My son did not want to play with the doll.
ወደይ--- --ቡልኡ-ክ--ት-ኣይደ-ን-ኔ-።
ወ__ ም_ ባ____ ክ___ ኣ____ ኔ__
ወ-ይ ም- ባ-ቡ-ኡ ክ-ወ- ኣ-ደ-ን ኔ-።
ወደይ ምስ ባምቡልኡ ክጻወት ኣይደልን ኔሩ።
we-ey--mis- ba-i-u--’u---t-’aw-ti-ay--e---- n---።
w_____ m___ b_________ k_________ a________ n____
w-d-y- m-s- b-m-b-l-’- k-t-’-w-t- a-i-e-i-i n-r-።
wedeyi misi bamibuli’u kits’aweti ayidelini nēru።
My son did not want to play with the doll.
ወደይ ምስ ባምቡልኡ ክጻወት ኣይደልን ኔሩ።
wedeyi misi bamibuli’u kits’aweti ayidelini nēru።
My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.).
ጓለ--ኩ----ትጻወት ኣ-ደ-የ-ን --።
ጓ__ ኩ__ ክ____ ኣ______ ኔ__
ጓ-ይ ኩ-ሶ ክ-ጻ-ት ኣ-ደ-የ-ን ኔ-።
ጓለይ ኩዑሶ ክትጻወት ኣይደለየትን ኔራ።
gw--ey---u--s---i-----awe-i--y-de-ey--in- n-r-።
g______ k_____ k___________ a____________ n____
g-a-e-i k-‘-s- k-t-t-’-w-t- a-i-e-e-e-i-i n-r-።
gwaleyi ku‘uso kitits’aweti ayideleyetini nēra።
My daughter did not want to play football / soccer (am.).
ጓለይ ኩዑሶ ክትጻወት ኣይደለየትን ኔራ።
gwaleyi ku‘uso kitits’aweti ayideleyetini nēra።
My wife did not want to play chess with me.
ሰ---- ም---ሻ- ክትጻወ--ኣ-ደለየት- ኔ-።
ሰ____ ም__ ሻ_ ክ____ ኣ______ ኔ__
ሰ-ይ-ይ ም-ይ ሻ- ክ-ጻ-ት ኣ-ደ-የ-ን ኔ-።
ሰበይተይ ምሳይ ሻኽ ክትጻወት ኣይደለየትን ኔራ።
se--yite-- m-------ha--- k--it-’--e-- ayide-e-e---i-n-ra።
s_________ m_____ s____ k___________ a____________ n____
s-b-y-t-y- m-s-y- s-a-̱- k-t-t-’-w-t- a-i-e-e-e-i-i n-r-።
sebeyiteyi misayi shaẖi kitits’aweti ayideleyetini nēra።
My wife did not want to play chess with me.
ሰበይተይ ምሳይ ሻኽ ክትጻወት ኣይደለየትን ኔራ።
sebeyiteyi misayi shaẖi kitits’aweti ayideleyetini nēra።
My children did not want to go for a walk.
ደ-ይ --ዛወሩ--ይ-ለ-ን ኔሮም።
ደ__ ን____ ኣ_____ ኔ___
ደ-ይ ን-ዛ-ሩ ኣ-ደ-ዩ- ኔ-ም-
ደቀይ ንኽዛወሩ ኣይደለዩን ኔሮም።
d______ n_________ a__________ n______
d-k-e-i n-h-i-a-e-u a-i-e-e-u-i n-r-m-።
dek’eyi niẖizaweru ayideleyuni nēromi።
My children did not want to go for a walk.
ደቀይ ንኽዛወሩ ኣይደለዩን ኔሮም።
dek’eyi niẖizaweru ayideleyuni nēromi።
They did not want to tidy the room.
ነ---ፍሊ-ክጽ-ይዎ -ይ-ለ-- --ም።
ነ_ ክ__ ክ____ ኣ_____ ኔ___
ነ- ክ-ሊ ክ-ር-ዎ ኣ-ደ-ዩ- ኔ-ም-
ነቲ ክፍሊ ክጽርይዎ ኣይደለዩን ኔሮም።
netī -i-i----it--i-i---- a-i-el-yun- nēr-mi።
n___ k_____ k___________ a__________ n______
n-t- k-f-l- k-t-’-r-y-w- a-i-e-e-u-i n-r-m-።
netī kifilī kits’iriyiwo ayideleyuni nēromi።
They did not want to tidy the room.
