
en Adjectives 2   »   am መግለጫዎች 2

79 [seventy-nine]

Adjectives 2

Adjectives 2

79 [ሰባ ዘጠኝ]

79 [ሰባ ዘጠኝ]

መግለጫዎች 2

k’it͟s’ili 2

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English (UK) Amharic Play More
I am wearing a blue dress. ስ-ያ----ስ---ሻለው። ስ___ ቀ__ ለ_____ ስ-ያ- ቀ-ስ ለ-ሻ-ው- --------------- ስማያዊ ቀሚስ ለብሻለው። 0
simay--ī-k----s- lebis---e--. s_______ k______ l___________ s-m-y-w- k-e-ī-i l-b-s-a-e-i- ----------------------------- simayawī k’emīsi lebishalewi.
I am wearing a red dress. ቀይ-ቀሚ--ለ-ሻለ-። ቀ_ ቀ__ ለ_____ ቀ- ቀ-ስ ለ-ሻ-ው- ------------- ቀይ ቀሚስ ለብሻለው። 0
k-e---k’e-ī-i---bi---l-w-. k____ k______ l___________ k-e-i k-e-ī-i l-b-s-a-e-i- -------------------------- k’eyi k’emīsi lebishalewi.
I am wearing a green dress. አረ--- -ሚስ -ብሻለው። አ____ ቀ__ ለ_____ አ-ን-ዴ ቀ-ስ ለ-ሻ-ው- ---------------- አረንጋዴ ቀሚስ ለብሻለው። 0
ār--i--d- k-e---i l-b---al-w-. ā________ k______ l___________ ā-e-i-a-ē k-e-ī-i l-b-s-a-e-i- ------------------------------ ārenigadē k’emīsi lebishalewi.
I’m buying a black bag. ጥ-ር-------ገ-ው ነ-። ጥ__ ቦ__ እ____ ነ__ ጥ-ር ቦ-ሳ እ-ገ-ው ነ-። ----------------- ጥቁር ቦርሳ እየገዛው ነኝ። 0
t’--’ur- b-r----iy--ez-wi -en-i. t_______ b_____ i________ n_____ t-i-’-r- b-r-s- i-e-e-a-i n-n-i- -------------------------------- t’ik’uri borisa iyegezawi nenyi.
I’m buying a brown bag. ቡኒ-ቦ-- -የገ-ው --። ቡ_ ቦ__ እ____ ነ__ ቡ- ቦ-ሳ እ-ገ-ው ነ-። ---------------- ቡኒ ቦርሳ እየገዛው ነኝ። 0
bu-ī-b--i-- i-e-ez--i-n-ny-. b___ b_____ i________ n_____ b-n- b-r-s- i-e-e-a-i n-n-i- ---------------------------- bunī borisa iyegezawi nenyi.
I’m buying a white bag. ነ- -ር--እየ--- ነ-። ነ_ ቦ__ እ____ ነ__ ነ- ቦ-ሳ እ-ገ-ው ነ-። ---------------- ነጭ ቦርሳ እየገዛው ነኝ። 0
nec--- -o-i----y---z--i -enyi. n_____ b_____ i________ n_____ n-c-’- b-r-s- i-e-e-a-i n-n-i- ------------------------------ nech’i borisa iyegezawi nenyi.
I need a new car. አዲ--መ------ል-ኛል። አ__ መ__ ያ_______ አ-ስ መ-ና ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል- ---------------- አዲስ መኪና ያስፈልገኛል። 0
ā-ī-i me---a--a-if-l--en-al-. ā____ m_____ y_______________ ā-ī-i m-k-n- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i- ----------------------------- ādīsi mekīna yasifeligenyali.
I need a fast car. ፈጣን-መኪ- --ፈ-ገ--። ፈ__ መ__ ያ_______ ፈ-ን መ-ና ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል- ---------------- ፈጣን መኪና ያስፈልገኛል። 0
fet’ani---k--a yas--e--ge-y-l-. f______ m_____ y_______________ f-t-a-i m-k-n- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i- ------------------------------- fet’ani mekīna yasifeligenyali.
I need a comfortable car. ም----- -ስፈልገ-ል። ም_ መ__ ያ_______ ም- መ-ና ያ-ፈ-ገ-ል- --------------- ምቹ መኪና ያስፈልገኛል። 0
m--h--m------yas---l-g-ny-li. m____ m_____ y_______________ m-c-u m-k-n- y-s-f-l-g-n-a-i- ----------------------------- michu mekīna yasifeligenyali.
An old lady lives at the top. ትል---ት -ላይ-ት-ራለች። ት__ ሴ_ ከ__ ት_____ ት-ቅ ሴ- ከ-ይ ት-ራ-ች- ----------------- ትልቅ ሴት ከላይ ትኖራለች። 0
ti--k-- s--i---la-i --no-a-e--i. t______ s___ k_____ t___________ t-l-k-i s-t- k-l-y- t-n-r-l-c-i- -------------------------------- tilik’i sēti kelayi tinoralechi.
A fat lady lives at the top. ወ-ራ- ሴት ከላ- ት--ለ-። ወ___ ሴ_ ከ__ ት_____ ወ-ራ- ሴ- ከ-ይ ት-ራ-ች- ------------------ ወፍራም ሴት ከላይ ትኖራለች። 0
wefira-- --t--ke---i -in----echi. w_______ s___ k_____ t___________ w-f-r-m- s-t- k-l-y- t-n-r-l-c-i- --------------------------------- wefirami sēti kelayi tinoralechi.
A curious lady lives below. ጉ-------ይ-ትኖ---። ጉ_ ሴ_ ከ__ ት_____ ጉ- ሴ- ከ-ይ ት-ራ-ች- ---------------- ጉጉ ሴት ከላይ ትኖራለች። 0
g--u sē----ela-i---no-a---hi. g___ s___ k_____ t___________ g-g- s-t- k-l-y- t-n-r-l-c-i- ----------------------------- gugu sēti kelayi tinoralechi.
