
en Past tense 2   »   ad БлэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 2

82 [eighty-two]

Past tense 2

Past tense 2

82 [тIокIиплIырэ тIурэ]

82 [tIokIiplIyrje tIurje]

БлэкIыгъэ шъуашэр 2

[BljekIygje shuashjer 2]

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English (UK) Adyghe Play More
Did you have to call an ambulance? Iэ--I--ъ- ----к--м-укъед--н--а-у-хъ-гъ----? I________ п_______ у_______ ф___ х_________ I-п-I-г-у п-ы-к-э- у-ъ-д-э- ф-е- х-у-ъ-г-а- ------------------------------------------- IэпыIэгъу псынкIэм укъеджэн фаеу хъугъагъа? 0
I--pyI-e-u -syn--j----k-----e- ------u-ag-? I_________ p________ u________ f___ h______ I-e-y-j-g- p-y-k-j-m u-e-z-j-n f-e- h-g-g-? ------------------------------------------- IjepyIjegu psynkIjem ukedzhjen faeu hugaga?
Did you have to call the doctor? В--чы--у-ъ-д--н-фаеу--ъ-гъа--а? В_____ у_______ ф___ х_________ В-а-ы- у-ъ-д-э- ф-е- х-у-ъ-г-а- ------------------------------- Врачым укъеджэн фаеу хъугъагъа? 0
V--chy--uke-----n faeu h-----? V______ u________ f___ h______ V-a-h-m u-e-z-j-n f-e- h-g-g-? ------------------------------ Vrachym ukedzhjen faeu hugaga?
Did you have to call the police? Пол-ц-е------джэ----е- х--г---ъа? П_______ у_______ ф___ х_________ П-л-ц-е- у-ъ-д-э- ф-е- х-у-ъ-г-а- --------------------------------- Полицием укъеджэн фаеу хъугъагъа? 0
P-l-c-em u---z--en---e----g---? P_______ u________ f___ h______ P-l-c-e- u-e-z-j-n f-e- h-g-g-? ------------------------------- Policiem ukedzhjen faeu hugaga?
Do you have the telephone number? I had it just now. Т-----ны- и----- -иI-- А- -о--джы----- сIыгъыг-. Т________ и_____ у____ А_ м__ д_______ с________ Т-л-ф-н-м и-о-е- у-I-? А- м-у д-ы-э-э- с-ы-ъ-г-. ------------------------------------------------ Телефоным иномер уиIа? Ар моу джыдэдэм сIыгъыгъ. 0
Te--fon-m--no-er----a? Ar m-u dzh--je-----sIygy-. T________ i_____ u____ A_ m__ d__________ s______ T-l-f-n-m i-o-e- u-I-? A- m-u d-h-d-e-j-m s-y-y-. ------------------------------------------------- Telefonym inomer uiIa? Ar mou dzhydjedjem sIygyg.
Do you have the address? I had it just now. А----ы-----а? Ар м-у ---------с--гъы-ъ. А______ у____ А_ м__ д_______ с________ А-р-с-р у-I-? А- м-у д-ы-э-э- с-ы-ъ-г-. --------------------------------------- Адресыр уиIа? Ар моу джыдэдэм сIыгъыгъ. 0
A-r---r -iIa?-A--m-- dzhy-jed-e--s-y-yg. A______ u____ A_ m__ d__________ s______ A-r-s-r u-I-? A- m-u d-h-d-e-j-m s-y-y-. ---------------------------------------- Adresyr uiIa? Ar mou dzhydjedjem sIygyg.
Do you have the city map? I had it just now. Къ-л-м и-арт--у-I-? Ар ----джы-эд-м-сI--ъыг-. К_____ и_____ у____ А_ м__ д_______ с________ К-а-э- и-а-т- у-I-? А- м-у д-ы-э-э- с-ы-ъ-г-. --------------------------------------------- Къалэм икартэ уиIа? Ар моу джыдэдэм сIыгъыгъ. 0
Ka---- ikartje--i-a? A--m-u---hy---djem -I--yg. K_____ i______ u____ A_ m__ d__________ s______ K-l-e- i-a-t-e u-I-? A- m-u d-h-d-e-j-m s-y-y-. ----------------------------------------------- Kaljem ikartje uiIa? Ar mou dzhydjedjem sIygyg.
Did he come on time? He could not come on time. А----ъо- --э-Iу-г----Ар--г-о----эк--ш-у--э-. А_ и____ к__________ А_ и____ к_____________ А- и-ъ-м к-э-I-а-ъ-? А- и-ъ-м к-э-I-ш-у-ъ-п- -------------------------------------------- Ар игъом къэкIуагъа? Ар игъом къэкIошъугъэп. 0
Ar-i-o- --e---aga? A- i--m-----Io-hugj-p. A_ i___ k_________ A_ i___ k_____________ A- i-o- k-e-I-a-a- A- i-o- k-e-I-s-u-j-p- ----------------------------------------- Ar igom kjekIuaga? Ar igom kjekIoshugjep.
Did he find the way? He could not find the way. А---ъ-гу- къ---от----- Ащ-г-ог-р к--г-от--ъуг-э-. А_ г_____ к___________ А_ г_____ к_______________ А- г-о-у- к-ы-ъ-т-г-а- А- г-о-у- к-ы-ъ-т-ш-у-ъ-п- ------------------------------------------------- Ащ гъогур къыгъотыгъа? Ащ гъогур къыгъотышъугъэп. 0