ነቲ ክፍሊ ክጽርይዎ ኣይደለዩን ኔሮም።
netī kifilī kits’iriyiwo ayideleyuni nēromi።
They did not want to go to bed.
ና--ዓ-ቶ- ክኸዱ ኣይደለ-ን-ኔሮ-።
ና_ ዓ___ ክ__ ኣ_____ ኔ___
ና- ዓ-ቶ- ክ-ዱ ኣ-ደ-ዩ- ኔ-ም-
ናብ ዓራቶም ክኸዱ ኣይደለዩን ኔሮም።
na---‘----om--k------ a-idele---- nēro--።
n___ ‘_______ k_____ a__________ n______
n-b- ‘-r-t-m- k-h-e-u a-i-e-e-u-i n-r-m-።
nabi ‘aratomi kiẖedu ayideleyuni nēromi።
They did not want to go to bed.
ናብ ዓራቶም ክኸዱ ኣይደለዩን ኔሮም።
nabi ‘aratomi kiẖedu ayideleyuni nēromi።
He was not allowed to eat ice cream.
ኣ-ስ---ም --ል- --ፍ-ዶን-ነይ-።
ኣ______ ክ___ ኣ_____ ነ___
ኣ-ስ-ክ-ም ክ-ል- ኣ-ፍ-ዶ- ነ-ሩ-
ኣይስ-ክሪም ክበልዕ ኣይፍቀዶን ነይሩ።
a---i-k-r--- ----l--i a---i-’e-oni-------።
a___________ k_______ a___________ n______
a-i-i-k-r-m- k-b-l-‘- a-i-i-’-d-n- n-y-r-።
ayisi-kirīmi kibeli‘i ayifik’edoni neyiru።
He was not allowed to eat ice cream.
ኣይስ-ክሪም ክበልዕ ኣይፍቀዶን ነይሩ።
ayisi-kirīmi kibeli‘i ayifik’edoni neyiru።
He was not allowed to eat chocolate.
ቾ___ ክ___ ኣ_____ ነ____
ቾ-ላ- ክ-ል- ኣ-ፍ-ዶ- ነ-ሩ-።
ቾኮላታ ክበልዕ ኣይፍቀዶን ነይሩ።።
c-o--la-a-k----i-i ay--ik----n- ney---።።
c________ k_______ a___________ n_______
c-o-o-a-a k-b-l-‘- a-i-i-’-d-n- n-y-r-።-
chokolata kibeli‘i ayifik’edoni neyiru።።
He was not allowed to eat chocolate.
ቾኮላታ ክበልዕ ኣይፍቀዶን ነይሩ።።
chokolata kibeli‘i ayifik’edoni neyiru።።
He was not allowed to eat sweets.
ከረ--ታ- ---- ---ቀ----ይሩ።
ከ_____ ክ___ ኣ_____ ነ___
ከ-መ-ታ- ክ-ል- ኣ-ፍ-ዶ- ነ-ሩ-
ከረመላታት ክበልዕ ኣይፍቀዶን ነይሩ።
ke--me--tati --be-i-i-ayif-k’e-o---ney--u።
k___________ k_______ a___________ n______
k-r-m-l-t-t- k-b-l-‘- a-i-i-’-d-n- n-y-r-።
keremelatati kibeli‘i ayifik’edoni neyiru።
He was not allowed to eat sweets.
ከረመላታት ክበልዕ ኣይፍቀዶን ነይሩ።
keremelatati kibeli‘i ayifik’edoni neyiru።
I was allowed to make a wish.
ን-ይ ---ክ-ነ-ለ- ---ል ኔ-።
ን__ ገ_ ክ_____ ይ___ ኔ__
ን-ይ ገ- ክ-ነ-ለ- ይ-እ- ኔ-።
ንዓይ ገለ ክምነየለይ ይኽእል ኔሩ።
ni--y- -e-e ki--ne-e-e-i-y--̱-’--i nē--።
n_____ g___ k___________ y_______ n____
n-‘-y- g-l- k-m-n-y-l-y- y-h-i-i-i n-r-።
ni‘ayi gele kimineyeleyi yiẖi’ili nēru።
I was allowed to make a wish.
ንዓይ ገለ ክምነየለይ ይኽእል ኔሩ።
ni‘ayi gele kimineyeleyi yiẖi’ili nēru።
I was allowed to buy myself a dress.
