
en Big – small   »   ru Большой / -ая – маленький / -ая

68 [sixty-eight]

Big – small

Big – small

68 [шестьдесят восемь]

68 [shestʹdesyat vosemʹ]

Большой / -ая – маленький / -ая

[Bolʹshoy / -aya – malenʹkiy / -aya]

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big and small Боль--й-- -ая-и--а-ен--ий-- --я Б______ / -__ и м________ / -__ Б-л-ш-й / --я и м-л-н-к-й / --я ------------------------------- Большой / -ая и маленький / -ая 0
Bo-ʹ--oy ---aya-i-malenʹ--- / --ya B_______ / -___ i m________ / -___ B-l-s-o- / --y- i m-l-n-k-y / --y- ---------------------------------- Bolʹshoy / -aya i malenʹkiy / -aya
The elephant is big. Сл-----л-ш-й. С___ б_______ С-о- б-л-ш-й- ------------- Слон большой. 0
S--n----ʹ-h--. S___ b________ S-o- b-l-s-o-. -------------- Slon bolʹshoy.
The mouse is small. М-ш----л-нька-. М___ м_________ М-ш- м-л-н-к-я- --------------- Мышь маленькая. 0
Mysh- ma-e---a-a. M____ m__________ M-s-ʹ m-l-n-k-y-. ----------------- Myshʹ malenʹkaya.
dark and bright Тё-н-й ---ая --с-ет-ый /--ая Т_____ / -__ и с______ / -__ Т-м-ы- / --я и с-е-л-й / --я ---------------------------- Тёмный / -ая и светлый / -ая 0
Tëm--y /--aya - -v---yy-/---ya T_____ / -___ i s______ / -___ T-m-y- / --y- i s-e-l-y / --y- ------------------------------ Tëmnyy / -aya i svetlyy / -aya
The night is dark. Н-----ёмная. Н___ т______ Н-ч- т-м-а-. ------------ Ночь тёмная. 0
N-c------n-ya. N____ t_______ N-c-ʹ t-m-a-a- -------------- Nochʹ tëmnaya.
The day is bright. День-с-е-л--. Д___ с_______ Д-н- с-е-л-й- ------------- День светлый. 0
Denʹ svetlyy. D___ s_______ D-n- s-e-l-y- ------------- Denʹ svetlyy.
old and young Ст-----/--ая---мол-д-й / -ая С_____ / -__ и м______ / -__ С-а-ы- / --я и м-л-д-й / --я ---------------------------- Старый / -ая и молодой / -ая 0
Star-- ---aya---m--od-y / -aya S_____ / -___ i m______ / -___ S-a-y- / --y- i m-l-d-y / --y- ------------------------------ Staryy / -aya i molodoy / -aya
Our grandfather is very old. На--д-ду--а--чень--т-ры-. Н__ д______ о____ с______ Н-ш д-д-ш-а о-е-ь с-а-ы-. ------------------------- Наш дедушка очень старый. 0
N-s- ---u-h-a-oc-e-------y-. N___ d_______ o_____ s______ N-s- d-d-s-k- o-h-n- s-a-y-. ---------------------------- Nash dedushka ochenʹ staryy.
70 years ago he was still young. 70-ле--на--д-он------ыл-м-л--ым. 7_ л__ н____ о_ е__ б__ м_______ 7- л-т н-з-д о- е-ё б-л м-л-д-м- -------------------------------- 70 лет назад он ещё был молодым. 0
7---e-----ad-on-y-----ë--yl -o-od-m. 7_ l__ n____ o_ y______ b__ m_______ 7- l-t n-z-d o- y-s-c-ë b-l m-l-d-m- ------------------------------------ 70 let nazad on yeshchë byl molodym.
beautiful and ugly К--си-ы-----ая и -род-ив-- / --я К_______ / -__ и у________ / -__ К-а-и-ы- / --я и у-о-л-в-й / --я -------------------------------- Красивый / -ая и уродливый / -ая 0
K---iv-- ----ya i -r---ivy--- -a-a K_______ / -___ i u________ / -___ K-a-i-y- / --y- i u-o-l-v-y / --y- ---------------------------------- Krasivyy / -aya i urodlivyy / -aya
The butterfly is beautiful. Бабочка красив-я. Б______ к________ Б-б-ч-а к-а-и-а-. ----------------- Бабочка красивая. 0
B--o-h---kr-s-v--a. B_______ k_________ B-b-c-k- k-a-i-a-a- ------------------- Babochka krasivaya.
The spider is ugly. П--к -----ив--. П___ у_________ П-у- у-о-л-в-й- --------------- Паук уродливый. 0
Pa-- ur--l-v-y. P___ u_________ P-u- u-o-l-v-y- --------------- Pauk urodlivyy.
fat and thin Т-л-тый / ----и -удо- / --я Т______ / -__ и х____ / -__ Т-л-т-й / --я и х-д-й / --я --------------------------- Толстый / -ая и худой / -ая 0