Ashh --gur--y--tyga? As-h --g-r-k-----s--g--p. A___ g____ k________ A___ g____ k_____________ A-h- g-g-r k-g-t-g-? A-h- g-g-r k-g-t-s-u-j-p- ---------------------------------------------- Ashh gogur kygotyga? Ashh gogur kygotyshugjep.
Did he understand you? He could not understand me. А- епIу--ъэр-г-р-Iуа-ъа---с--аг-эр къы-у-ыIон -лъэк--гъэ-. А_ е________ г__________ Е________ к_________ ы___________ А- е-I-а-ъ-р г-р-I-а-ъ-? Е-I-а-ъ-р к-ы-у-ы-о- ы-ъ-к-ы-ъ-п- ---------------------------------------------------------- Ащ епIуагъэр гурыIуагъа? ЕсIуагъэр къыгурыIон ылъэкIыгъэп. 0
As---epIuag-----ury----a?-Es-u-g-er--yguryI-n ---ekIyg-e-. A___ e________ g_________ E________ k________ y___________ A-h- e-I-a-j-r g-r-I-a-a- E-I-a-j-r k-g-r-I-n y-j-k-y-j-p- ---------------------------------------------------------- Ashh epIuagjer guryIuaga? EsIuagjer kyguryIon yljekIygjep.
Why could you not come on time? Сы-----и-ъо- --ъ-з-кIэ-ы-Iо-ъ---э-? С___ о и____ у_____________________ С-д- о и-ъ-м у-ъ-з-к-э-ы-I-ш-у-ъ-р- ----------------------------------- Сыда о игъом укъызыкIэмыкIошъугъэр? 0
Sy---o-i--m--ky-ykI----k-o-hug-e-? S___ o i___ u_____________________ S-d- o i-o- u-y-y-I-e-y-I-s-u-j-r- ---------------------------------- Syda o igom ukyzykIjemykIoshugjer?
Why could you not find the way? Сы-- - --о-у- -----к----гъо-ы--у----?. С___ о г_____ к_______________________ С-д- о г-о-у- к-ы-ы-I-м-г-о-ы-ъ-г-э-?- -------------------------------------- Сыда о гъогур къызыкIэмыгъотышъугъэр?. 0
S-d--o gog-r k--yk--emyg-ty---g--r-. S___ o g____ k______________________ S-d- o g-g-r k-z-k-j-m-g-t-s-u-j-r-. ------------------------------------ Syda o gogur kyzykIjemygotyshugjer?.
Why could you not understand him? С--а -щ--хъ--ъ----) к--у-I-а-----къыз-кI-бг-р-м-----угъ--? С___ а_ (__________ к___________ к________________________ С-д- а- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) к-ы-и-у-г-э- к-ы-ы-I-б-у-ы-ы-о-ъ-г-э-? ---------------------------------------------------------- Сыда ащ (хъулъфыгъ) къыуиIуагъэр къызыкIыбгурымыIошъугъэр? 0
S-d---sh--(hul-yg--k-ui-u-gjer---zy---bg--ymyIos-ug--r? S___ a___ (_______ k__________ k_______________________ S-d- a-h- (-u-f-g- k-u-I-a-j-r k-z-k-y-g-r-m-I-s-u-j-r- ------------------------------------------------------- Syda ashh (hulfyg) kyuiIuagjer kyzykIybgurymyIoshugjer?
I could not come on time because there were no buses. Иг-ом-сы--ы-ыкI-мы-I---у---р--втоб-с-э- --к-ощ-ыгъ-х---шъ---ы. И____ с_____________________ а_________ з________________ а___ И-ъ-м с-к-ы-ы-I-м-к-о-ъ-г-э- а-т-б-с-э- з-к-о-т-г-э-э-ы-ъ а-ы- -------------------------------------------------------------- Игъом сыкъызыкIэмыкIошъугъэр автобусхэр зекIощтыгъэхэпышъ ары. 0
I-om-sy-y-y----m--Ioshu-jer--v-o-u-h-er------sh-t--je-j-p-s--a--. I___ s_____________________ a__________ z___________________ a___ I-o- s-k-z-k-j-m-k-o-h-g-e- a-t-b-s-j-r z-k-o-h-t-g-e-j-p-s- a-y- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Igom sykyzykIjemykIoshugjer avtobushjer zekIoshhtygjehjepysh ary.
I could not find the way because I had no city map. Сэ -ъо--р--ъ-з-к----м-гъ-т-шъ--ъэ- к--лэм и-ар- сиI--ъ--ы-ъ--ры. С_ г_____ к_______________________ к_____ и____ с__________ а___ С- г-о-у- к-ы-ы-I-с-м-г-о-ы-ъ-г-э- к-а-э- и-а-т с-I-г-э-ы-ъ а-ы- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Сэ гъогур къызыкIэсымыгъотышъугъэр къалэм икарт сиIагъэпышъ ары. 0
S-e -ogur k-zyk-j-s----otys-u--er-kal--m-ika-t-si-ag-ep--h----. S__ g____ k______________________ k_____ i____ s__________ a___ S-e g-g-r k-z-k-j-s-m-g-t-s-u-j-r k-l-e- i-a-t s-I-g-e-y-h a-y- --------------------------------------------------------------- Sje gogur kyzykIjesymygotyshugjer kaljem ikart siIagjepysh ary.