ሓደ ቀ-- --ዝእ -ፈ-ዱ---ሩ።
ሓ_ ቀ__ ክ___ ተ____ ኔ__
ሓ- ቀ-ሽ ክ-ዝ- ተ-ቒ-ኒ ኔ-።
ሓደ ቀሚሽ ክገዝእ ተፈቒዱኒ ኔሩ።
h---e-k’e-īs-- -ig-z--- t--ek--ī-un- nē--።
ḥ___ k_______ k_______ t__________ n____
h-a-e k-e-ī-h- k-g-z-’- t-f-k-’-d-n- n-r-።
ḥade k’emīshi kigezi’i tefeḵ’īdunī nēru።
I was allowed to buy myself a dress.
ሓደ ቀሚሽ ክገዝእ ተፈቒዱኒ ኔሩ።
ḥade k’emīshi kigezi’i tefeḵ’īdunī nēru።
I was allowed to take a chocolate.
ሓደ-ፕ-ሊ-(--ላ---ክ--ድ---ቒ--ይ -ሩ።
ሓ_ ፕ_________ ክ___ ተ_____ ኔ__
ሓ- ፕ-ሊ-(-ኮ-ት- ክ-ስ- ተ-ቒ-ለ- ኔ-።
ሓደ ፕራሊን(ቾኮላት) ክወስድ ተፈቒዱለይ ኔሩ።
ḥ--e -i-a--ni--h-k-la-i- k-----di -----̱--d-le-i-n--u።
ḥ___ p__________________ k_______ t____________ n____
h-a-e p-r-l-n-(-h-k-l-t-) k-w-s-d- t-f-k-’-d-l-y- n-r-።
ḥade piralīni(chokolati) kiwesidi tefeḵ’īduleyi nēru።
I was allowed to take a chocolate.
ሓደ ፕራሊን(ቾኮላት) ክወስድ ተፈቒዱለይ ኔሩ።
ḥade piralīni(chokolati) kiwesidi tefeḵ’īduleyi nēru።
Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane?
ኣ---ፋ-- ክት-ክኽ-ተ--ዱ-- ---ሩ?
ኣ_ ነ___ ክ____ ተ_____ ዶ ኔ__
ኣ- ነ-ሪ- ክ-ት-ኽ ተ-ቒ-ል- ዶ ኔ-?
ኣብ ነፋሪት ክትትክኽ ተፈቒዱልካ ዶ ኔሩ?
a-i --fa-----k-ti--ki-̱--tef---’īd----- d----r-?
a__ n_______ k_________ t____________ d_ n____
a-i n-f-r-t- k-t-t-k-h-i t-f-k-’-d-l-k- d- n-r-?
abi nefarīti kititikiẖi tefeḵ’īdulika do nēru?
Were you allowed to smoke in the airplane?
ኣብ ነፋሪት ክትትክኽ ተፈቒዱልካ ዶ ኔሩ?
abi nefarīti kititikiẖi tefeḵ’īdulika do nēru?
Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital?
ኣብ---ፒታ- ቢ- -ትሰቲ---ቒዱ-ካ ዶ-ኔ-?
ኣ_ ሆ____ ቢ_ ክ___ ተ_____ ዶ ኔ__
ኣ- ሆ-ፒ-ል ቢ- ክ-ሰ- ተ-ቒ-ል- ዶ ኔ-?
ኣብ ሆስፒታል ቢራ ክትሰቲ ተፈቒዱልካ ዶ ኔሩ?
abi---s--īt-l- --r--k---se-ī t-fe---īdul--a d--nē-u?
a__ h_________ b___ k_______ t____________ d_ n____
a-i h-s-p-t-l- b-r- k-t-s-t- t-f-k-’-d-l-k- d- n-r-?
abi hosipītali bīra kitisetī tefeḵ’īdulika do nēru?
Were you allowed to drink beer in the hospital?
ኣብ ሆስፒታል ቢራ ክትሰቲ ተፈቒዱልካ ዶ ኔሩ?
abi hosipītali bīra kitisetī tefeḵ’īdulika do nēru?
Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel?
ነቲ ከል--ና----ል-----ዎ----ዱልካ-ዶ---?
ነ_ ከ__ ና_ ሆ__ ክ____ ተ_____ ዶ ኔ__
ነ- ከ-ቢ ና- ሆ-ል ክ-እ-ዎ ተ-ቒ-ል- ዶ ኔ-?
