
en Adjectives 3   »   el Επίθετα 3

80 [eighty]

Adjectives 3

Adjectives 3

80 [ογδόντα]

80 [ogdónta]

Επίθετα 3

Epítheta 3

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She has a dog. (Α--ή)---ει ένα---κύλο. (_____ έ___ έ___ σ_____ (-υ-ή- έ-ε- έ-α- σ-ύ-ο- ----------------------- (Αυτή) έχει έναν σκύλο. 0
(Au--)-éc-e- éna--ský--. (_____ é____ é___ s_____ (-u-ḗ- é-h-i é-a- s-ý-o- ------------------------ (Autḗ) échei énan skýlo.
The dog is big. Ο -κ-λο- --ν---μεγά-ο-. Ο σ_____ ε____ μ_______ Ο σ-ύ-ο- ε-ν-ι μ-γ-λ-ς- ----------------------- Ο σκύλος είναι μεγάλος. 0
O s--l-s eín-i----ál-s. O s_____ e____ m_______ O s-ý-o- e-n-i m-g-l-s- ----------------------- O skýlos eínai megálos.
She has a big dog. (Α-τή- -----έ-- με-ά------λο. (_____ έ___ έ__ μ_____ σ_____ (-υ-ή- έ-ε- έ-α μ-γ-λ- σ-ύ-ο- ----------------------------- (Αυτή) έχει ένα μεγάλο σκύλο. 0
(Au--- é---i-éna--eg--o-s-ý-o. (_____ é____ é__ m_____ s_____ (-u-ḗ- é-h-i é-a m-g-l- s-ý-o- ------------------------------ (Autḗ) échei éna megálo skýlo.
She has a house. (---ή- -χε- έν----ί--. (_____ έ___ έ__ σ_____ (-υ-ή- έ-ε- έ-α σ-ί-ι- ---------------------- (Αυτή) έχει ένα σπίτι. 0
(-u-ḗ)----ei é-a --í--. (_____ é____ é__ s_____ (-u-ḗ- é-h-i é-a s-í-i- ----------------------- (Autḗ) échei éna spíti.
The house is small. Το σπί-- είναι μικ-ό. Τ_ σ____ ε____ μ_____ Τ- σ-ί-ι ε-ν-ι μ-κ-ό- --------------------- Το σπίτι είναι μικρό. 0
T-----ti e-na--mikr-. T_ s____ e____ m_____ T- s-í-i e-n-i m-k-ó- --------------------- To spíti eínai mikró.
She has a small house. (Α-τή) έ-ε- έ-- μι-ρό--πίτ-. (_____ έ___ έ__ μ____ σ_____ (-υ-ή- έ-ε- έ-α μ-κ-ό σ-ί-ι- ---------------------------- (Αυτή) έχει ένα μικρό σπίτι. 0
(--t-- -c--i éna -ikr- s-í-i. (_____ é____ é__ m____ s_____ (-u-ḗ- é-h-i é-a m-k-ó s-í-i- ----------------------------- (Autḗ) échei éna mikró spíti.
He is staying in a hotel. (Αυ-ό-- ----ι--ε-ένα ξενοδ----ο. (______ μ____ σ_ έ__ ξ__________ (-υ-ό-) μ-ν-ι σ- έ-α ξ-ν-δ-χ-ί-. -------------------------------- (Αυτός) μένει σε ένα ξενοδοχείο. 0
(-u---)-m-ne- se-én- xe--doch---. (______ m____ s_ é__ x___________ (-u-ó-) m-n-i s- é-a x-n-d-c-e-o- --------------------------------- (Autós) ménei se éna xenodocheío.
The hotel is cheap. Τ------δοχ--- --ν-ι φτ---. Τ_ ξ_________ ε____ φ_____ Τ- ξ-ν-δ-χ-ί- ε-ν-ι φ-η-ό- -------------------------- Το ξενοδοχείο είναι φτηνό. 0
T--x--o--c-e-o-----i-ph-ēnó. T_ x__________ e____ p______ T- x-n-d-c-e-o e-n-i p-t-n-. ---------------------------- To xenodocheío eínai phtēnó.
He is staying in a cheap hotel. (Α-τός) μ-ν-ι -- --- -τηνό -ενοδοχε--. (______ μ____ σ_ έ__ φ____ ξ__________ (-υ-ό-) μ-ν-ι σ- έ-α φ-η-ό ξ-ν-δ-χ-ί-. -------------------------------------- (Αυτός) μένει σε ένα φτηνό ξενοδοχείο. 0
(-utós- m--e---e é-a-ph-ē---x-no-o--e-o. (______ m____ s_ é__ p_____ x___________ (-u-ó-) m-n-i s- é-a p-t-n- x-n-d-c-e-o- ---------------------------------------- (Autós) ménei se éna phtēnó xenodocheío.
He has a car. (-υ-ός--έχ-ι--να ----κί-η--. (______ έ___ έ__ α__________ (-υ-ό-) έ-ε- έ-α α-τ-κ-ν-τ-. ---------------------------- (Αυτός) έχει ένα αυτοκίνητο. 0
(-u---) éch---------tok-n-t-. (______ é____ é__ a__________ (-u-ó-) é-h-i é-a a-t-k-n-t-. ----------------------------- (Autós) échei éna autokínēto.
The car is expensive. Το-αυ-ο-ίν--------ι -κριβ-. Τ_ α_________ ε____ α______ Τ- α-τ-κ-ν-τ- ε-ν-ι α-ρ-β-. --------------------------- Το αυτοκίνητο είναι ακριβό. 0
T- --to-í-ē-- eín-i -krib-. T_ a_________ e____ a______ T- a-t-k-n-t- e-n-i a-r-b-. --------------------------- To autokínēto eínai akribó.
He has an expensive car. (----ς) έ-ε-------κ-ιβό-αυτ-κ-ν--ο. (______ έ___ έ__ α_____ α__________ (-υ-ό-) έ-ε- έ-α α-ρ-β- α-τ-κ-ν-τ-. ----------------------------------- (Αυτός) έχει ένα ακριβό αυτοκίνητο. 0
