
en Adjectives 2   »   ad ПлъышъуацIэхэр 2

79 [seventy-nine]

Adjectives 2

Adjectives 2

79 [тIокIищрэ пшIыкIубгъурэ]

79 [tIokIishhrje pshIykIubgurje]

ПлъышъуацIэхэр 2

[PlyshuacIjehjer 2]

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I am wearing a blue dress. Джэнэ -х------э-сщы-ъ Д____ ш________ с____ Д-э-э ш-ъ-а-т-э с-ы-ъ --------------------- Джэнэ шхъуантIэ сщыгъ 0
D-hj-n-e----uan--je sshh-g D_______ s_________ s_____ D-h-e-j- s-h-a-t-j- s-h-y- -------------------------- Dzhjenje shhuantIje sshhyg
I am wearing a red dress. Д-энэ------- -щыгъ Д____ п_____ с____ Д-э-э п-ъ-ж- с-ы-ъ ------------------ Джэнэ плъыжь сщыгъ 0
D------- p-y--'-s-h-yg D_______ p_____ s_____ D-h-e-j- p-y-h- s-h-y- ---------------------- Dzhjenje plyzh' sshhyg
I am wearing a green dress. Д-энэ-----ъо-с--гъ Д____ у_____ с____ Д-э-э у-ы-ъ- с-ы-ъ ------------------ Джэнэ уцышъо сщыгъ 0
D----nj---cy--o ---hyg D_______ u_____ s_____ D-h-e-j- u-y-h- s-h-y- ---------------------- Dzhjenje ucysho sshhyg
I’m buying a black bag. Iалъмэк-----цI-- сэщ--ы. I_______ ш______ с______ I-л-м-к- ш-у-I-р с-щ-ф-. ------------------------ Iалъмэкъ шIуцIэр сэщэфы. 0
Ialm--k-sh-u-I----sj-s-hj-f-. I______ s________ s__________ I-l-j-k s-I-c-j-r s-e-h-j-f-. ----------------------------- Ialmjek shIucIjer sjeshhjefy.
I’m buying a brown bag. I-л---къ ---плъ-р-с---ф-. I_______ х_______ с______ I-л-м-к- х-а-л-ы- с-щ-ф-. ------------------------- Iалъмэкъ хьаплъыр сэщэфы. 0
Ia-m--k-h'ap-yr -----hj-fy. I______ h______ s__________ I-l-j-k h-a-l-r s-e-h-j-f-. --------------------------- Ialmjek h'aplyr sjeshhjefy.
I’m buying a white bag. I--ъ-э----ыж--р сэщэф-. I_______ ф_____ с______ I-л-м-к- ф-ж-ы- с-щ-ф-. ----------------------- Iалъмэкъ фыжьыр сэщэфы. 0
I-lmjek--yzh--- --es-h--fy. I______ f______ s__________ I-l-j-k f-z-'-r s-e-h-j-f-. --------------------------- Ialmjek fyzh'yr sjeshhjefy.
I need a new car. Маши-ак-э-сищ-к----. М________ с_________ М-ш-н-к-э с-щ-к-а-ъ- -------------------- МашинакIэ сищыкIагъ. 0
Mash-n-k-je --shh-kI--. M__________ s__________ M-s-i-a-I-e s-s-h-k-a-. ----------------------- MashinakIje sishhykIag.
I need a fast car. Ма---э-п-ы-кIэ---щ-к---ъ. М_____ п______ с_________ М-ш-н- п-ы-к-э с-щ-к-а-ъ- ------------------------- Машинэ псынкIэ сищыкIагъ. 0
M-----j- -s---I-e---s-h-kIa-. M_______ p_______ s__________ M-s-i-j- p-y-k-j- s-s-h-k-a-. ----------------------------- Mashinje psynkIje sishhykIag.
I need a comfortable car. М---н- -у-с-ф--и----а-ъ. М_____ г_____ с_________ М-ш-н- г-п-э- с-щ-к-а-ъ- ------------------------ Машинэ гупсэф сищыкIагъ. 0
Ma-h-n-e -u---ef sis-hykI--. M_______ g______ s__________ M-s-i-j- g-p-j-f s-s-h-k-a-. ---------------------------- Mashinje gupsjef sishhykIag.
An old lady lives at the top. Бз-лъфыгъ--х--Iо---ъэ -шъхьа--к-э ---. Б_________ х_________ ы__________ т___ Б-ы-ъ-ы-ъ- х-к-о-а-ъ- ы-ъ-ь-г-к-э т-с- -------------------------------------- Бзылъфыгъэ хэкIотагъэ ышъхьагъкIэ тес. 0
B--l--gj- hjekI--agj--ysh-'--k-j-----. B________ h__________ y__________ t___ B-y-f-g-e h-e-I-t-g-e y-h-'-g-I-e t-s- -------------------------------------- Bzylfygje hjekIotagje yshh'agkIje tes.
A fat lady lives at the top. Б-ы--ф--ъэ-п--р -ш-хь-г--Iэ---с. Б_________ п___ ы__________ т___ Б-ы-ъ-ы-ъ- п-э- ы-ъ-ь-г-к-э т-с- -------------------------------- Бзылъфыгъэ пщэр ышъхьагъкIэ тес. 0
Bzylfy-j- ---hje- yshh'ag--j- -es. B________ p______ y__________ t___ B-y-f-g-e p-h-j-r y-h-'-g-I-e t-s- ---------------------------------- Bzylfygje pshhjer yshh'agkIje tes.
A curious lady lives below. Бз----ы--э-зэ---ыхын--алI----Iэ-ъ-Iэ -Iэ-. Б_________ з________ ф____ ы________ ч____ Б-ы-ъ-ы-ъ- з-х-з-х-н ф-л-э ы-I-г-к-э ч-э-. ------------------------------------------ Бзылъфыгъэ зэхэзыхын фалIэ ычIэгъкIэ чIэс. 0
Bz--f--je z--hj--yhyn -a-Ije--c-I--gk--e--hIj-s. B________ z__________ f_____ y__________ c______ B-y-f-g-e z-e-j-z-h-n f-l-j- y-h-j-g-I-e c-I-e-. ------------------------------------------------ Bzylfygje zjehjezyhyn falIje ychIjegkIje chIjes.
