
en Asking for something   »   ad Зыгорэм кIэлъэIун

74 [seventy-four]

Asking for something

Asking for something

74 [тIокIищрэ пшIыкIуплIырэ]

74 [tIokIishhrje pshIykIuplIyrje]

Зыгорэм кIэлъэIун

[Zygorjem kIjeljeIun]

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Can you cut my hair? Сшъхьа---ъ-----I-у---у-ь-н--лъ-к-ыщта? С______ к_________________ п__________ С-ъ-ь-ц к-ы-ф-к-э-п-ъ-х-а- п-ъ-к-ы-т-? -------------------------------------- Сшъхьац къысфыкIэупхъухьан плъэкIыщта? 0
S--h--c-k----kIjeuphu-'------ek-------? S______ k________________ p____________ S-h-'-c k-s-y-I-e-p-u-'-n p-j-k-y-h-t-? --------------------------------------- Sshh'ac kysfykIjeuphuh'an pljekIyshhta?
Not too short, please. МыкIэ-- д-дэу, ----тмэ? М______ д_____ х_______ М-к-э-о д-д-у- х-у-т-э- ----------------------- МыкIэко дэдэу, хъущтмэ? 0
M--I--k- -je-j--- h--hht-je? M_______ d_______ h_________ M-k-j-k- d-e-j-u- h-s-h-m-e- ---------------------------- MykIjeko djedjeu, hushhtmje?
A bit shorter, please. Т----у----- --ак-у, хъущ--э. Т_____ н___ к______ х_______ Т-э-I- н-х- к-а-о-, х-у-т-э- ---------------------------- ТIэкIу нахь кIакоу, хъущтмэ. 0
TI-ekIu --h- k-a-ou- hush-t--e. T______ n___ k______ h_________ T-j-k-u n-h- k-a-o-, h-s-h-m-e- ------------------------------- TIjekIu nah' kIakou, hushhtmje.
Can you develop the pictures? С---тхэ- -эж-у--эзэфэ- ш---ъ---ы-та? С_______ з____________ ш____________ С-р-т-э- з-ж-у-ъ-з-ф-н ш-у-ъ-к-ы-т-? ------------------------------------ Сурэтхэр зэжъугъэзэфэн шъулъэкIыщта? 0
Surje----- z--z-ug-ez-e-je- ---lje-Iys----? S_________ z_______________ s______________ S-r-e-h-e- z-e-h-g-e-j-f-e- s-u-j-k-y-h-t-? ------------------------------------------- Surjethjer zjezhugjezjefjen shuljekIyshhta?
The pictures are on the CD. С--э--эр ----ы--те---. С_______ д_____ т_____ С-р-т-э- д-с-ы- т-т-х- ---------------------- Сурэтхэр дискым тетых. 0
S-r---hje--di-k-m--e--h. S_________ d_____ t_____ S-r-e-h-e- d-s-y- t-t-h- ------------------------ Surjethjer diskym tetyh.
The pictures are in the camera. С-рэт--р--от---па-а-----э--ых. С_______ ф____________ д______ С-р-т-э- ф-т-а-п-р-т-м д-л-ы-. ------------------------------ Сурэтхэр фотоаппаратым дэлъых. 0
Su---t--e--fo---p-a-a-y---jel--. S_________ f____________ d______ S-r-e-h-e- f-t-a-p-r-t-m d-e-y-. -------------------------------- Surjethjer fotoapparatym djelyh.
Can you fix the clock? С--ь--ы--бгъэ----эжьын плъ---ыщ--? С_______ б____________ п__________ С-х-а-ы- б-ъ-ц-к-э-ь-н п-ъ-к-ы-т-? ---------------------------------- Сыхьатыр бгъэцэкIэжьын плъэкIыщта? 0
Sy--a--------c--k----h'yn----e-Iysh-t-? S_______ b_______________ p____________ S-h-a-y- b-j-c-e-I-e-h-y- p-j-k-y-h-t-? --------------------------------------- Syh'atyr bgjecjekIjezh'yn pljekIyshhta?
The glass is broken. А-чыр ---та-ъэ. А____ к________ А-ч-р к-у-а-ъ-. --------------- Апчыр къутагъэ. 0
A-chy- -u-a--e. A_____ k_______ A-c-y- k-t-g-e- --------------- Apchyr kutagje.
The battery is dead / empty. Батарей--р т-ыс-гъ-. Б_________ т________ Б-т-р-й-э- т-ы-ы-ъ-. -------------------- Батарейкэр тIысыгъэ. 0
B--are-kje- tIysyg--. B__________ t________ B-t-r-j-j-r t-y-y-j-. --------------------- Batarejkjer tIysygje.
Can you iron the shirt? Д---э---т --ш--д-э- -ъ--ъэ-I--та? Д_____ у_ т________ ш____________ Д-а-э- у- т-ш-у-з-н ш-у-ъ-к-ы-т-? --------------------------------- Джанэм ут тешъудзэн шъулъэкIыщта? 0
D--an-e- -t-te-h--z-en s-------yshh--? D_______ u_ t_________ s______________ D-h-n-e- u- t-s-u-z-e- s-u-j-k-y-h-t-? -------------------------------------- Dzhanjem ut teshudzjen shuljekIyshhta?
Can you clean the pants / trousers? Гъон---жхэр--ъ-у-ъ--з-н--ъ-лъэ---щ-а? Г__________ ш__________ ш____________ Г-о-ч-д-х-р ш-у-к-э-з-н ш-у-ъ-к-ы-т-? ------------------------------------- Гъончэджхэр шъуукъэбзын шъулъэкIыщта? 0
Gonc--ed---je- shu--j--zy- s-u-j----s-h-a? G_____________ s__________ s______________ G-n-h-e-z-h-e- s-u-k-e-z-n s-u-j-k-y-h-t-? ------------------------------------------ Gonchjedzhhjer shuukjebzyn shuljekIyshhta?