Our guests were nice people. እ-ግ-ቻችን -ሩ ሰዎ- ነ-ሩ። እ______ ጥ_ ሰ__ ነ___ እ-ግ-ቻ-ን ጥ- ሰ-ች ነ-ሩ- ------------------- እንግዶቻችን ጥሩ ሰዎች ነበሩ። 0
ini-i-o-hac---i-----u se-oc-i-ne-eru. i______________ t____ s______ n______ i-i-i-o-h-c-i-i t-i-u s-w-c-i n-b-r-. ------------------------------------- inigidochachini t’iru sewochi neberu.
Our guests were polite people. እ--ዶቻችን ትሁት --- -በ-። እ______ ት__ ሰ__ ነ___ እ-ግ-ቻ-ን ት-ት ሰ-ች ነ-ሩ- -------------------- እንግዶቻችን ትሁት ሰዎች ነበሩ። 0
i--g----ha-hi-i t-hut- --w---i -eb--u. i______________ t_____ s______ n______ i-i-i-o-h-c-i-i t-h-t- s-w-c-i n-b-r-. -------------------------------------- inigidochachini tihuti sewochi neberu.
Our guests were interesting people. እንግ-ቻች- -ስ-ሳ- -ዎች ---። እ______ አ____ ሰ__ ነ___ እ-ግ-ቻ-ን አ-ደ-ች ሰ-ች ነ-ሩ- ---------------------- እንግዶቻችን አስደሳች ሰዎች ነበሩ። 0
ini-id--h----n--āsi-----h- s-w-chi n-b---. i______________ ā_________ s______ n______ i-i-i-o-h-c-i-i ā-i-e-a-h- s-w-c-i n-b-r-. ------------------------------------------ inigidochachini āsidesachi sewochi neberu.
I have lovely children. ፍ-- የሆ----- አሉኝ ፍ__ የ__ ል__ አ__ ፍ-ር የ-ኑ ል-ች አ-ኝ --------------- ፍቅር የሆኑ ልጆች አሉኝ 0
fi-’----ye---u l--o--i ā--n-i f______ y_____ l______ ā_____ f-k-i-i y-h-n- l-j-c-i ā-u-y- ----------------------------- fik’iri yehonu lijochi ālunyi
But the neighbours have naughty children. ግን -ረ-ቶቼ-አ-ቸጋ- ልጆች አላቸው ግ_ ጎ____ አ____ ል__ አ___ ግ- ጎ-ቤ-ቼ አ-ቸ-ሪ ል-ች አ-ቸ- ----------------------- ግን ጎረቤቶቼ አስቸጋሪ ልጆች አላቸው 0
gi-i -o-e-ē-och- ā--c-eg-----ijoc-- -la-he-i g___ g__________ ā_________ l______ ā_______ g-n- g-r-b-t-c-ē ā-i-h-g-r- l-j-c-i ā-a-h-w- -------------------------------------------- gini gorebētochē āsichegarī lijochi ālachewi
Are your children well behaved? የእ-ንተ -ጆች ጨዋ-ና--? የ____ ል__ ጨ_ ና___ የ-ና-ተ ል-ች ጨ- ና-ው- ----------------- የእናንተ ልጆች ጨዋ ናቸው? 0
y-’-na-i-- -ij--h--ch’-wa n--he--? y_________ l______ c_____ n_______ y-’-n-n-t- l-j-c-i c-’-w- n-c-e-i- ---------------------------------- ye’inanite lijochi ch’ewa nachewi?

One language, many varieties

Even if we only speak one language, we speak many languages. For no language is a self-contained system. Every language shows many different dimensions. Language is a living system. Speakers always orient themselves towards their conversation partners. Therefore, people vary the language they speak. These varieties appear in various forms. For example, every language has a history. It has changed and will continue to change. This can be recognized in the fact that old people speak differently than young people. There are also various dialects in most languages. However, many dialect speakers can adapt to their environment. In certain situations they speak the standard language. Different social groups have different languages. Youth language or hunter's jargon are examples of this. Most people speak differently at work than they do at home. Many also use a professional jargon at work. Differences also appear in spoken and written language. Spoken language is typically much simpler than written. The difference can be quite large. This is the case when written languages don't change for a long time. Speakers then must learn to use the language in written form first. The language of women and men is often different as well. This difference isn't that great in western societies. But there are countries in which women speak very differently from men. In some cultures, politeness has its own linguistic form. Speaking is therefore not at all so easy! We have to pay attention to many different things at the same time…