
en To like something   »   ps یو څه خوښول

70 [seventy]

To like something

To like something

70 [ اویا ]

70 [ اویا ]

یو څه خوښول

[یو څه خوښول]

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English (UK) Pashto Play More
Would you like to smoke? ایا-تاسو--ګر- څ-و--غواړ-؟ ا__ ت___ س___ څ___ غ_____ ا-ا ت-س- س-ر- څ-و- غ-ا-ئ- ------------------------- ایا تاسو سګرټ څکول غواړئ؟ 0
āy---ā-o--gr- ts--l -o-ṟ ā__ t___ s___ t____ ǧ___ ā-ā t-s- s-r- t-k-l ǧ-ā- ------------------------ āyā tāso sgrṯ tskol ǧoāṟ
Would you like to dance? ای- ---غواړ- ج---ګ----؟ ا__ ت_ غ____ ج_ و______ ا-ا ت- غ-ا-ې ج- و-ډ-ږ-؟ ----------------------- ایا ته غواړې جې وګډېږې؟ 0
ا-- ت- -واړې-----ګ--ږې؟ ا__ ت_ غ____ ج_ و______ ا-ا ت- غ-ا-ې ج- و-ډ-ږ-؟ ----------------------- ایا ته غواړې جې وګډېږې؟
Would you like to go for a walk? ا-----ا --خ-ږ--چ- -- مز- -وا----؟ ا__ س__ خ_____ چ_ پ_ م__ ر___ ش__ ا-ا س-ا خ-خ-ږ- چ- پ- م-ل ر-ا- ش-؟ --------------------------------- ایا ستا خوخیږي چې په مزل روان شی؟ 0
ā-- s---ǩ-ǩy--- çê -a m-- ---- -y ā__ s__ ǩ______ ç_ p_ m__ r___ š_ ā-ā s-ā ǩ-ǩ-g-y ç- p- m-l r-ā- š- --------------------------------- āyā stā ǩoǩygêy çê pa mzl roān šy
I would like to smoke. ز- -ګ-ټ-څ-ول--واړم ز_ س___ څ___ غ____ ز- س-ر- څ-و- غ-ا-م ------------------ زه سګرټ څکول غواړم 0
z---grṯ t---- ǧoāṟm z_ s___ t____ ǧ____ z- s-r- t-k-l ǧ-ā-m ------------------- za sgrṯ tskol ǧoāṟm
Would you like a cigarette? سی--ټ----ړی؟ س____ غ_____ س-ګ-ټ غ-ا-ی- ------------ سیګرټ غواړی؟ 0
sygr- ǧoāṟy s____ ǧ____ s-g-ṯ ǧ-ā-y ----------- sygrṯ ǧoāṟy
He wants a light. هغ- -ور غ-اړ-. ه__ ا__ غ_____ ه-ه ا-ر غ-ا-ي- -------------- هغه اور غواړي. 0
هغ- ا-ر-غ-ا-ي. ه__ ا__ غ_____ ه-ه ا-ر غ-ا-ي- -------------- هغه اور غواړي.
I want to drink something. زه--و--- -ی---ښم. ز_ غ____ چ_ و____ ز- غ-ا-م چ- و-ښ-. ----------------- زه غواړم چی وڅښم. 0
زه غ-اړ- چ--و---. ز_ غ____ چ_ و____ ز- غ-ا-م چ- و-ښ-. ----------------- زه غواړم چی وڅښم.
I want to eat something. ز--غ-اړ- -و--ه-و--رم. ز_ غ____ ی_ څ_ و_____ ز- غ-ا-م ی- څ- و-و-م- --------------------- زه غواړم یو څه وخورم. 0
ز- --اړم--و-څ---خو-م. ز_ غ____ ی_ څ_ و_____ ز- غ-ا-م ی- څ- و-و-م- --------------------- زه غواړم یو څه وخورم.
I want to relax a little. ز- غواړم ی- څ---ر-م -کړ-. ز_ غ____ ی_ څ_ آ___ و____ ز- غ-ا-م ی- څ- آ-ا- و-ړ-. ------------------------- زه غواړم یو څه آرام وکړم. 0
زه غو--م ------آرام -کړم. ز_ غ____ ی_ څ_ آ___ و____ ز- غ-ا-م ی- څ- آ-ا- و-ړ-. ------------------------- زه غواړم یو څه آرام وکړم.
I want to ask you something. ز---و-ړم--- ت------ه پ-ښتن--و--م. ز_ غ____ ل_ ت___ څ__ پ_____ و____ ز- غ-ا-م ل- ت-س- څ-ه پ-ښ-ن- و-ړ-. --------------------------------- زه غواړم له تاسو څخه پوښتنه وکړم. 0
z---oā---la-t--o -s----oǩ-n- ok-m z_ ǧ____ l_ t___ t___ p_____ o___ z- ǧ-ā-m l- t-s- t-ǩ- p-ǩ-n- o-ṟ- --------------------------------- za ǧoāṟm la tāso tsǩa poǩtna okṟm
I want to ask you for something. ز- غو----ل- -ا-- --- --خ-اس---ک--. ز_ غ____ ل_ ت___ څ__ د______ و____ ز- غ-ا-م ل- ت-س- څ-ه د-خ-ا-ت و-ړ-. ---------------------------------- زه غواړم له تاسو څخه درخواست وکړم. 0
z--ǧoāṟm ---t-so--sǩ- --ǩ-āst---ṟm z_ ǧ____ l_ t___ t___ d______ o___ z- ǧ-ā-m l- t-s- t-ǩ- d-ǩ-ā-t o-ṟ- ---------------------------------- za ǧoāṟm la tāso tsǩa drǩoāst okṟm
I want to treat you to something. ز- --ا-م تا-- ته-یو څه-بلن---ر-ړم. ز_ غ____ ت___ ت_ ی_ څ_ ب___ د_____ ز- غ-ا-م ت-س- ت- ی- څ- ب-ن- د-ک-م- ---------------------------------- زه غواړم تاسو ته یو څه بلنه درکړم. 0