I could not understand him because the music was so loud. Сэ-ар -ъ---кI--гу---ыI--ъу---р-му--кэ--ым-къ--л-э--г-эш- ---. С_ а_ к_______________________ м______ ы_____ л_________ а___ С- а- к-ы-ы-I-з-у-ы-ы-о-ъ-г-э- м-з-к-м ы-а-ъ- л-э-ы-ъ-ш- а-ы- ------------------------------------------------------------- Сэ ар къызыкIызгурымыIошъугъэр музыкэм ымакъэ лъэшыгъэшъ ары. 0
Sj---r-k-z---y-----myIo-hug--r -----j-m -ma-j---jes-y-j--h---y. S__ a_ k______________________ m_______ y_____ l__________ a___ S-e a- k-z-k-y-g-r-m-I-s-u-j-r m-z-k-e- y-a-j- l-e-h-g-e-h a-y- --------------------------------------------------------------- Sje ar kyzykIyzgurymyIoshugjer muzykjem ymakje ljeshygjesh ary.
I had to take a taxi. Сэ -ак-и -ыу-ы-ы- -ае--хъ-г--. С_ т____ с_______ ф___ х______ С- т-к-и с-у-ы-ы- ф-е- х-у-ъ-. ------------------------------ Сэ такси сыубытын фаеу хъугъэ. 0
S----ak-i-sy-bytyn--a---hug--. S__ t____ s_______ f___ h_____ S-e t-k-i s-u-y-y- f-e- h-g-e- ------------------------------ Sje taksi syubytyn faeu hugje.
I had to buy a city map. С- к--лэ- и--ртэ-с-эф---фа-----у--э. С_ к_____ и_____ с_____ ф___ х______ С- к-а-э- и-а-т- с-э-ы- ф-е- х-у-ъ-. ------------------------------------ Сэ къалэм икартэ сщэфын фаеу хъугъэ. 0
Sje-----e--ik--tje--shh-efy------ -ug-e. S__ k_____ i______ s________ f___ h_____ S-e k-l-e- i-a-t-e s-h-j-f-n f-e- h-g-e- ---------------------------------------- Sje kaljem ikartje sshhjefyn faeu hugje.
I had to switch off the radio. Сэ --д--р-згъ---осэн----у хъ-г-э. С_ р_____ з_________ ф___ х______ С- р-д-о- з-ъ-к-о-э- ф-е- х-у-ъ-. --------------------------------- Сэ радиор згъэкIосэн фаеу хъугъэ. 0
S-e-----o- zgje-I--j---f-eu-hu-j-. S__ r_____ z__________ f___ h_____ S-e r-d-o- z-j-k-o-j-n f-e- h-g-e- ---------------------------------- Sje radior zgjekIosjen faeu hugje.

Learn foreign languages better overseas!

Adults do not learn languages as easily as children. Their brain is completely developed. Therefore, it can't establish new networks as easily anymore. But one can still learn a language very well as an adult! In order to do so, one must travel to the country where the language is spoken. A foreign language is learned especially effectively overseas. Anyone who has ever taken a language holiday knows this. One learns a new language better in its natural environment. A new study has just come to an interesting conclusion. It shows that a person learns a new language differently overseas as well! The brain can process the foreign language like the native language. Researchers have long believed that there are different learning processes. Now an experiment seems to have proven that. A group of test subjects had to learn a fictional language. Part of the test subjects went to regular lessons. The other part learned in a simulated overseas situation. These test subjects had to orient themselves in the foreign setting. Everyone with whom they had contact spoke the new language. The test subjects of this group were therefore not typical language students. They belonged to an unfamiliar community of speakers. This way they were forced to get help quickly with the new language. After a while the test subjects were tested. Both groups demonstrated an equally good knowledge of the new language. But their brains processed the foreign language differently! Those that learned ‘overseas’ showed striking brain activities. Their brain processed the foreign grammar like their own language. The same mechanisms were identified in native speakers. A language holiday is the nicest and most effective form of learning!