
en Giving reasons 2   »   ad Зыгорэм ишъхьаусыгъохэр къэгъэлъэгъон 2

76 [seventy-six]

Giving reasons 2

Giving reasons 2

76 [тIокIищрэ пшIыкIухырэ]

76 [tIokIishhrje pshIykIuhyrje]

Зыгорэм ишъхьаусыгъохэр къэгъэлъэгъон 2

[Zygorjem ishh'ausygohjer kjegjeljegon 2]

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Why didn’t you come? С--а укъызыкIэмы--у--ъ-р? С___ у___________________ С-д- у-ъ-з-к-э-ы-I-а-ъ-р- ------------------------- Сыда укъызыкIэмыкIуагъэр? 0
Sy-- uky--kI--m--I--g---? S___ u___________________ S-d- u-y-y-I-e-y-I-a-j-r- ------------------------- Syda ukyzykIjemykIuagjer?
I was ill. Сы---йщэ---. С___________ С-г-о-щ-я-ъ- ------------ Сыгъойщэягъ. 0
Sy-----hj-ja-. S_____________ S-g-j-h-j-j-g- -------------- Sygojshhjejag.
I didn’t come because I was ill. Сы-ъы-ы-IэмыкIогъа-ъ-- --г-ойщэ---эш- -ры.. С_____________________ с_____________ а____ С-к-ы-ы-I-м-к-о-ъ-г-э- с-г-о-щ-я-ъ-ш- а-ы-. ------------------------------------------- СыкъызыкIэмыкIогъагъэр сыгъойщэягъэшъ ары.. 0
Syk-z-kI-emykIogagj---s--ojsh-je--gj-sh ar--. S____________________ s________________ a____ S-k-z-k-j-m-k-o-a-j-r s-g-j-h-j-j-g-e-h a-y-. --------------------------------------------- SykyzykIjemykIogagjer sygojshhjejagjesh ary..
Why didn’t she come? С-д- -р (бзыл-ф-гъ)--ъы-ы--э----уаг--р? С___ а_ (__________ к__________________ С-д- а- (-з-л-ф-г-) к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э-? --------------------------------------- Сыда ар (бзылъфыгъ) къызыкIэмыкIуагъэр? 0
S--a--r---zyl-yg)---z--I--m-k--ag-er? S___ a_ (________ k__________________ S-d- a- (-z-l-y-) k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e-? ------------------------------------- Syda ar (bzylfyg) kyzykIjemykIuagjer?
She was tired. А- п--ы--агъэ. А_ п__________ А- п-ъ-г-а-ъ-. -------------- Ар пшъыгъагъэ. 0
Ar psh--ag--. A_ p_________ A- p-h-g-g-e- ------------- Ar pshygagje.
She didn’t come because she was tired. А---б-ы-ъ-ыгъ- --ызык-э-ы--уаг-э- -ш-ыгъа---ш- а--. А_ (__________ к_________________ п___________ а___ А- (-з-л-ф-г-) к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э- п-ъ-г-а-ъ-ш- а-ы- --------------------------------------------------- Ар (бзылъфыгъ) къызыкIэмыкIуагъэр пшъыгъагъэшъ ары. 0
Ar --z-lfyg- ---y-Ij-m-kI---j----s---ag---- -ry. A_ (________ k_________________ p__________ a___ A- (-z-l-y-) k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e- p-h-g-g-e-h a-y- ------------------------------------------------ Ar (bzylfyg) kyzykIjemykIuagjer pshygagjesh ary.
Why didn’t he come? Сы---ар--х---ъф--ъ) --ы-ыкI-м-к--а---р? С___ а_ (__________ к__________________ С-д- а- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э-? --------------------------------------- Сыда ар (хъулъфыгъ) къызыкIэмыкIуагъэр? 0
Syd- -- (-u-fy-) ------jemyk-uag-e-? S___ a_ (_______ k__________________ S-d- a- (-u-f-g- k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e-? ------------------------------------ Syda ar (hulfyg) kyzykIjemykIuagjer?
He wasn’t interested. Ф-чэф--ъэ-. Ф__________ Ф-ч-ф-г-э-. ----------- Фэчэфыгъэп. 0
Fje--j----j-p. F_____________ F-e-h-e-y-j-p- -------------- Fjechjefygjep.
He didn’t come because he wasn’t interested. Ар --ы-ы-IэмыкIуа--э--къ-к--нэ--фэчэф--ъэ--шъ а-ы. А_ к_________________ к________ ф____________ а___ А- к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э- к-э-I-н-у ф-ч-ф-г-э-ы-ъ а-ы- -------------------------------------------------- Ар къызыкIэмыкIуагъэр къэкIонэу фэчэфыгъэпышъ ары. 0
A- kyz-k-jem------jer-kje-Ion-eu fj-c----y----y-- ary. A_ k_________________ k_________ f_______________ a___ A- k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e- k-e-I-n-e- f-e-h-e-y-j-p-s- a-y- ------------------------------------------------------ Ar kyzykIjemykIuagjer kjekIonjeu fjechjefygjepysh ary.
Why didn’t you come? С-да ш--къ-зыкI-мык----ъэ-? С___ ш_____________________ С-д- ш-у-ъ-з-к-э-ы-I-а-ъ-р- --------------------------- Сыда шъукъызыкIэмыкIуагъэр? 0
Syda-s-uk--ykI--my---ag-er? S___ s_____________________ S-d- s-u-y-y-I-e-y-I-a-j-r- --------------------------- Syda shukyzykIjemykIuagjer?
Our car is damaged. Тимаш--э к---эгъ-гъ-. Т_______ к___________ Т-м-ш-н- к-у-э-ъ-г-э- --------------------- Тимашинэ къутэгъагъэ. 0
Ti-a--in-e----j---g-e. T_________ k__________ T-m-s-i-j- k-t-e-a-j-. ---------------------- Timashinje kutjegagje.
We didn’t come because our car is damaged. Ты--ы--к-э-ык-уагъ-р-т-ма--нэ-к-ут-гъ----шъ а--. Т___________________ т_______ к____________ а___ Т-к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э- т-м-ш-н- к-у-э-ъ-г-э-ъ а-ы- ------------------------------------------------ ТыкъызыкIэмыкIуагъэр тимашинэ къутэгъагъэшъ ары. 0
