
en Possessive pronouns 2   »   bg Притежателни местоимения 2

67 [sixty-seven]

Possessive pronouns 2

Possessive pronouns 2

67 [шейсет и седем]

67 [sheyset i sedem]

Притежателни местоимения 2

[Pritezhatelni mestoimeniya 2]

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the glasses О--ла О____ О-и-а ----- Очила 0
O-hi-a O_____ O-h-l- ------ Ochila
He has forgotten his glasses. Т-й -абр-ви-св-и-е---и-а / о-и-а-а с-. Т__ з______ с_____ о____ / о______ с__ Т-й з-б-а-и с-о-т- о-и-а / о-и-а-а с-. -------------------------------------- Той забрави своите очила / очилата си. 0
To- zab--vi-sv-i---o-hila-- --hi---a---. T__ z______ s_____ o_____ / o_______ s__ T-y z-b-a-i s-o-t- o-h-l- / o-h-l-t- s-. ---------------------------------------- Toy zabravi svoite ochila / ochilata si.
Where has he left his glasses? Къ-е----с- негови-- очил- - о-----а -у? К___ л_ с_ н_______ о____ / о______ м__ К-д- л- с- н-г-в-т- о-и-а / о-и-а-а м-? --------------------------------------- Къде ли са неговите очила / очилата му? 0
Kyde----sa--e--v-te--c-ila-- -chilat- mu? K___ l_ s_ n_______ o_____ / o_______ m__ K-d- l- s- n-g-v-t- o-h-l- / o-h-l-t- m-? ----------------------------------------- Kyde li sa negovite ochila / ochilata mu?
the clock Ча--вник Ч_______ Ч-с-в-и- -------- Часовник 0
C--s-v-ik C________ C-a-o-n-k --------- Chasovnik
His clock isn’t working. Н-гови-- часовни----ча------ъ- му е ----е-ен. Н_______ ч_______ / ч_________ м_ е п________ Н-г-в-я- ч-с-в-и- / ч-с-в-и-ъ- м- е п-в-е-е-. --------------------------------------------- Неговият часовник / часовникът му е повреден. 0
Ne-o---a--ch-s-v-ik-/ ---s----k-t--u ye--o-reden. N________ c________ / c__________ m_ y_ p________ N-g-v-y-t c-a-o-n-k / c-a-o-n-k-t m- y- p-v-e-e-. ------------------------------------------------- Negoviyat chasovnik / chasovnikyt mu ye povreden.
The clock hangs on the wall. Ч-со-ни--т-в--и н--с-е----. Ч_________ в___ н_ с_______ Ч-с-в-и-ъ- в-с- н- с-е-а-а- --------------------------- Часовникът виси на стената. 0
Chasovn-k-----s--n- -te--ta. C__________ v___ n_ s_______ C-a-o-n-k-t v-s- n- s-e-a-a- ---------------------------- Chasovnikyt visi na stenata.
the passport П--по-т П______ П-с-о-т ------- Паспорт 0
Pasp-rt P______ P-s-o-t ------- Pasport
He has lost his passport. То- ---уб- ---я па--о-т-- --с-о--а с-. Т__ з_____ с___ п______ / п_______ с__ Т-й з-г-б- с-о- п-с-о-т / п-с-о-т- с-. -------------------------------------- Той загуби своя паспорт / паспорта си. 0
T-- z-g-bi --oya-pa--------pa--orta-s-. T__ z_____ s____ p______ / p_______ s__ T-y z-g-b- s-o-a p-s-o-t / p-s-o-t- s-. --------------------------------------- Toy zagubi svoya pasport / pasporta si.
Where is his passport then? К--е л- - --г-в----п---орт - --с-о-т-т-му? К___ л_ е н_______ п______ / п________ м__ К-д- л- е н-г-в-я- п-с-о-т / п-с-о-т-т м-? ------------------------------------------ Къде ли е неговият паспорт / паспортът му? 0
Ky-e l- ---negov--at -a-p-r- / -a--o--y- -u? K___ l_ y_ n________ p______ / p________ m__ K-d- l- y- n-g-v-y-t p-s-o-t / p-s-o-t-t m-? -------------------------------------------- Kyde li ye negoviyat pasport / pasportyt mu?
they – their те - --хе- / с-ои - си т_ – т____ / с___ / с_ т- – т-х-н / с-о- / с- ---------------------- те – техен / свои / си 0
te-–--e-hen---svo- / -i t_ – t_____ / s___ / s_ t- – t-k-e- / s-o- / s- ----------------------- te – tekhen / svoi / si
The children cannot find their parents. Д--ат- не-могат-д----м--я- с-о-т--ро-----и-/ -о---ели-- --. Д_____ н_ м____ д_ н______ с_____ р_______ / р_________ с__ Д-ц-т- н- м-г-т д- н-м-р-т с-о-т- р-д-т-л- / р-д-т-л-т- с-. ----------------------------------------------------------- Децата не могат да намерят своите родители / родителите си. 0
De-sa-a ne--oga---a-n-mer--t -v--t--r-di-el- --rod-t---t- s-. D______ n_ m____ d_ n_______ s_____ r_______ / r_________ s__ D-t-a-a n- m-g-t d- n-m-r-a- s-o-t- r-d-t-l- / r-d-t-l-t- s-. ------------------------------------------------------------- Detsata ne mogat da nameryat svoite roditeli / roditelite si.
Here come their parents! Но -й -ам--е-ни-е ----т----/ родите---е-и--идв-т! Н_ е_ т__ т______ р_______ / р_________ и_ и_____ Н- е- т-м т-х-и-е р-д-т-л- / р-д-т-л-т- и- и-в-т- ------------------------------------------------- Но ей там техните родители / родителите им идват! 0
