
en At the bank   »   ar ‫في المصرف‬

60 [sixty]

At the bank

At the bank

‫60 [ستون]

60 [stun]

‫في المصرف‬

fi albank

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I would like to open an account. ‫أر---أ- أ--ح -سا---. ‫____ أ_ أ___ ح_____ ‫-ر-د أ- أ-ت- ح-ا-ا-. --------------------- ‫أريد أن أفتح حساباً. 0
uri--an a-----hi-a---. u___ a_ a____ h_______ u-i- a- a-t-h h-s-b-n- ---------------------- urid an aftah hisaban.
Here is my passport. ه-- جو-ز س-ري. ه__ ج___ س____ ه-ا ج-ا- س-ر-. -------------- هذا جواز سفري. 0
had-a j-waz---f-ri. h____ j____ s______ h-d-a j-w-z s-f-r-. ------------------- hadha jawaz safari.
And here is my address. ‫و-ذ- هو -ن-ان-. ‫____ ه_ ع______ ‫-ه-ا ه- ع-و-ن-. ---------------- ‫وهذا هو عنواني. 0
w-hadha-h--a-e---a--. w______ h___ e_______ w-h-d-a h-w- e-n-a-i- --------------------- wahadha huwa eunwani.
I want to deposit money in my account. أ--د إي-----ل-مو-ل ف--حس---. أ___ إ____ ا______ ف_ ح_____ أ-ي- إ-د-ع ا-أ-و-ل ف- ح-ا-ي- ---------------------------- أريد إيداع الأموال في حسابي. 0
ur-d i--ae --a-wal fi-h--abi. u___ i____ a______ f_ h______ u-i- i-d-e a-a-w-l f- h-s-b-. ----------------------------- urid iidae alamwal fi hisabi.
I want to withdraw money from my account. أريد-س-ب ---م--ل -- -س--ي. أ___ س__ ا______ م_ ح_____ أ-ي- س-ب ا-أ-و-ل م- ح-ا-ي- -------------------------- أريد سحب الأموال من حسابي. 0
ur-- sahb a--mwa- m---h-----. u___ s___ a______ m__ h______ u-i- s-h- a-a-w-l m-n h-s-b-. ----------------------------- urid sahb alamwal min hisabi.
I want to pick up the bank statements. أ-ي- ج-ع-ك-وفات ا-ح-اب-ال--كي-. أ___ ج__ ك_____ ا_____ ا_______ أ-ي- ج-ع ك-و-ا- ا-ح-ا- ا-ب-ك-ة- ------------------------------- أريد جمع كشوفات الحساب البنكية. 0
ur------ie-k-----at a----ab----a----t. u___ j____ k_______ a______ a_________ u-i- j-m-e k-s-u-a- a-h-s-b a-b-n-i-t- -------------------------------------- urid jamie kushufat alhisab albankiat.
I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). ‫--ي- -ن أص-ف شيكاً--ي---ا-. ‫____ أ_ أ___ ش___ س______ ‫-ر-د أ- أ-ر- ش-ك-ً س-ا-ي-ً- ---------------------------- ‫أريد أن أصرف شيكاً سياحياً. 0
ur-d----a-r-f--ha---a- ---ah--an. u___ a_ a____ s_______ s_________ u-i- a- a-r-f s-a-k-a- s-y-h-a-n- --------------------------------- urid an asraf shaykaan siyahyaan.
What are the fees? ك- ----لرس--؟ ك_ ه_ ا______ ك- ه- ا-ر-و-؟ ------------- كم هي الرسوم؟ 0
k-- ----l--su-? k__ h_ a_______ k-m h- a-r-s-m- --------------- kam hi alrusum?
Where should I sign? أ-ن-ي-ب -ل- -- --ق-؟ أ__ ي__ ع__ أ_ أ____ أ-ن ي-ب ع-ي أ- أ-ق-؟ -------------------- أين يجب علي أن أوقع؟ 0
a-n- -aj-----la- an u-aqi-? a___ y____ e____ a_ u______ a-n- y-j-b e-l-y a- u-a-i-? --------------------------- ayna yajib ealay an uwaqie?
I’m expecting a transfer from Germany. ‫أنا-أنت-- حو-ل--م- أ--ا--ا. ‫___ أ____ ح____ م_ أ_______ ‫-ن- أ-ت-ر ح-ا-ة م- أ-م-ن-ا- ---------------------------- ‫أنا أنتظر حوالة من ألمانيا. 0
an- -ntaz-r---wal-t-m----l-a-i-. a__ a______ h______ m__ a_______ a-a a-t-z-r h-w-l-t m-n a-m-n-a- -------------------------------- ana antazir hawalat min almania.
Here is my account number. ‫هذ- -و رق- -س--ي. ‫___ ه_ ر__ ح_____ ‫-ذ- ه- ر-م ح-ا-ي- ------------------ ‫هذا هو رقم حسابي. 0
h---a hu-a-raqm hi-a-i. h____ h___ r___ h______ h-d-a h-w- r-q- h-s-b-. ----------------------- hadha huwa raqm hisabi.
Has the money arrived? هل وصل- الأ-وال؟ ه_ و___ ا_______ ه- و-ل- ا-أ-و-ل- ---------------- هل وصلت الأموال؟ 0
h-- w--ala- --a-wa-? h__ w______ a_______ h-l w-s-l-t a-a-w-l- -------------------- hal wasalat alamwal?
I want to change money. أري--ت-يير --ه----مو-ل. أ___ ت____ ه__ ا_______ أ-ي- ت-ي-ر ه-ه ا-أ-و-ل- ----------------------- أريد تغيير هذه الأموال. 0
