o-h-a-? ----------------------------------------- Tsі magu ya adpravіts’ yaye avіyaposhtay?
How long will it take to get there? Як----га-ян--б--зе і-ц-? Я_ д____ я__ б____ і____ Я- д-ў-а я-а б-д-е і-ц-? ------------------------ Як доўга яна будзе ісці? 0
Ya- d--g- y--a --dz--і--sі? Y__ d____ y___ b____ і_____ Y-k d-u-a y-n- b-d-e і-t-і- --------------------------- Yak douga yana budze іstsі?
Where can I make a call? Д---я м-г-----э--фа----ц-? Д__ я м___ п______________ Д-е я м-г- п-т-л-ф-н-в-ц-? -------------------------- Дзе я магу патэлефанаваць? 0
D-e y- ---u p-tele--nava-s-? D__ y_ m___ p_______________ D-e y- m-g- p-t-l-f-n-v-t-’- ---------------------------- Dze ya magu patelefanavats’?
Where is the nearest telephone booth? Д-е------д-іцц- -л--эй-а- тэ-ефо-ная-будка? Д__ з__________ б________ т_________ б_____ Д-е з-а-о-з-ц-а б-і-э-ш-я т-л-ф-н-а- б-д-а- ------------------------------------------- Дзе знаходзіцца бліжэйшая тэлефонная будка? 0
D-e--n-k-o---tstsa bl-z-eysha-- --lefon--y--bu--a? D__ z_____________ b___________ t__________ b_____ D-e z-a-h-d-і-s-s- b-і-h-y-h-y- t-l-f-n-a-a b-d-a- -------------------------------------------------- Dze znakhodzіtstsa blіzheyshaya telefonnaya budka?
Do you have calling cards? У Вас -с---т-л---н-ыя-к-рткі? У В__ ё___ т_________ к______ У В-с ё-ц- т-л-ф-н-ы- к-р-к-? ----------------------------- У Вас ёсць тэлефонныя карткі? 0
U Vas yos-s---el-f-n-yy--ka----? U V__ y_____ t__________ k______ U V-s y-s-s- t-l-f-n-y-a k-r-k-? -------------------------------- U Vas yosts’ telefonnyya kartkі?
Do you have a telephone directory? У-В---ё-ць-т--ефо--ы---ве-н--? У В__ ё___ т________ д________ У В-с ё-ц- т-л-ф-н-ы д-в-д-і-? ------------------------------ У Вас ёсць тэлефонны даведнік? 0
U --- yo-ts-----e--n-y --v-----? U V__ y_____ t________ d________ U V-s y-s-s- t-l-f-n-y d-v-d-і-? -------------------------------- U Vas yosts’ telefonny davednіk?
Do you know the area code for Austria? Ц----даеце-Вы-к-- -ў--р-і? Ц_ в______ В_ к__ А_______ Ц- в-д-е-е В- к-д А-с-р-і- -------------------------- Ці ведаеце Вы код Аўстрыі? 0
T-- ve---ts-----k-d-A-s-ry-? T__ v_______ V_ k__ A_______ T-і v-d-e-s- V- k-d A-s-r-і- ---------------------------- Tsі vedaetse Vy kod Austryі?
One moment, I’ll look it up. Х---ін-у,-- п-г-яджу. Х________ я п________ Х-і-і-к-, я п-г-я-ж-. --------------------- Хвілінку, я пагляджу. 0
Khvіlіn--- y--pa--yadz-u. K_________ y_ p__________ K-v-l-n-u- y- p-g-y-d-h-. ------------------------- Khvіlіnku, ya paglyadzhu.
The line is always busy. Лін----в-с- --с----я---. Л____ ў____ ч__ з_______ Л-н-я ў-е-ь ч-с з-н-т-я- ------------------------ Лінія ўвесь час занятая. 0
Lіnі-- u-e-’-c-a---a-y----a. L_____ u____ c___ z_________ L-n-y- u-e-’ c-a- z-n-a-a-a- ---------------------------- Lіnіya uves’ chas zanyataya.
Which number did you dial? Я-і --м-р-В-----ра--? Я__ н____ В_ н_______ Я-і н-м-р В- н-б-а-і- --------------------- Які нумар Вы набралі? 0
Yak- n-m-r Vy-n-br-l-? Y___ n____ V_ n_______ Y-k- n-m-r V- n-b-a-і- ---------------------- Yakі numar Vy nabralі?
You have to dial a zero first! Тр-б--с--ча----набра----уль! Т____ с_______ н______ н____ Т-э-а с-а-а-к- н-б-а-ь н-л-! ---------------------------- Трэба спачатку набраць нуль! 0
T-eba--p----t-- nabr-ts’ -ul-! T____ s________ n_______ n____ T-e-a s-a-h-t-u n-b-a-s- n-l-! ------------------------------ Treba spachatku nabrats’ nul’!

Feelings speak different languages too!

Many different languages are spoken around the world. There is no universal human language. But how is it for our facial expressions? Is the language of emotions universal? No, there are also differences here! It was long believed that all people expressed feelings the same way. The language of facial expressions was considered universally understood. Charles Darwin believed that feelings were of vital importance for humans. Therefore, they had to be understood equally in all cultures. But new studies are coming to a different result. They show that there are differences in the language of feelings too. That is, our facial expressions are influenced by our culture. Therefore, people around the world show and interpret feelings differently. Scientists distinguish six primary emotions. They are happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and surprise. But Europeans have different facial expressions to Asians. And they read different things from the same expressions. Various experiments have confirmed this. In them, test subjects were shown faces on a computer. The subjects were supposed to describe what they read in the faces. There are many reasons why the results differed. Feelings are shown more in some cultures than in others. The intensity of facial expressions is therefore not understood the same everywhere. Also, people from different cultures pay attention to different things. Asians concentrate on the eyes when reading facial expressions. Europeans and Americans, on the other hand, look at the mouth. One facial expression is understood in all cultures, however… That is a nice smile!