T-----y ----ya --khud-y-/ -a-a T______ / -___ i k_____ / -___ T-l-t-y / --y- i k-u-o- / --y- ------------------------------ Tolstyy / -aya i khudoy / -aya
A woman who weighs a hundred kilos is fat. Ж--щина,--еся----10---илограм--в--т--с-а-. Ж_______ в______ 1__ к___________ т_______ Ж-н-и-а- в-с-щ-я 1-0 к-л-г-а-м-в- т-л-т-я- ------------------------------------------ Женщина, весящая 100 килограммов, толстая. 0
Zhen-----na---es--shchay- 100-ki-o-r---o-,-t---ta-a. Z___________ v___________ 1__ k___________ t________ Z-e-s-c-i-a- v-s-a-h-h-y- 1-0 k-l-g-a-m-v- t-l-t-y-. ---------------------------------------------------- Zhenshchina, vesyashchaya 100 kilogrammov, tolstaya.
A man who weighs fifty kilos is thin. Му----а--в-ся-и- ---к-лог-амм--, -у--й. М_______ в______ 5_ к___________ х_____ М-ж-и-а- в-с-щ-й 5- к-л-г-а-м-в- х-д-й- --------------------------------------- Мужчина, весящий 50 килограммов, худой. 0
Muzh--in-,-v-s----c-iy 5- -i-og--mmo---kh--o-. M_________ v__________ 5_ k___________ k______ M-z-c-i-a- v-s-a-h-h-y 5- k-l-g-a-m-v- k-u-o-. ---------------------------------------------- Muzhchina, vesyashchiy 50 kilogrammov, khudoy.
expensive and cheap Д--огой - --я-и-д-ш--ы--- --я Д______ / -__ и д______ / -__ Д-р-г-й / --я и д-ш-в-й / --я ----------------------------- Дорогой / -ая и дёшевый / -ая 0
Do-o---------a - d-s---yy - --ya D______ / -___ i d_______ / -___ D-r-g-y / --y- i d-s-e-y- / --y- -------------------------------- Dorogoy / -aya i dëshevyy / -aya
The car is expensive. Ма-ина-дор-га-. М_____ д_______ М-ш-н- д-р-г-я- --------------- Машина дорогая. 0
Mas-i---d--o-aya. M______ d________ M-s-i-a d-r-g-y-. ----------------- Mashina dorogaya.
The newspaper is cheap. Г-з-та---ш-ва-. Г_____ д_______ Г-з-т- д-ш-в-я- --------------- Газета дешёвая. 0
Gaz--- d-s-ë---a. G_____ d_________ G-z-t- d-s-ë-a-a- ----------------- Gazeta deshëvaya.


More and more people are growing up bilingual. They can speak more than one language. Many of these people often switch languages. They decide which language to use depending on the situation. For example, they speak a different language at work than at home. By doing so, they adapt themselves to their environment. But there is also the possibility of switching languages spontaneously. This phenomenon is called code-switching . In code-switching, the language gets switched in the middle of speaking. There could be many reasons why speakers switch languages. Often, they don't find the appropriate word in one language. They can express themselves better in the other language. It can also be that the speaker feels more confident in one of the languages. They use this language for private or personal things. Sometimes a certain word doesn't exist in a language. In this case the speaker must switch languages. Or they switch languages so that they aren't understood. In that case code-switching works like a secret language. Earlier, mixing languages was criticized. It was thought that the speaker couldn't speak either language correctly. Today it is viewed differently. Code-switching is recognized as a special linguistic competence. It can be interesting to observe speakers using code-switching. Often, they don't just switch the language they're speaking. Other communicative elements change as well. Many speak faster, louder or more accentuated in the other language. Or they suddenly use more gestures and facial expressions. In this way, code-switching is always a little bit of culture-switching too…