
en At the bank   »   kk Банкте

60 [sixty]

At the bank

At the bank

60 [алпыс]

60 [alpıs]



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I would like to open an account. М-н--о--а----- -еп---і-. М__ ш__ а_____ д__ е____ М-н ш-т а-а-ы- д-п е-і-. ------------------------ Мен шот ашайын деп едім. 0
M---ş-t aş-yı- d-p----m. M__ ş__ a_____ d__ e____ M-n ş-t a-a-ı- d-p e-i-. ------------------------ Men şot aşayın dep edim.
Here is my passport. Мын-у-- т-лқұж---м. М____ - т__________ М-н-у - т-л-ұ-а-ы-. ------------------- Мынау - төлқұжатым. 0
M-n-w --töl--ja---. M____ - t__________ M-n-w - t-l-u-a-ı-. ------------------- Mınaw - tölqujatım.
And here is my address. Мынау----е-енжа-ым. М____ - м__________ М-н-у - м-к-н-а-ы-. ------------------- Мынау - мекенжайым. 0
Mı-a- --me-enja-ım. M____ - m__________ M-n-w - m-k-n-a-ı-. ------------------- Mınaw - mekenjayım.
I want to deposit money in my account. Ш--ы-- -қш- -а---м--еп --ім. Ш_____ а___ с_____ д__ е____ Ш-т-м- а-ш- с-л-а- д-п е-і-. ---------------------------- Шотыма ақша салсам деп едім. 0
Şotıma ------a---m --p -dim. Ş_____ a___ s_____ d__ e____ Ş-t-m- a-ş- s-l-a- d-p e-i-. ---------------------------- Şotıma aqşa salsam dep edim.
I want to withdraw money from my account. Ш--ым-ан -қ-- -лс-м-д----д--. Ш_______ а___ а____ д__ е____ Ш-т-м-а- а-ш- а-с-м д-п е-і-. ----------------------------- Шотымнан ақша алсам деп едім. 0
Şo--m-an -qş- als-m-dep -di-. Ş_______ a___ a____ d__ e____ Ş-t-m-a- a-ş- a-s-m d-p e-i-. ----------------------------- Şotımnan aqşa alsam dep edim.
I want to pick up the bank statements. Ш--ы-н-н-ү-і--і көш--ме ---а--деп е-. Ш_______ ү_____ к______ а____ д__ е__ Ш-т-м-а- ү-і-д- к-ш-р-е а-с-м д-п е-. ------------------------------------- Шотымнан үзінді көшірме алсам деп ем. 0
Şo-----n-ü--n------i--e ---am -e- e-. Ş_______ ü_____ k______ a____ d__ e__ Ş-t-m-a- ü-i-d- k-ş-r-e a-s-m d-p e-. ------------------------------------- Şotımnan üzindi köşirme alsam dep em.
I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). Ж---чег--б-й---а --ш- -лғым-келед-. Ж__ ч___ б______ а___ а____ к______ Ж-л ч-г- б-й-н-а а-ш- а-ғ-м к-л-д-. ----------------------------------- Жол чегі бойынша ақша алғым келеді. 0
J-- --g--bo-------q-a-a------el---. J__ ç___ b______ a___ a____ k______ J-l ç-g- b-y-n-a a-ş- a-ğ-m k-l-d-. ----------------------------------- Jol çegi boyınşa aqşa alğım keledi.
What are the fees? К-----ия ----а? К_______ қ_____ К-м-с-и- қ-н-а- --------------- Комиссия қанша? 0
Kom---ïy--q-nşa? K________ q_____ K-m-s-ï-a q-n-a- ---------------- Komïssïya qanşa?
Where should I sign? Қа- -е----қол қ-яйын? Қ__ ж____ қ__ қ______ Қ-й ж-р-е қ-л қ-я-ы-? --------------------- Қай жерге қол қояйын? 0
Qay---r---qol-q-y-yı-? Q__ j____ q__ q_______ Q-y j-r-e q-l q-y-y-n- ---------------------- Qay jerge qol qoyayın?
I’m expecting a transfer from Germany. Г--ман-ядан ақ-- --д-р--ын-к--і- ж---едім. Г__________ а___ а________ к____ ж__ е____ Г-р-а-и-д-н а-ш- а-д-р-м-н к-т-п ж-р е-і-. ------------------------------------------ Германиядан ақша аударымын күтіп жүр едім. 0
G--ma-ï-ad----q-a-------mı- -ü-ip jür-e--m. G___________ a___ a________ k____ j__ e____ G-r-a-ï-a-a- a-ş- a-d-r-m-n k-t-p j-r e-i-. ------------------------------------------- Germanïyadan aqşa awdarımın kütip jür edim.
Here is my account number. М-------шоты------ө-ір-. М____ - ш_______ н______ М-н-у - ш-т-м-ы- н-м-р-. ------------------------ Мынау - шотымның нөмірі. 0
M-na----ş--ımn-ñ-n-mi--. M____ - ş_______ n______ M-n-w - ş-t-m-ı- n-m-r-. ------------------------ Mınaw - şotımnıñ nömiri.
Has the money arrived? Ақ-------- --? А___ т____ м__ А-ш- т-с-і м-? -------------- Ақша түсті ме? 0