Our guests were nice people. Ц--ф гох-хэ---ихь---а-ъэх. Ц___ г______ т____________ Ц-ы- г-х-х-р т-х-э-I-г-э-. -------------------------- ЦIыф гохьхэр тихьэкIагъэх. 0
C-y- -------r-t---jek---j-h. C___ g_______ t_____________ C-y- g-h-h-e- t-h-j-k-a-j-h- ---------------------------- CIyf goh'hjer tih'jekIagjeh.
Our guests were polite people. ЦI-- шъхь-кIафэхэр -и--э-----э-. Ц___ ш____________ т____________ Ц-ы- ш-х-э-I-ф-х-р т-х-э-I-г-э-. -------------------------------- ЦIыф шъхьэкIафэхэр тихьэкIагъэх. 0
C--f-----je---fj-h-er -i-------g-e-. C___ s_______________ t_____________ C-y- s-h-j-k-a-j-h-e- t-h-j-k-a-j-h- ------------------------------------ CIyf shh'jekIafjehjer tih'jekIagjeh.
Our guests were interesting people. ЦIы- --э--э-ъ--х-р-т---э------х. Ц___ г____________ т____________ Ц-ы- г-э-I-г-о-х-р т-х-э-I-г-э-. -------------------------------- ЦIыф гъэшIэгъонхэр тихьэкIагъэх. 0
C-y--gj-sh--e-o-hje- -i--jek----e-. C___ g______________ t_____________ C-y- g-e-h-j-g-n-j-r t-h-j-k-a-j-h- ----------------------------------- CIyf gjeshIjegonhjer tih'jekIagjeh.
I have lovely children. С- ---л----к-у -э-ъу--р-с---х. С_ к__________ д_______ с_____ С- к-э-э-I-к-у д-г-у-э- с-I-х- ------------------------------ Сэ кIэлэцIыкIу дэгъухэр сиIэх. 0
Sje--Ijel--cI-k-u-d---uhj---s--j--. S__ k____________ d________ s______ S-e k-j-l-e-I-k-u d-e-u-j-r s-I-e-. ----------------------------------- Sje kIjeljecIykIu djeguhjer siIjeh.
But the neighbours have naughty children. Ау -иг-------мэ-як---эцI--Iух-- дысых. А_ с___________ я______________ д_____ А- с-г-у-э-ъ-м- я-I-л-ц-ы-I-х-р д-с-х- -------------------------------------- Ау сигъунэгъумэ якIэлэцIыкIухэр дысых. 0
Au-s-g-n---u-je-ja---e-j-cI-kIuh--r d-sy-. A_ s___________ j__________________ d_____ A- s-g-n-e-u-j- j-k-j-l-e-I-k-u-j-r d-s-h- ------------------------------------------ Au sigunjegumje jakIjeljecIykIuhjer dysyh.
Are your children well behaved? Ш--икIэ--цIык--хэр I--ыш--х-? Ш_________________ I_________ Ш-у-к-э-э-I-к-у-э- I-р-ш-э-а- ----------------------------- ШъуикIэлэцIыкIухэр IорышIэха? 0
S-ui-Ij-l-ec----uh--r I-----I----? S____________________ I___________ S-u-k-j-l-e-I-k-u-j-r I-r-s-I-e-a- ---------------------------------- ShuikIjeljecIykIuhjer IoryshIjeha?

One language, many varieties

Even if we only speak one language, we speak many languages. For no language is a self-contained system. Every language shows many different dimensions. Language is a living system. Speakers always orient themselves towards their conversation partners. Therefore, people vary the language they speak. These varieties appear in various forms. For example, every language has a history. It has changed and will continue to change. This can be recognized in the fact that old people speak differently than young people. There are also various dialects in most languages. However, many dialect speakers can adapt to their environment. In certain situations they speak the standard language. Different social groups have different languages. Youth language or hunter's jargon are examples of this. Most people speak differently at work than they do at home. Many also use a professional jargon at work. Differences also appear in spoken and written language. Spoken language is typically much simpler than written. The difference can be quite large. This is the case when written languages don't change for a long time. Speakers then must learn to use the language in written form first. The language of women and men is often different as well. This difference isn't that great in western societies. But there are countries in which women speak very differently from men. In some cultures, politeness has its own linguistic form. Speaking is therefore not at all so easy! We have to pay attention to many different things at the same time…