
en At the bank   »   ti ኣብ ባንክ

60 [sixty]

At the bank

At the bank

60 [ሱሳ]

60 [susa]

ኣብ ባንክ

abi baniki

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I would like to open an account. ኣ- ሓ- ኮን- -ኸፍ--ደ--። ኣ_ ሓ_ ኮ__ ክ___ ደ___ ኣ- ሓ- ኮ-ቶ ክ-ፍ- ደ-የ- ------------------- ኣነ ሓደ ኮንቶ ክኸፍት ደልየ። 0
an- --a-e -o---o kiẖe---- d-li--። a__ ḥ___ k_____ k_______ d______ a-e h-a-e k-n-t- k-h-e-i-i d-l-y-። ---------------------------------- ane ḥade konito kiẖefiti deliye።
Here is my passport. ኣብ--እንሆ- ፓ-ፖር-ይ ። ኣ__ እ___ ፓ_____ ። ኣ-ዚ እ-ሆ- ፓ-ፖ-ተ- ። ----------------- ኣብዚ እንሆለ ፓስፖርተይ ። 0
a--zī-in--ol----sip-ri---- ። a____ i______ p___________ ። a-i-ī i-i-o-e p-s-p-r-t-y- ። ---------------------------- abizī inihole pasiporiteyi ።
And here is my address. ኣድ-ሻ---ን---- --። ኣ_______ ኣ__ ኣ__ ኣ-ራ-ይ-ው- ኣ-ዚ ኣ-። ---------------- ኣድራሻይ‘ውን ኣብዚ ኣሎ። 0
a---ashayi‘---i-a-izī---o። a______________ a____ a___ a-i-a-h-y-‘-i-i a-i-ī a-o- -------------------------- adirashayi‘wini abizī alo።
I want to deposit money in my account. ገን-- -ብ ኮን-ይ ከ-ቱ-ደ--። ገ___ ኣ_ ኮ___ ከ__ ደ___ ገ-ዘ- ኣ- ኮ-ቶ- ከ-ቱ ደ-የ- --------------------- ገንዘብ ኣብ ኮንቶይ ከእቱ ደልየ። 0
g---z--- a-i-kon-t-yi-k-’i-u d-li-e። g_______ a__ k_______ k_____ d______ g-n-z-b- a-i k-n-t-y- k-’-t- d-l-y-። ------------------------------------ genizebi abi konitoyi ke’itu deliye።
I want to withdraw money from my account. ገ-ዘ--------ይ --ጽ- ደል-። ገ___ ካ_ ኮ___ ከ___ ደ___ ገ-ዘ- ካ- ኮ-ቶ- ከ-ጽ- ደ-የ- ---------------------- ገንዘብ ካብ ኮንቶይ ከውጽእ ደልየ። 0
g-nize-i --b- -o-it--- -ew---’----d--i--። g_______ k___ k_______ k_________ d______ g-n-z-b- k-b- k-n-t-y- k-w-t-’-’- d-l-y-። ----------------------------------------- genizebi kabi konitoyi kewits’i’i deliye።
I want to pick up the bank statements. ናይ -ን----ውን--ጻ-- --ጋገ- ወረቐ- ከም---ደልየ። ና_ ባ__ ኣ________ መ____ ወ___ ከ___ ደ___ ና- ባ-ኪ ኣ-ው---ጻ-ን መ-ጋ-ጺ ወ-ቐ- ከ-ጽ- ደ-የ- ------------------------------------- ናይ ባንኪ ኣታውን-ወጻእን መረጋገጺ ወረቐት ከምጽእ ደልየ። 0
nayi-b--i-ī ataw-ni--et-’-’i-i m-re-----s-- -ereḵ’et---e-its--’i--e----። n___ b_____ a_________________ m___________ w________ k_________ d______ n-y- b-n-k- a-a-i-i-w-t-’-’-n- m-r-g-g-t-’- w-r-k-’-t- k-m-t-’-’- d-l-y-። ------------------------------------------------------------------------- nayi banikī atawini-wets’a’ini meregagets’ī wereḵ’eti kemits’i’i deliye።
I want to cash a traveller’s cheque / traveler’s check (am.). „-ክ- ናይ---ሻ ክ--ም----። „___ ና_ መ__ ክ___ ደ___ „-ክ- ና- መ-ሻ ክ-ቐ- ደ-የ- --------------------- „ቸክ“ ናይ መገሻ ክጥቐም ደልየ። 0
„--e--“-n-yi -ege-ha ----ik--em- -e--ye። „______ n___ m______ k_________ d______ „-h-k-“ n-y- m-g-s-a k-t-i-̱-e-i d-l-y-። ---------------------------------------- „cheki“ nayi megesha kit’iḵ’emi deliye።