ነቲ ከልቢ ናብ ሆተል ክትእተዎ ተፈቒዱልካ ዶ ኔሩ?
netī-k---------i-h-tel---iti-it-w- t--eḵ-īd---ka--o nēr-?
n___ k_____ n___ h_____ k_________ t____________ d_ n____
n-t- k-l-b- n-b- h-t-l- k-t-’-t-w- t-f-k-’-d-l-k- d- n-r-?
netī kelibī nabi hoteli kiti’itewo tefeḵ’īdulika do nēru?
Were you allowed to take the dog into the hotel?
ነቲ ከልቢ ናብ ሆተል ክትእተዎ ተፈቒዱልካ ዶ ኔሩ?
netī kelibī nabi hoteli kiti’itewo tefeḵ’īdulika do nēru?
During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late.
ብግዜ---ፍ---ቶም -ልዑ -ዊሕ-ኣብ ደገ-ክዛ---ይኽ----ይሮ-።
ብ__ ዕ___ እ__ ቆ__ ነ__ ኣ_ ደ_ ክ___ ይ___ ነ____
ብ-ዜ ዕ-ፍ- እ-ም ቆ-ዑ ነ-ሕ ኣ- ደ- ክ-ነ- ይ-እ- ነ-ሮ-።
ብግዜ ዕርፍቲ እቶም ቆልዑ ነዊሕ ኣብ ደገ ክዛነዩ ይኽእሉ ነይሮም።
b---zē -i-if-tī -t-mi--’-l-----e-īḥ---bi-d-g---iz-ney---ih--’i---ne-ir-mi።
b_____ ‘_______ i____ k______ n_____ a__ d___ k_______ y_______ n________
b-g-z- ‘-r-f-t- i-o-i k-o-i-u n-w-h-i a-i d-g- k-z-n-y- y-h-i-i-u n-y-r-m-።
bigizē ‘irifitī itomi k’oli‘u newīḥi abi dege kizaneyu yiẖi’ilu neyiromi።
During the holidays the children were allowed to remain outside late.
ብግዜ ዕርፍቲ እቶም ቆልዑ ነዊሕ ኣብ ደገ ክዛነዩ ይኽእሉ ነይሮም።
bigizē ‘irifitī itomi k’oli‘u newīḥi abi dege kizaneyu yiẖi’ilu neyiromi።
They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time.
ን--- ግ--ኣብ ቀ-ሪ-ክጻወ- ተ----- --።
ን___ ግ_ ኣ_ ቀ__ ክ___ ተ_____ ኔ__
ን-ዊ- ግ- ኣ- ቀ-ሪ ክ-ወ- ተ-ቒ-ሎ- ኔ-።
ንነዊሕ ግዜ ኣብ ቀጽሪ ክጻወቱ ተፈቒዱሎም ኔሩ።
n-n-w-h-i-g-z--a-i -’--s-i-- kits-awetu -e-e-̱-ī-u-om- -ēru።
n_______ g___ a__ k________ k_________ t____________ n____
n-n-w-h-i g-z- a-i k-e-s-i-ī k-t-’-w-t- t-f-k-’-d-l-m- n-r-።
ninewīḥi gizē abi k’ets’irī kits’awetu tefeḵ’īdulomi nēru።
They were allowed to play in the yard for a long time.
ንነዊሕ ግዜ ኣብ ቀጽሪ ክጻወቱ ተፈቒዱሎም ኔሩ።
ninewīḥi gizē abi k’ets’irī kits’awetu tefeḵ’īdulomi nēru።
They were allowed to stay up late.
ንነ-ሕ ግዜ --ንሑ-ተፈቒዱሎም-ኔሩ።
ን___ ግ_ ክ___ ተ_____ ኔ__
ን-ዊ- ግ- ክ-ን- ተ-ቒ-ሎ- ኔ-።
ንነዊሕ ግዜ ክጸንሑ ተፈቒዱሎም ኔሩ።
ni---īh-i --z- --t-’e-i-̣--t----̱’--u-omi-n-ru።
n_______ g___ k_________ t____________ n____
n-n-w-h-i g-z- k-t-’-n-h-u t-f-k-’-d-l-m- n-r-።
ninewīḥi gizē kits’eniḥu tefeḵ’īdulomi nēru።
They were allowed to stay up late.
ንነዊሕ ግዜ ክጸንሑ ተፈቒዱሎም ኔሩ።
ninewīḥi gizē kits’eniḥu tefeḵ’īdulomi nēru።