
en Questions – Past tense 1   »   ps پوښتنې - ماضی 1

85 [eighty-five]

Questions – Past tense 1

Questions – Past tense 1

85 [ پنځه اتیا ]

85 [ پنځه اتیا ]

پوښتنې - ماضی 1

[poǩtnê māzy 1]

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English (UK) Pashto Play More
How much did you drink? تا-- څ--ر---ښ-ک کړی؟ ت___ څ____ څ___ ک___ ت-س- څ-م-ه څ-ا- ک-ی- -------------------- تاسو څومره څښاک کړی؟ 0
ت-س--څ--ره څ-اک --ی؟ ت___ څ____ څ___ ک___ ت-س- څ-م-ه څ-ا- ک-ی- -------------------- تاسو څومره څښاک کړی؟
How much did you work? څ---ه-ک-- -و ---؟ څ____ ک__ م_ ک___ څ-م-ه ک-ر م- ک-ی- ----------------- څومره کار مو کړی؟ 0
څو----ک-ر-م--کړی؟ څ____ ک__ م_ ک___ څ-م-ه ک-ر م- ک-ی- ----------------- څومره کار مو کړی؟
How much did you write? ت--و -وم-ه لیکلي؟ ت___ څ____ ل_____ ت-س- څ-م-ه ل-ک-ي- ----------------- تاسو څومره لیکلي؟ 0
t-so--so-r- -yk-êy t___ t_____ l_____ t-s- t-o-r- l-k-ê- ------------------ tāso tsomra lyklêy
How did you sleep? س-----خوب څ-ګه-و؟ س____ خ__ څ___ و_ س-ا-و خ-ب څ-ګ- و- ----------------- ستاسو خوب څنګه و؟ 0
stās--ǩ-b----g--o s____ ǩ__ t____ o s-ā-o ǩ-b t-n-a o ----------------- stāso ǩob tsnga o
How did you pass the exam? س-اسو ا-ت--- څن----ر--- ش--؟ س____ ا_____ څ___ ت____ ش___ س-ا-و ا-ت-ا- څ-ګ- ت-س-ه ش-ه- ---------------------------- ستاسو امتحان څنګه ترسره شوه؟ 0
st-so --tḩ-- -sng- t-sra š-a s____ ā_____ t____ t____ š__ s-ā-o ā-t-ā- t-n-a t-s-a š-a ---------------------------- stāso āmtḩān tsnga trsra šoa
How did you find the way? تا-و---ګ- ---- پی-----ه؟ ت___ څ___ ل___ پ___ ک___ ت-س- څ-ګ- ل-ر- پ-د- ک-ه- ------------------------ تاسو څنګه لاره پیدا کړه؟ 0
ت-سو --ګ- --ره---د- ک--؟ ت___ څ___ ل___ پ___ ک___ ت-س- څ-ګ- ل-ر- پ-د- ک-ه- ------------------------ تاسو څنګه لاره پیدا کړه؟
Who did you speak to? ل- ----ر--م- خبر--وک-ې؟ ل_ چ_ س__ م_ خ___ و____ ل- چ- س-ه م- خ-ر- و-ړ-؟ ----------------------- له چا سره مو خبرې وکړې؟ 0
ل- چ- ----مو-خبرې---ړې؟ ل_ چ_ س__ م_ خ___ و____ ل- چ- س-ه م- خ-ر- و-ړ-؟ ----------------------- له چا سره مو خبرې وکړې؟
With whom did you make an appointment? څ---م- --ید-؟ څ__ م_ و_____ څ-ک م- و-ی-ل- ------------- څوک مو ولیدل؟ 0
t--k-m- olydl t___ m_ o____ t-o- m- o-y-l ------------- tsok mo olydl
With whom did you celebrate your birthday? تاسو ---- -لیز--له--- سره -لما--له؟ ت___ خ___ ک____ ل_ چ_ س__ و________ ت-س- خ-ل- ک-ی-ه ل- چ- س-ه و-م-ن-ل-؟ ----------------------------------- تاسو خپله کلیزه له چا سره ولمانځله؟ 0
ت-س--خپله --ی-ه -ه -ا-سر- -ل--نځ-ه؟ ت___ خ___ ک____ ل_ چ_ س__ و________ ت-س- خ-ل- ک-ی-ه ل- چ- س-ه و-م-ن-ل-؟ ----------------------------------- تاسو خپله کلیزه له چا سره ولمانځله؟
Where were you? ت-----ی-ته---؟ ت___ چ____ و__ ت-س- چ-ر-ه و-؟ -------------- تاسو چیرته وې؟ 0
tās--ç--t---ê t___ ç____ o_ t-s- ç-r-a o- ------------- tāso çyrta oê
Where did you live? تاس- چیر-ه ا--ې دلے ۍ؟ ت___ چ____ ا___ د__ ۍ_ ت-س- چ-ر-ه ا-س- د-ے ۍ- ---------------------- تاسو چیرته اوسې دلے ۍ؟ 0
t-----yrt----s--d--êy t___ ç____ ā___ d_ ê_ t-s- ç-r-a ā-s- d- ê- --------------------- tāso çyrta āosê dl êy
Where did you work? تا-و--یرت----ر -اوه؟ ت___ چ____ ک__ ک____ ت-س- چ-ر-ه ک-ر ک-و-؟ -------------------- تاسو چیرته کار کاوه؟ 0