N- yey ----te-------r-di-e-- ----dit---te-im i----! N_ y__ t__ t_______ r_______ / r_________ i_ i_____ N- y-y t-m t-k-n-t- r-d-t-l- / r-d-t-l-t- i- i-v-t- --------------------------------------------------- No yey tam tekhnite roditeli / roditelite im idvat!
you – your Вие ---а--/-Ви В__ – В__ / В_ В-е – В-ш / В- -------------- Вие – Ваш / Ви 0
V-e – V----- Vi V__ – V___ / V_ V-e – V-s- / V- --------------- Vie – Vash / Vi
How was your trip, Mr. Miller? Как--е----ашет-----у-а---/--ъту--н-т--Ви,---спо-ин--ю---? К__ б___ В_____ п_______ / п_________ В__ г_______ М_____ К-к б-ш- В-ш-т- п-т-в-н- / п-т-в-н-т- В-, г-с-о-и- М-л-р- --------------------------------------------------------- Как беше Вашето пътуване / пътуването Ви, господин Мюлер? 0
K-k ---h- V---e-o ----va-- /----u-----o--i- -ospo-in--yu-er? K__ b____ V______ p_______ / p_________ V__ g_______ M______ K-k b-s-e V-s-e-o p-t-v-n- / p-t-v-n-t- V-, g-s-o-i- M-u-e-? ------------------------------------------------------------ Kak beshe Vasheto pytuvane / pytuvaneto Vi, gospodin Myuler?
Where is your wife, Mr. Miller? К-д--е Вашат- же-- - же---В-- ----од-н М--ер? К___ е В_____ ж___ / ж___ В__ г_______ М_____ К-д- е В-ш-т- ж-н- / ж-н- В-, г-с-о-и- М-л-р- --------------------------------------------- Къде е Вашата жена / жена Ви, господин Мюлер? 0
Ky-- -- Vashata z-ena / -hena--i,--ospo-i--Myu---? K___ y_ V______ z____ / z____ V__ g_______ M______ K-d- y- V-s-a-a z-e-a / z-e-a V-, g-s-o-i- M-u-e-? -------------------------------------------------- Kyde ye Vashata zhena / zhena Vi, gospodin Myuler?
you – your Вие-- Ва--/ Ви В__ – В__ / В_ В-е – В-ш / В- -------------- Вие – Ваш / Ви 0
Vie - ---h-- Vi V__ – V___ / V_ V-e – V-s- / V- --------------- Vie – Vash / Vi
How was your trip, Mrs. Smith? Ка- -еш- В-шет--п---ва-е-- --ту-ане-о--и,-го-п-жо Ш--т? К__ б___ В_____ п_______ / п_________ В__ г______ Ш____ К-к б-ш- В-ш-т- п-т-в-н- / п-т-в-н-т- В-, г-с-о-о Ш-и-? ------------------------------------------------------- Как беше Вашето пътуване / пътуването Ви, госпожо Шмит? 0
Kak-b---e-Va---t--p--uv-ne - pyt--a--to V-,--o-poz-o----it? K__ b____ V______ p_______ / p_________ V__ g_______ S_____ K-k b-s-e V-s-e-o p-t-v-n- / p-t-v-n-t- V-, g-s-o-h- S-m-t- ----------------------------------------------------------- Kak beshe Vasheto pytuvane / pytuvaneto Vi, gospozho Shmit?
Where is your husband, Mrs. Smith? К-д- - Ва---------- мъ-ът-В-,-г-с-о---Ш-ит? К___ е В_____ м__ / м____ В__ г______ Ш____ К-д- е В-ш-я- м-ж / м-ж-т В-, г-с-о-о Ш-и-? ------------------------------------------- Къде е Вашият мъж / мъжът Ви, госпожо Шмит? 0
Ky-e ---Vas-i--- -yz- --m----- --- g-sp-z-o-----t? K___ y_ V_______ m___ / m_____ V__ g_______ S_____ K-d- y- V-s-i-a- m-z- / m-z-y- V-, g-s-o-h- S-m-t- -------------------------------------------------- Kyde ye Vashiyat myzh / myzhyt Vi, gospozho Shmit?

Genetic mutation makes speaking possible

Man is the only living creature on Earth that can speak. This distinguishes him from animals and plants. Of course animals and plants also communicate with each other. However, they do not speak a complex syllable language. But why can man speak? Certain physical features are needed in order to be able to speak. These physical features are only found in humans. However, that does not necessarily mean that man developed them. In evolutionary history, nothing happens without a reason. Somewhere along the line, man began to speak. We do not yet know when exactly that was. But something must have happened that gave man speech. Researchers believe that a genetic mutation was responsible. Anthropologists have compared the genetic material of various living beings. It is well known that a particular gene influences speech. People in which it is damaged have problems with speech. They can't express themselves well and have a hard time understanding words. This gene was examined in people, apes, and mice. It is very similar in humans and chimpanzees. Only two small differences can be identified. But these differences make their presence known in the brain. Together with other genes, they influence certain brain activities. Thus humans can speak, whereas apes cannot. However, the riddle of the human language is not yet solved. For the gene mutation alone is not enough to enable speech. Researchers implanted the human gene variant in mice. It didn't give them the ability to speak… But their squeaks made quite a racket!