What are the fees? ቀ-- ---ን-ይ ድዩ? ቀ__ ከ ክ___ ድ__ ቀ-ጽ ከ ክ-ደ- ድ-? -------------- ቀረጽ ከ ክንደይ ድዩ? 0
k-er-ts---ke-k-----yi----u? k________ k_ k_______ d____ k-e-e-s-i k- k-n-d-y- d-y-? --------------------------- k’erets’i ke kinideyi diyu?
Where should I sign? ኣ-ይ-ኣየ-ክፍ-- --ኒ? ኣ__ ኣ_ ክ___ ዘ___ ኣ-ይ ኣ- ክ-ር- ዘ-ኒ- ---------------- ኣበይ ኣየ ክፍርም ዘለኒ? 0
a-e-- a----ifir--i-----nī? a____ a__ k_______ z______ a-e-i a-e k-f-r-m- z-l-n-? -------------------------- abeyi aye kifirimi zelenī?
I’m expecting a transfer from Germany. ኣ- ካ- -ር---ክፍሊ----ክ --- ---። ኣ_ ካ_ ጀ___ ክ_______ እ__ ኣ___ ኣ- ካ- ጀ-መ- ክ-ሊ---ን- እ-በ ኣ-ኹ- ---------------------------- ኣነ ካብ ጀርመን ክፍሊት-ባንክ እጽበ ኣሎኹ። 0
a-e ---i --ri-en----f-līti---nik--it--i-e-a-oh-u። a__ k___ j_______ k______________ i______ a_____ a-e k-b- j-r-m-n- k-f-l-t---a-i-i i-s-i-e a-o-̱-። ------------------------------------------------- ane kabi jerimeni kifilīti-baniki its’ibe aloẖu።
Here is my account number. ቁጽ- --ቶ----ዚ-----። ቁ__ ኮ___ ኣ__ እ____ ቁ-ሪ ኮ-ቶ- ኣ-ዚ እ-ሀ-። ------------------ ቁጽሪ ኮንቶይ ኣብዚ እንሀለ። 0
k’ut-’irī-k-n-t-y--a-iz----ih-l-። k________ k_______ a____ i_______ k-u-s-i-ī k-n-t-y- a-i-ī i-i-ā-e- --------------------------------- k’uts’irī konitoyi abizī inihāle።
Has the money arrived? እቲ----- ኣ-ዩ-ዶ? እ_ ገ___ ኣ__ ዶ_ እ- ገ-ዘ- ኣ-ዩ ዶ- -------------- እቲ ገንዘብ ኣትዩ ዶ? 0
it- gen-ze-i-at--u-d-? i__ g_______ a____ d__ i-ī g-n-z-b- a-i-u d-? ---------------------- itī genizebi atiyu do?
I want to change money. ኣ--ነ- ---ብ-ክቕይሮ--ል-። ኣ_ ነ_ ገ___ ክ___ ደ___ ኣ- ነ- ገ-ዘ- ክ-ይ- ደ-የ- -------------------- ኣነ ነዚ ገንዘብ ክቕይሮ ደልየ። 0
an----z---e-izeb- --k-’i-iro--el-ye። a__ n___ g_______ k________ d______ a-e n-z- g-n-z-b- k-k-’-y-r- d-l-y-። ------------------------------------ ane nezī genizebi kiḵ’iyiro deliye።
I need US-Dollars. ዩ-ስ-ዶላር የድ--ኒ--ሎ። ዩ______ የ____ ኣ__ ዩ-ስ-ዶ-ር የ-ል-ኒ ኣ-። ----------------- ዩኤስ-ዶላር የድልየኒ ኣሎ። 0
yu-ēs----l--- -----i-en---lo። y____________ y_________ a___ y-’-s---o-a-i y-d-l-y-n- a-o- ----------------------------- yu’ēsi-dolari yediliyenī alo።
Could you please give me small notes / bills (am.)? በ--ም-ሽሩ----ኒ። በ___ ሽ__ ሃ___ በ-ኹ- ሽ-ፍ ሃ-ኒ- ------------- በጃኹም ሽሩፍ ሃቡኒ። 0
b-jaẖ-m----i-uf- ha--n-። b_______ s______ h______ b-j-h-u-i s-i-u-i h-b-n-። ------------------------- bejaẖumi shirufi habunī።
Is there a cashpoint / an ATM (am.)? ኣ----ይ-ገን-ብማሺ---- ዶ? ኣ__ ና_ ገ______ ኣ_ ዶ_ ኣ-ዚ ና- ገ-ዘ-ማ-ን ኣ- ዶ- -------------------- ኣብዚ ናይ ገንዘብማሺን ኣሎ ዶ? 0