تا-و -یر-- --- ---ه؟ ت___ چ____ ک__ ک____ ت-س- چ-ر-ه ک-ر ک-و-؟ -------------------- تاسو چیرته کار کاوه؟
What did you suggest? تا-و څ- و--ند------؟ ت___ څ_ و______ ک___ ت-س- څ- و-ا-د-ز ک-ی- -------------------- تاسو څه وړاندیز کړی؟ 0
ت--و څه---ا-دی--ک--؟ ت___ څ_ و______ ک___ ت-س- څ- و-ا-د-ز ک-ی- -------------------- تاسو څه وړاندیز کړی؟
What did you eat? ت----څ--و-و-ل؟ ت___ څ_ و_____ ت-س- څ- و-و-ل- -------------- تاسو څه وخوړل؟ 0
t--- --- -ǩoṟl t___ t__ o____ t-s- t-a o-o-l -------------- tāso tsa oǩoṟl
What did you come to know? څه مو -د- -ړ-؟ څ_ م_ ز__ ک___ څ- م- ز-ه ک-ل- -------------- څه مو زده کړل؟ 0
څه -و--د--ک--؟ څ_ م_ ز__ ک___ څ- م- ز-ه ک-ل- -------------- څه مو زده کړل؟
How fast did you drive? ت----څو-ر- --ز-م--ر چل--ی؟ ت___ څ____ ت__ م___ چ_____ ت-س- څ-م-ه ت-ز م-ټ- چ-و-ی- -------------------------- تاسو څومره تیز موټر چلولی؟ 0
t-so -som---t-- ---r -loly t___ t_____ t__ m___ ç____ t-s- t-o-r- t-z m-ṯ- ç-o-y -------------------------- tāso tsomra tyz moṯr çloly
How long did you fly? څومر---خت--ل-تلې؟ څ____ و__ ا______ څ-م-ه و-ت ا-و-ل-؟ ----------------- څومره وخت الوتلې؟ 0
t-o-r--oǩ- -l---ê t_____ o__ ā_____ t-o-r- o-t ā-o-l- ----------------- tsomra oǩt ālotlê
How high did you jump? ت--و -ومر- ل-ړ ټ-----؟ ت___ څ____ ل__ ټ__ ک__ ت-س- څ-م-ه ل-ړ ټ-پ ک-؟ ---------------------- تاسو څومره لوړ ټوپ کړ؟ 0
تا-و --م---لو--ټوپ--ړ؟ ت___ څ____ ل__ ټ__ ک__ ت-س- څ-م-ه ل-ړ ټ-پ ک-؟ ---------------------- تاسو څومره لوړ ټوپ کړ؟

African Languages

In Africa, a great deal of different languages are spoken. No other continent has so many different languages. The variety of African languages is impressive. It is estimated that there are about 2,000 African languages. However, all of these languages are not alike! Quite the opposite – they are often completely different! The languages of Africa belong to four different language families. Some African languages have one-of-a-kind characteristics. For example, there are sounds that foreigners cannot imitate. Land boundaries are not always linguistic boundaries in Africa. In some regions, there are a great deal of different languages. In Tanzania, for example, languages from all four families are spoken. Afrikaans is an exception among the African languages. This language came into being in the colonial period. At that time people from different continents met each other. They came from Africa, Europe and Asia. A new language developed out of these contact situations. Afrikaans exhibits influences from many languages. It is most closely related to Dutch, however. Today Afrikaans is spoken in South Africa and Namibia more than anywhere else. The most unusual African language is the drum language. Every message can be theoretically sent with drums. The languages that are communicated with drums are tonal languages. The meaning of words or syllables depends on the pitch of the tones. That means that the tones have to be imitated by the drums. The drum language is even understood by children in Africa. And it is very efficient… The drum language can be heard for up to 12 kilometers!