Can you fix the shoes? Щыры-ъу--р-з-кIэшъ----ь------лъ-кIыщ--? Щ_________ з_____________ ш____________ Щ-р-к-у-э- з-к-э-ъ-д-ж-ы- ш-у-ъ-к-ы-т-? --------------------------------------- Щырыкъухэр зэкIэшъудэжьын шъулъэкIыщта? 0
S-h-----hj----jekIjes---je----n---ulj---y-hht-? S___________ z_________________ s______________ S-h-r-k-h-e- z-e-I-e-h-d-e-h-y- s-u-j-k-y-h-t-? ----------------------------------------------- Shhyrykuhjer zjekIjeshudjezh'yn shuljekIyshhta?
Do you have a light? С-рныч шъ--Iа? С_____ ш______ С-р-ы- ш-у-I-? -------------- Сырныч шъуиIа? 0
S-rny-h-s----a? S______ s______ S-r-y-h s-u-I-? --------------- Syrnych shuiIa?
Do you have a match or a lighter? С--н---е -эмы-I----I--зэ-э-а-ъан-----ъу-I-на? С_____ е н_____ м____ з____________ ш________ С-р-ы- е н-м-к- м-ш-о з-р-х-г-а-э-э ш-у-I-н-? --------------------------------------------- Сырныч е нэмыкI машIо зэрэхагъанэрэ шъуиIэна? 0
S---y-h -----m-kI -a--------rj-h-ganje--e --ui--ena? S______ e n______ m_____ z_______________ s_________ S-r-y-h e n-e-y-I m-s-I- z-e-j-h-g-n-e-j- s-u-I-e-a- ---------------------------------------------------- Syrnych e njemykI mashIo zjerjehaganjerje shuiIjena?
Do you have an ashtray? Т---нс-афэх-- -эр--а----- -ъуи-э--? Т____________ з__________ ш________ Т-т-н-т-ф-х-р з-р-т-к-о-э ш-у-I-н-? ----------------------------------- Тутынстафэхэр зэратакъорэ шъуиIэна? 0
T--yns-a--e--er -jer-t--or----hu--j--a? T______________ z___________ s_________ T-t-n-t-f-e-j-r z-e-a-a-o-j- s-u-I-e-a- --------------------------------------- Tutynstafjehjer zjeratakorje shuiIjena?
Do you smoke cigars? С---р- уе----? С_____ у______ С-г-р- у-ш-у-? -------------- Сигарэ уешъуа? 0
S-g--je---s--a? S______ u______ S-g-r-e u-s-u-? --------------- Sigarje ueshua?
Do you smoke cigarettes? Т-т-- у-шъуа? Т____ у______ Т-т-н у-ш-у-? ------------- Тутын уешъуа? 0
T-ty----s--a? T____ u______ T-t-n u-s-u-? ------------- Tutyn ueshua?
Do you smoke a pipe? Л--экI-----ын--е--у-? Л______ т____ у______ Л-л-к-э т-т-н у-ш-у-? --------------------- ЛулэкIэ тутын уешъуа? 0
L---------tu--n u-s---? L________ t____ u______ L-l-e-I-e t-t-n u-s-u-? ----------------------- LuljekIje tutyn ueshua?

Learning and reading

Learning and reading belong together. Of course, this is especially true when learning foreign languages. He who wants to learn a new language well must read many texts. When reading literature in a foreign language, we process entire sentences. Our brain learns vocabulary and grammar in context. This helps it to save the new content easily. Our memory has a harder time remembering individual words. By reading, we learn which meaning words can have. As a result, we develop a sense for the new language. Naturally, the foreign-language literature must not be too difficult. Modern short stories or crime novels are often entertaining. Daily newspapers have the advantage that they are always current. Children's books or comics are also suitable for learning. The pictures facilitate the understanding of the new language. Regardless of which literature you select – it should be entertaining! That means, a lot should happen in the story so that the language is varied. If you don't find anything, special textbooks can also be used. There are many books with simple texts for beginners. It's important to always use a dictionary when reading. Whenever you don't understand a word, you should look it up. Our brain is activated by reading and learns new things quickly. For all words that one does not understand, one compiles a file. This way those words can be reviewed often. It also helps to highlight unfamiliar words in the text. Then, you'll recognize them right away the next time. You will progress much quicker if you read a foreign language daily. For our brain learns quickly to imitate the new language. It can happen that you even think in the foreign language eventually…