abizī n-y--g-ni---imash-----lo -o? a____ n___ g______________ a__ d__ a-i-ī n-y- g-n-z-b-m-s-ī-i a-o d-? ---------------------------------- abizī nayi genizebimashīni alo do?
How much money can one withdraw? ክሳ- -ንደይ ገ--ብ ክ--ጽእ--ኽ--? ክ__ ክ___ ገ___ ክ____ ት____ ክ-ብ ክ-ደ- ገ-ዘ- ክ-ው-እ ት-እ-? ------------------------- ክሳብ ክንደይ ገንዘብ ክትውጽእ ትኽእል? 0
k----- k-----yi--en-zebi ------t----- tih-i’i-i? k_____ k_______ g_______ k___________ t________ k-s-b- k-n-d-y- g-n-z-b- k-t-w-t-’-’- t-h-i-i-i- ------------------------------------------------ kisabi kinideyi genizebi kitiwits’i’i tiẖi’ili?
Which credit cards can one use? ኣየኖት -ርዲ- --ዳ--ኢ- ክ--ቐ------? ኣ___ ክ___ ካ___ ኢ_ ክ____ ት____ ኣ-ኖ- ክ-ዲ- ካ-ዳ- ኢ- ክ-ጥ-ም ት-እ-? ----------------------------- ኣየኖት ክርዲት ካርዳት ኢኻ ክትጥቐም ትኽእል? 0
a--n-----iridīti-k--i-at- ī-̱------t’ik-’e-- -iẖ-’---? a______ k_______ k_______ ī__ k___________ t________ a-e-o-i k-r-d-t- k-r-d-t- ī-̱- k-t-t-i-̱-e-i t-h-i-i-i- ------------------------------------------------------- ayenoti kiridīti karidati īẖa kitit’iḵ’emi tiẖi’ili?

Does a universal grammar exist?

When we learn a language, we also learn its grammar. When children learn their native language, this happens automatically. They don't notice that their brain is learning various rules. Despite this, they learn their native language correctly from the beginning. Given that many languages exist, many grammar systems exist too. But is there also a universal grammar? Scientists have been studying this for a long time. New studies could provide an answer. Because brain researchers have made an interesting discovery. They had test subjects study grammar rules. These subjects were language school students. They studied Japanese or Italian. Half of the grammar rules were totally fabricated. However, the test subjects didn't know that. The students were presented with sentences after studying. They had to assess whether or not the sentences were correct. While they were working through the sentences, their brains were analyzed. That is to say, the researchers measured the activity of the brain. This way they could examine how the brain reacted to the sentences. And it appears that our brain recognizes grammar! When processing speech, certain brain areas are active. The Broca Center is one of them. It is located in the left cerebrum. When the students were faced with real grammar rules, it was very active. With the fabricated rules on the other hand, the activity decreased considerably. So it could be that all grammar systems have the same basis. Then they would all follow the same principles. And these principles would be inherent in us…