زه----ړم--اسو ت--یو څه -لن--د----. ز_ غ____ ت___ ت_ ی_ څ_ ب___ د_____ ز- غ-ا-م ت-س- ت- ی- څ- ب-ن- د-ک-م- ---------------------------------- زه غواړم تاسو ته یو څه بلنه درکړم.
What would you like? ت--وڅ------ئ ت_____ غ____ ت-س-څ- غ-ا-ئ ------------ تاسوڅه غواړئ 0
t--o--a-ǧoāṟ t______ ǧ___ t-s-t-a ǧ-ā- ------------ tāsotsa ǧoāṟ
Would you like a coffee? ته --ا-- -ې-ک--ی--څښ-؟ ت_ غ____ چ_ ک___ و____ ت- غ-ا-ې چ- ک-ف- و-ښ-؟ ---------------------- ته غواړې چې کافی وڅښئ؟ 0
t- -o--- ç- kāfy o-sǩ t_ ǧ____ ç_ k___ o___ t- ǧ-ā-ê ç- k-f- o-s- --------------------- ta ǧoāṟê çê kāfy otsǩ
Or do you prefer a tea? ی- --س--به -و---ا-ه---ی -څښئ؟ ی_ ت___ ب_ ی_ پ____ چ__ و____ ی- ت-س- ب- ی- پ-ا-ه چ-ی و-ښ-؟ ----------------------------- یا تاسو به یو پیاله چای وڅښئ؟ 0
ی---اس- ب- ی---یاله --ی--څښئ؟ ی_ ت___ ب_ ی_ پ____ چ__ و____ ی- ت-س- ب- ی- پ-ا-ه چ-ی و-ښ-؟ ----------------------------- یا تاسو به یو پیاله چای وڅښئ؟
We want to drive home. موږ---ا-و کور-ت- --ړ --. م__ غ____ ک__ ت_ ل__ ش__ م-ږ غ-ا-و ک-ر ت- ل-ړ ش-. ------------------------ موږ غواړو کور ته لاړ شو. 0
مو- غ-ا-و کور--ه-لا- ش-. م__ غ____ ک__ ت_ ل__ ش__ م-ږ غ-ا-و ک-ر ت- ل-ړ ش-. ------------------------ موږ غواړو کور ته لاړ شو.
Do you want a taxi? ای- --س- ټ-سي غ----؟ ا__ ت___ ټ___ غ_____ ا-ا ت-س- ټ-س- غ-ا-ئ- -------------------- ایا تاسو ټکسي غواړئ؟ 0
ای- تا-و--کسي -----؟ ا__ ت___ ټ___ غ_____ ا-ا ت-س- ټ-س- غ-ا-ئ- -------------------- ایا تاسو ټکسي غواړئ؟
They want to make a call. ت- غو-ړې--ې --ګ-وو-ي. ت_ غ____ چ_ ز__ و____ ت- غ-ا-ې چ- ز-ګ و-ه-. --------------------- ته غواړې چې زنګ ووهي. 0
ته---ا-ې چ- -نګ و---. ت_ غ____ چ_ ز__ و____ ت- غ-ا-ې چ- ز-ګ و-ه-. --------------------- ته غواړې چې زنګ ووهي.

Two languages = two speech centers!

When we learn a language matters to our brain. This is because it has different storage areas for different languages. Not all the languages we learn are stored together. Languages we learn as adults have their own storage area. That means the brain processes the new rules in a different place. They aren't stored with the native language. People who grow up bilingual, on the other hand, only use one region of the brain. Multiple studies have come to this conclusion. Neuroscientists examined various test subjects. These subjects spoke two languages fluently. One part of the test group, however, had grown up with both languages. The other part, in contrast, had learned the second language later in life. Researchers could measure brain activity during language tests. This way they could see which areas of the brain functioned during the tests. And they saw that the ‘late’ learners had two speech centers! Researchers had already long suspected that this would be so. People with brain injuries show different symptoms. So, damage to the brain can also lead to speech problems. Those affected can't pronounce or understand words as well. But bilingual accident victims sometimes show unusual symptoms. Their speech problems don't always affect both languages. If only one area of the brain is injured, the other can still function. Then the patients speak one language better than the other. The two different languages are also re-learned at different speeds. This proves that both languages aren't stored in the same place. Since they weren't learned at the same time, they form two centers. It is still unknown how our brain manages multiple languages. But new findings could lead to new learning strategies.