ur---------- h--h---a-a--al. u___ t______ h_____ a_______ u-i- t-g-y-r h-d-i- a-a-w-l- ---------------------------- urid taghyir hadhih alamwal.
I need US-Dollars. ‫--- ب--جة إل- ----- -م-ر--. ‫___ ب____ إ__ د____ أ______ ‫-ن- ب-ا-ة إ-ى د-ل-ر أ-ي-ك-. ---------------------------- ‫أنا بحاجة إلى دولار أميركي. 0
a-a-b-h-j-t --la-----a- -mi-ik-. a__ b______ i____ d____ a_______ a-a b-h-j-t i-l-a d-l-r a-i-i-i- -------------------------------- ana bihajat iilaa dular amiriki.
Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? ‫---فضل-، -عطن- أوراقاً ن-----ص-ي--. ‫__ ف____ ا____ أ_____ ن____ ص_____ ‫-ن ف-ل-، ا-ط-ي أ-ر-ق-ً ن-د-ة ص-ي-ة- ------------------------------------ ‫من فضلك، اعطني أوراقاً نقدية صغيرة. 0
min-fad-i-,-ae-i-- -w-a- -----a- --g--rat. m__ f______ a_____ a____ n______ s________ m-n f-d-i-, a-t-n- a-r-q n-q-i-t s-g-i-a-. ------------------------------------------ min fadlik, aetini awraq naqdiat saghirat.
Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? ه---وجد ---ز -ر---------ا؟ ه_ ي___ ج___ ص___ آ__ ه___ ه- ي-ج- ج-ا- ص-ا- آ-ي ه-ا- -------------------------- هل يوجد جهاز صراف آلي هنا؟ 0
h-l--ujad -ih-- s---f--li-hun-? h__ y____ j____ s____ a__ h____ h-l y-j-d j-h-z s-r-f a-i h-n-? ------------------------------- hal yujad jihaz saraf ali huna?
How much money can one withdraw? م- ه--م-د-ر -لمال الذ- ي-كنك س---؟ م_ ه_ م____ ا____ ا___ ي____ س____ م- ه- م-د-ر ا-م-ل ا-ذ- ي-ك-ك س-ب-؟ ---------------------------------- ما هو مقدار المال الذي يمكنك سحبه؟ 0
ma-h- --qd----lma- --dhy yumk-nuk -a-bu-? m_ h_ m_____ a____ a____ y_______ s______ m- h- m-q-a- a-m-l a-d-y y-m-i-u- s-h-u-? ----------------------------------------- ma hu miqdar almal aldhy yumkinuk sahbuh?
Which credit cards can one use? م- -ي-بطاق-- ---ئ---- ا--ي -مك--- ------مها؟ م_ ه_ ب_____ ا_______ ا___ ي_____ ا_________ م- ه- ب-ا-ا- ا-ا-ت-ا- ا-ت- ي-ك-ن- ا-ت-د-م-ا- -------------------------------------------- ما هي بطاقات الائتمان التي يمكنني استخدامها؟ 0
ma -- -----at -lai-----n ---------i--ni ---i--m-luha? m_ h_ b______ a_________ a___ y________ i____________ m- h- b-t-q-t a-a-y-i-a- a-t- y-m-i-u-i i-t-e-m-l-h-? ----------------------------------------------------- ma hi bitaqat alaiytiman alty yumkinuni istiekmaluha?

Does a universal grammar exist?

When we learn a language, we also learn its grammar. When children learn their native language, this happens automatically. They don't notice that their brain is learning various rules. Despite this, they learn their native language correctly from the beginning. Given that many languages exist, many grammar systems exist too. But is there also a universal grammar? Scientists have been studying this for a long time. New studies could provide an answer. Because brain researchers have made an interesting discovery. They had test subjects study grammar rules. These subjects were language school students. They studied Japanese or Italian. Half of the grammar rules were totally fabricated. However, the test subjects didn't know that. The students were presented with sentences after studying. They had to assess whether or not the sentences were correct. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. That is to say, the researchers measured the activity of the brain. This way they could examine how the brain reacted to the sentences. And it appears that our brain recognizes grammar! When processing speech, certain brain areas are active. The Broca Center is one of them. It is located in the left cerebrum. When the students were faced with real grammar rules, it was very active. With the fabricated rules on the other hand, the activity decreased considerably. So it could be that all grammar systems have the same basis. Then they would all follow the same principles. And these principles would be inherent in us…