М--т -ин--- и-ка-е--а-с- -грае с---клата.
М___ с__ н_ и_____ д_ с_ и____ с к_______
М-я- с-н н- и-к-ш- д- с- и-р-е с к-к-а-а-
Моят син не искаше да си играе с куклата. 0 M-ya--s---n---s-ash--d- s---g----s --k-ata.M____ s__ n_ i______ d_ s_ i____ s k_______M-y-t s-n n- i-k-s-e d- s- i-r-e s k-k-a-a--------------------------------------------Moyat sin ne iskashe da si igrae s kuklata.
М-я-а -ена н- -ск--е да ----- ---ен-на -а-.
М____ ж___ н_ и_____ д_ и____ с м__ н_ ш___
М-я-а ж-н- н- и-к-ш- д- и-р-е с м-н н- ш-х-
Моята жена не искаше да играе с мен на шах. 0 M---ta z-e----e is----- da i-rae-s -en -a s----.M_____ z____ n_ i______ d_ i____ s m__ n_ s_____M-y-t- z-e-a n- i-k-s-e d- i-r-e s m-n n- s-a-h-------------------------------------------------Moyata zhena ne iskashe da igrae s men na shakh.
Т- не --к--- да----л-гат.
Т_ н_ и_____ д_ с_ л_____
Т- н- и-к-х- д- с- л-г-т-
Те не искаха да си лягат. 0 Te----is-a-ha d- si ----a-.T_ n_ i______ d_ s_ l______T- n- i-k-k-a d- s- l-a-a-.---------------------------Te ne iskakha da si lyagat.
М--еш- л- д------ш---са-о-ета?
М_____ л_ д_ п____ в с________
М-ж-ш- л- д- п-ш-ш в с-м-л-т-?
Можеше ли да пушиш в самолета? 0 M-zh-she-l- d- pus---h - -a-ol--a?M_______ l_ d_ p______ v s________M-z-e-h- l- d- p-s-i-h v s-m-l-t-?----------------------------------Mozheshe li da pushish v samoleta?
Мо-еш--л---а -и-- -ира --бо-ни--та?
М_____ л_ д_ п___ б___ в б_________
М-ж-ш- л- д- п-е- б-р- в б-л-и-а-а-
Можеше ли да пиеш бира в болницата? 0 M--h--he-li-d- -ie----ir- - b--n-t---a?M_______ l_ d_ p____ b___ v b__________M-z-e-h- l- d- p-e-h b-r- v b-l-i-s-t-?---------------------------------------Mozheshe li da piesh bira v bolnitsata?
Може-е-ли да в-ем---ку-е-о---х----а?
М_____ л_ д_ в_____ к_____ в х______
М-ж-ш- л- д- в-е-е- к-ч-т- в х-т-л-?
Можеше ли да вземеш кучето в хотела? 0 Mo--e----l--da--z-m-s- k-ch-to----------?M_______ l_ d_ v______ k______ v k_______M-z-e-h- l- d- v-e-e-h k-c-e-o v k-o-e-a------------------------------------------Mozheshe li da vzemesh kucheto v khotela?
Те-мож-ха-дъ-г- -а-н-----пр-би-ат.
Т_ м_____ д____ д_ н_ с_ п________
Т- м-ж-х- д-л-о д- н- с- п-и-и-а-.
Те можеха дълго да не се прибират. 0 Te m----k---d---- -a -e se ---bi--t.T_ m_______ d____ d_ n_ s_ p________T- m-z-e-h- d-l-o d- n- s- p-i-i-a-.------------------------------------Te mozhekha dylgo da ne se pribirat.
Learning is not always easy.
Even when it is fun, it can be exhausting.
But when we've learned something, we're happy.
We're proud of ourselves and our progress.
Unfortunately, we can forget what we learn.
That is often a problem with languages in particular.
Most of us learn one or more languages in school.
This knowledge often gets lost after the school years.
We hardly speak the language anymore.
Our native language usually dominates our everyday life.
Many foreign languages only get used on vacation.
But if knowledge isn't regularly activated, it gets lost.
Our brain needs exercise.
It could be said that it functions like a muscle.
This muscle has to be exercised, otherwise it will get weaker.
But there are ways to prevent forgetting.
The most important thing is to repeatedly apply what you have learned.
Consistent rituals can help with this.
You can plan a small routine for different days of the week.
On Monday, for example, you could read a book in the foreign language.
Listen to an overseas radio station on Wednesday.
Then on Friday you can write in a journal in the foreign language.
This way you're switching between reading, hearing and writing.
Consequently, your knowledge is activated in different ways.
All of these exercises don't have to last long; half an hour is enough.
But it's important that you practice regularly!
Studies show that what you learn stays in the brain for decades.
It just has to be dug out of the drawer again…