(--t-s) échei-é-- a------------n---. (______ é____ é__ a_____ a__________ (-u-ó-) é-h-i é-a a-r-b- a-t-k-n-t-. ------------------------------------ (Autós) échei éna akribó autokínēto.
He reads a novel. (---ός- δ----ζ-ι-έν--μ-θ---όρ--α. (______ δ_______ έ__ μ___________ (-υ-ό-) δ-α-ά-ε- έ-α μ-θ-σ-ό-η-α- --------------------------------- (Αυτός) διαβάζει ένα μυθιστόρημα. 0
(-ut--- d-----ei é---m-t-i--ór--a. (______ d_______ é__ m____________ (-u-ó-) d-a-á-e- é-a m-t-i-t-r-m-. ---------------------------------- (Autós) diabázei éna mythistórēma.
The novel is boring. Τ- μυθ---όρη-α είν-ι-β-ρετ-. Τ_ μ__________ ε____ β______ Τ- μ-θ-σ-ό-η-α ε-ν-ι β-ρ-τ-. ---------------------------- Το μυθιστόρημα είναι βαρετό. 0
T- my-his-órēma---n-i-b-r-t-. T_ m___________ e____ b______ T- m-t-i-t-r-m- e-n-i b-r-t-. ----------------------------- To mythistórēma eínai baretó.
He is reading a boring novel. (Α-τ--)-διαβ---ι-ένα---ρ-τ- μ-θ-στό----. (______ δ_______ έ__ β_____ μ___________ (-υ-ό-) δ-α-ά-ε- έ-α β-ρ-τ- μ-θ-σ-ό-η-α- ---------------------------------------- (Αυτός) διαβάζει ένα βαρετό μυθιστόρημα. 0
(-u--s- diabá----é-a-b-r--ó m--h-s-ó--ma. (______ d_______ é__ b_____ m____________ (-u-ó-) d-a-á-e- é-a b-r-t- m-t-i-t-r-m-. ----------------------------------------- (Autós) diabázei éna baretó mythistórēma.
She is watching a movie. (--τ-) β-έ-ε--μ-- τ-ι-ία. (_____ β_____ μ__ τ______ (-υ-ή- β-έ-ε- μ-α τ-ι-ί-. ------------------------- (Αυτή) βλέπει μια ταινία. 0
(-u--) -lé--i-----ta-n-a. (_____ b_____ m__ t______ (-u-ḗ- b-é-e- m-a t-i-í-. ------------------------- (Autḗ) blépei mia tainía.
The movie is exciting. Η---ινία----ι -γωνία. Η τ_____ έ___ α______ Η τ-ι-ί- έ-ε- α-ω-ί-. --------------------- Η ταινία έχει αγωνία. 0
Ē --in-a--ch-- -g---a. Ē t_____ é____ a______ Ē t-i-í- é-h-i a-ō-í-. ---------------------- Ē tainía échei agōnía.
She is watching an exciting movie. (--τ-) -λ-π-- ---------α πο- έχει α-ω-ία. (_____ β_____ μ__ τ_____ π__ έ___ α______ (-υ-ή- β-έ-ε- μ-α τ-ι-ί- π-υ έ-ε- α-ω-ί-. ----------------------------------------- (Αυτή) βλέπει μία ταινία που έχει αγωνία. 0
(--tḗ) ---p-i --- -a-n-a --u é-hei-a--nía. (_____ b_____ m__ t_____ p__ é____ a______ (-u-ḗ- b-é-e- m-a t-i-í- p-u é-h-i a-ō-í-. ------------------------------------------ (Autḗ) blépei mía tainía pou échei agōnía.

The language of academics

The language of academics is a language in itself. It is used for specialized discussions. It is also used in academic publications. Earlier, there were uniform academic languages. In the European region, Latin dominated academics for a long time. Today, on the other hand, English is the most significant academic language. Academic languages are a type of vernacular. They contain many specific terms. Their most significant features are standardization and formalization. Some say that academics speak incomprehensibly on purpose. When something is complicated, it seems more intelligent. However, academia often orients itself toward the truth. Therefore, it should use a neutral language. There is no place for rhetorical elements or flowery speech. However, there are many examples of excessively complicated language. And it appears that complicated language fascinates man! Studies prove that we trust complicated language more. Test subjects had to answer a few questions. This involved choosing between several answers. Some answers were formulated simply, others in a very complicated way. Most test subjects chose the more complex answer. But this didn't make any sense! The test subjects were deceived by the language. Even though the content was absurd, they were impressed by the form. Writing in a complicated way is not always an art, however. One can learn how to pack simple content into complex language. To express difficult things easily, on the other hand, is not so simple. So sometimes the simple is really complex…