A--a--üsti -e? A___ t____ m__ A-ş- t-s-i m-? -------------- Aqşa tüsti me?
I want to change money. Мына---шаны ------райы- -еп-е---. М___ а_____ а__________ д__ е____ М-н- а-ш-н- а-ы-т-р-й-н д-п е-і-. --------------------------------- Мына ақшаны ауыстырайын деп едім. 0
M-na aq-a-------t-r--ın---p e-im. M___ a_____ a__________ d__ e____ M-n- a-ş-n- a-ı-t-r-y-n d-p e-i-. --------------------------------- Mına aqşanı awıstırayın dep edim.
I need US-Dollars. М---н-АҚ--дол---- -е--к. М____ А__ д______ к_____ М-ғ-н А-Ш д-л-а-ы к-р-к- ------------------------ Маған АҚШ доллары керек. 0
M--an-A-- --l---ı-ker-k. M____ A__ d______ k_____ M-ğ-n A-Ş d-l-a-ı k-r-k- ------------------------ Mağan AQŞ dolları kerek.
Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? Ұ--- б--кн-т-ар-а---е-іңізш-. Ұ___ б____________ б_________ Ұ-а- б-н-н-т-а-д-н б-р-ң-з-і- ----------------------------- Ұсақ банкноттардан беріңізші. 0
U-aq b-nk-ot-ar--n---r---zş-. U___ b____________ b_________ U-a- b-n-n-t-a-d-n b-r-ñ-z-i- ----------------------------- Usaq banknottardan beriñizşi.
Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? М-нд- б------т-бар --? М____ б_______ б__ м__ М-н-а б-н-о-а- б-р м-? ---------------------- Мұнда банкомат бар ма? 0
M--d--banko----b-r-m-? M____ b_______ b__ m__ M-n-a b-n-o-a- b-r m-? ---------------------- Munda bankomat bar ma?
How much money can one withdraw? Қанша-а-ша шеш-ге-бола--? Қ____ а___ ш_____ б______ Қ-н-а а-ш- ш-ш-г- б-л-д-? ------------------------- Қанша ақша шешуге болады? 0
Qa-şa -----ş--wge---la-ı? Q____ a___ ş_____ b______ Q-n-a a-ş- ş-ş-g- b-l-d-? ------------------------- Qanşa aqşa şeşwge boladı?
Which credit cards can one use? Қ-н-ай-не-и----р-а--н п---а-а-са-бо-ад-? Қ_____ н____ к_______ п_________ б______ Қ-н-а- н-с-е к-р-а-ы- п-й-а-а-с- б-л-д-? ---------------------------------------- Қандай несие картасын пайдаланса болады? 0
Q---ay-n--ï- kart---n-pa-da-a--- b--ad-? Q_____ n____ k_______ p_________ b______ Q-n-a- n-s-e k-r-a-ı- p-y-a-a-s- b-l-d-? ---------------------------------------- Qanday nesïe kartasın paydalansa boladı?

Does a universal grammar exist?

When we learn a language, we also learn its grammar. When children learn their native language, this happens automatically. They don't notice that their brain is learning various rules. Despite this, they learn their native language correctly from the beginning. Given that many languages exist, many grammar systems exist too. But is there also a universal grammar? Scientists have been studying this for a long time. New studies could provide an answer. Because brain researchers have made an interesting discovery. They had test subjects study grammar rules. These subjects were language school students. They studied Japanese or Italian. Half of the grammar rules were totally fabricated. However, the test subjects didn't know that. The students were presented with sentences after studying. They had to assess whether or not the sentences were correct. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. That is to say, the researchers measured the activity of the brain. This way they could examine how the brain reacted to the sentences. And it appears that our brain recognizes grammar! When processing speech, certain brain areas are active. The Broca Center is one of them. It is located in the left cerebrum. When the students were faced with real grammar rules, it was very active. With the fabricated rules on the other hand, the activity decreased considerably. So it could be that all grammar systems have the same basis. Then they would all follow the same principles. And these principles would be inherent in us…