T-kyzy--je-ykIuag-e-----ash-nje-kut-e-ag--sh ar-. T___________________ t_________ k___________ a___ T-k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e- t-m-s-i-j- k-t-e-a-j-s- a-y- ------------------------------------------------- TykyzykIjemykIuagjer timashinje kutjegagjesh ary.
Why didn’t the people come? С-д- цI-фхэр ---зык-э-ыкIу-г--хэр? С___ ц______ к____________________ С-д- ц-ы-х-р к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э-э-? ---------------------------------- Сыда цIыфхэр къызыкIэмыкIуагъэхэр? 0
S----c-y-hje- ---y-Ijem---u---eh-e-? S___ c_______ k_____________________ S-d- c-y-h-e- k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e-j-r- ------------------------------------ Syda cIyfhjer kyzykIjemykIuagjehjer?
They missed the train. М-шIо-ум -ъ--и--гъэ-. М_______ к___________ М-ш-о-у- к-ы-и-а-ъ-х- --------------------- МэшIокум къыщинагъэх. 0
M------kum -----i-ag-e-. M_________ k____________ M-e-h-o-u- k-s-h-n-g-e-. ------------------------ MjeshIokum kyshhinagjeh.
They didn’t come because they missed the train. Ахэ-----зы-Iэмык-у-гъэхэ--мэ-I--ум-къы-инагъ-х-шъ -ры. А___ к___________________ м_______ к_____________ а___ А-э- к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э-э- м-ш-о-у- к-ы-и-а-ъ-х-ш- а-ы- ------------------------------------------------------ Ахэр къызыкIэмыкIуагъэхэр мэшIокум къыщинагъэхэшъ ары. 0
A--e--ky-y-I-e---I-----hj----j------um---shh--a-j-hj-s----y. A____ k____________________ m_________ k_______________ a___ A-j-r k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e-j-r m-e-h-o-u- k-s-h-n-g-e-j-s- a-y- ------------------------------------------------------------ Ahjer kyzykIjemykIuagjehjer mjeshIokum kyshhinagjehjesh ary.
Why didn’t you come? С-д- укъы-ыкIэм-к--а-ъэ-? С___ у___________________ С-д- у-ъ-з-к-э-ы-I-а-ъ-р- ------------------------- Сыда укъызыкIэмыкIуагъэр? 0
Syd- uk-zyk--emyk---g---? S___ u___________________ S-d- u-y-y-I-e-y-I-a-j-r- ------------------------- Syda ukyzykIjemykIuagjer?
I was not allowed to. Сы--эк----у сы--------. С__________ с__________ С-к-э-I-н-у с-ф-т-г-э-. ----------------------- СыкъэкIонэу сыфитыгъэп. 0
S-kj-k----e--sy-itygj-p. S___________ s__________ S-k-e-I-n-e- s-f-t-g-e-. ------------------------ SykjekIonjeu syfitygjep.
I didn’t come because I was not allowed to. Сэ-с--ъ-з----м--------р -ыфитыгъэ-ы-ъ-а-ы. С_ с___________________ с____________ а___ С- с-к-ы-ы-I-м-к-у-г-э- с-ф-т-г-э-ы-ъ а-ы- ------------------------------------------ Сэ сыкъызыкIэмыкIуагъэр сыфитыгъэпышъ ары. 0
S-- --k--y-I-em--I--gj-r sy-it-gje-y-h a--. S__ s___________________ s____________ a___ S-e s-k-z-k-j-m-k-u-g-e- s-f-t-g-e-y-h a-y- ------------------------------------------- Sje sykyzykIjemykIuagjer syfitygjepysh ary.

The indigenous languages of America

Many different languages are spoken in America. English is the main language in North America. Spanish and Portuguese dominate in South America. All of these languages came to America from Europe. Before colonization, other languages were spoken there. These languages are known as the indigenous languages of America. Until today, they haven't been explored substantially. The variety of these languages is enormous. It is estimated that there are about 60 language families in North America. In South America there could even be as many as 150. Additionally, there are many isolated languages. All of these languages are very different. They exhibit only a few common structures. Therefore, it is difficult to classify the languages. The reason for their differences lies in the history of America. America was colonized in several stages. The first people came to America more than 10,000 years ago. Each population brought its language to the continent. The indigenous languages are most similar to Asian languages. The situation regarding America's ancient languages isn't the same everywhere. Many Native American languages are still in use in South America. Languages like Guarani or Quechua have millions of active speakers. By contrast, many languages in North America are almost extinct. The culture of the Native Americans of North America was long oppressed. In the process, their languages were lost. But interest in them has increased in the last few decades. There are many programs that aim to nurture and protect the languages. So they could have a future after all…