
en Past tense of modal verbs 1   »   uz Modal fe’llarning o‘tgan zamoni 1

87 [eighty-seven]

Past tense of modal verbs 1

Past tense of modal verbs 1

87 [sakson yetti]

Modal fe’llarning o‘tgan zamoni 1

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We had to water the flowers. B-z--u--ar-i-s---r--h-m-z ---a- ---. B__ g_______ s___________ k____ e___ B-z g-l-a-n- s-g-r-s-i-i- k-r-k e-i- ------------------------------------ Biz gullarni sugorishimiz kerak edi. 0
We had to clean the apartment. B-------t---ni toz-l--hi--- ----- --i. B__ k_________ t___________ k____ e___ B-z k-a-t-r-n- t-z-l-s-i-i- k-r-k e-i- -------------------------------------- Biz kvartirani tozalashimiz kerak edi. 0
We had to wash the dishes. B-z----shl-rn- -uv-shi--z kerak ed-. B__ i_________ y_________ k____ e___ B-z i-i-h-a-n- y-v-s-i-i- k-r-k e-i- ------------------------------------ Biz idishlarni yuvishimiz kerak edi. 0
Did you have to pay the bill? Hi--bni tol----n-iz -e--k-----i? H______ t__________ k____ e_____ H-s-b-i t-l-s-i-g-z k-r-k e-i-i- -------------------------------- Hisobni tolashingiz kerak edimi? 0
Did you have to pay an entrance fee? Ki-is--uc-un p-l to---h-n--z k-ra--idi? K_____ u____ p__ t__________ k_________ K-r-s- u-h-n p-l t-l-s-i-g-z k-r-k-i-i- --------------------------------------- Kirish uchun pul tolashingiz kerakmidi? 0
Did you have to pay a fine? S-z-j--im--tol-shi------erak-ed--i? S__ j_____ t__________ k____ e_____ S-z j-r-m- t-l-s-i-g-z k-r-k e-i-i- ----------------------------------- Siz jarima tolashingiz kerak edimi? 0
Who had to say goodbye? K-m-x-yrl----sh-----ak edi? K__ x___________ k____ e___ K-m x-y-l-s-i-h- k-r-k e-i- --------------------------- Kim xayrlashishi kerak edi? 0
Who had to go home early? K-m-u--- ert---o--sh- k-r-- edi? K__ u___ e___ b______ k____ e___ K-m u-g- e-t- b-r-s-i k-r-k e-i- -------------------------------- Kim uyga erta borishi kerak edi? 0
Who had to take the train? K-m --y-zdg- -o--s-i-ke-ak-edi? K__ p_______ b______ k____ e___ K-m p-y-z-g- b-r-s-i k-r-k e-i- ------------------------------- Kim poyezdga borishi kerak edi? 0
We did not want to stay long. Biz -zo- -o------ x-hla--d-k. B__ u___ q_______ x__________ B-z u-o- q-l-s-n- x-h-a-a-i-. ----------------------------- Biz uzoq qolishni xohlamadik. 0
We did not want to drink anything. B-- -e---nar---i--i-h----oh---ad-k. B__ h___ n____ i_______ x__________ B-z h-c- n-r-a i-h-s-n- x-h-a-a-i-. ----------------------------------- Biz hech narsa ichishni xohlamadik. 0
We did not want to disturb you. Biz si-n- b-z---a-q--------xoh-a-a---. B__ s____ b______ q_______ x__________ B-z s-z-i b-z-v-a q-l-s-n- x-h-a-a-i-. -------------------------------------- Biz sizni bezovta qilishni xohlamadik. 0
I just wanted to make a call. Me- -----ha-- qon------q----qchi-e-im. M__ s________ q_______ q________ e____ M-n s-u-c-a-i q-n-i-o- q-l-o-c-i e-i-. -------------------------------------- Men shunchaki qongiroq qilmoqchi edim. 0
I just wanted to call a taxi. M-n--ak--ga--uy--tma b--m-qc-i --i-. M__ t______ b_______ b________ e____ M-n t-k-i-a b-y-r-m- b-r-o-c-i e-i-. ------------------------------------ Men taksiga buyurtma bermoqchi edim. 0
Actually I wanted to drive home. Ch---i m-n u-----e-mo-ch--ed-m. C_____ m__ u___ k________ e____ C-u-k- m-n u-g- k-t-o-c-i e-i-. ------------------------------- Chunki men uyga ketmoqchi edim. 0
I thought you wanted to call your wife. Xoti----izga--o---ro--qi--oq--isiz -eb -y--di-. X___________ q_______ q___________ d__ o_______ X-t-n-n-i-g- q-n-i-o- q-l-o-c-i-i- d-b o-l-d-m- ----------------------------------------------- Xotiningizga qongiroq qilmoqchisiz deb oyladim. 0
I thought you wanted to call information. S-z -a-u-o--- -o-gir-q---lmo---is-z-deb-------m. S__ m________ q_______ q___________ d__ o_______ S-z m-l-m-t-a q-n-i-o- q-l-o-c-i-i- d-b o-l-d-m- ------------------------------------------------ Siz malumotga qongiroq qilmoqchisiz deb oyladim. 0
I thought you wanted to order a pizza. S-z --z------urtma --l---c--s-- --b o-l--i-. S__ p____ b_______ q___________ d__ o_______ S-z p-z-a b-y-r-m- q-l-o-c-i-i- d-b o-l-d-m- -------------------------------------------- Siz pizza buyurtma qilmoqchisiz deb oyladim. 0

Big letters, big feelings

Advertising uses a lot of pictures. Pictures awaken our particular interests. We look at them longer and more intently than letters. As a result, we remember advertisements with pictures better. Pictures also produce strong emotional reactions. The brain recognizes pictures very quickly. It knows immediately what can be seen in the picture. Letters function differently than pictures. They are abstract characters. Therefore, our brain reacts slower to letters. First, it must understand the meaning of the word. One might say the characters must be translated by the language part of the brain. But emotions can be produced using letters too. The text just needs to be very large. Studies show that big letters have a big effect as well. Large letters aren't just more noticeable than small letters. They also produce a stronger emotional reaction. This is true for positive as well as negative feelings. The size of things has always been important to mankind. Man must react quickly to danger. And when something is large, it's usually already quite close! So it's understandable that large pictures cause strong reactions. Less clear is how we react to large letters. Letters aren't actually a signal for the brain. Despite this, it shows greater activity when it sees large letters. This result is very interesting to scientists. It shows how important letters have become for us. Our brain has somehow learned how to react to writing…