
en Subordinate clauses: that 1   »   ad ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 1

91 [ninety-one]

Subordinate clauses: that 1

Subordinate clauses: that 1

91 [тIокIиплIырэ пшIыкIузырэ]

91 [tIokIiplIyrje pshIykIuzyrje]

ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 1

[GushhyIjeuhygje guadzjehjer 1]

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Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow. Ен-----ъо,---ущ о- и----т-н--ь---у--ъу----. Е_________ н___ о_ и_____ н_______ х_______ Е-э-у-г-о- н-у- о- и-ы-е- н-х-ы-I- х-у-к-э- ------------------------------------------- Енэгуягъо, неущ ом изытет нахьышIу хъункIэ. 0
Enjeg-jago,-neu-h---m-i-yt-t-n--'--hIu-h-n-Ije. E__________ n_____ o_ i_____ n________ h_______ E-j-g-j-g-, n-u-h- o- i-y-e- n-h-y-h-u h-n-I-e- ----------------------------------------------- Enjegujago, neushh om izytet nah'yshIu hunkIje.
How do you know that? Т--- о--р-щып----а? Т___ о а_ щ________ Т-д- о а- щ-п-I-р-? ------------------- Тыдэ о ар щыпшIэра? 0
Ty-je --ar---h-p-hIj-r-? T____ o a_ s____________ T-d-e o a- s-h-p-h-j-r-? ------------------------ Tydje o ar shhypshIjera?
I hope that it gets better. Сэгу--э, -ахь-ш-- --у-эу. С_______ н_______ х______ С-г-г-э- н-х-ы-I- х-у-э-. ------------------------- Сэгугъэ, нахьышIу хъунэу. 0
S--gu-j-,-nah'yshIu h---eu. S________ n________ h______ S-e-u-j-, n-h-y-h-u h-n-e-. --------------------------- Sjegugje, nah'yshIu hunjeu.
He will definitely come. Ар шъы-к-эу -ъэ-Iо--. А_ ш_______ к________ А- ш-ы-к-э- к-э-I-щ-. --------------------- Ар шъыпкъэу къэкIощт. 0
A--sh-pkj-- -je-I---ht. A_ s_______ k__________ A- s-y-k-e- k-e-I-s-h-. ----------------------- Ar shypkjeu kjekIoshht.
Are you sure? У--ых-- --лъ-? У______ т_____ У-ц-х-э т-л-а- -------------- Уицыхьэ телъа? 0
Uic----e t---? U_______ t____ U-c-h-j- t-l-? -------------- Uicyh'je tela?
I know that he’ll come. С- ---Iапэ-ар к-ызэ-экIощтыр. С_ с______ а_ к______________ С- с-ш-а-э а- к-ы-э-э-I-щ-ы-. ----------------------------- Сэ сэшIапэ ар къызэрэкIощтыр. 0
Sj----es---p----r -y---r-e-I---h-y-. S__ s_________ a_ k_________________ S-e s-e-h-a-j- a- k-z-e-j-k-o-h-t-r- ------------------------------------ Sje sjeshIapje ar kyzjerjekIoshhtyr.
He’ll definitely call. Ар -ъыпкъ-у --ы--ощ-. А_ ш_______ к________ А- ш-ы-к-э- к-ы-е-щ-. --------------------- Ар шъыпкъэу къытеощт. 0
A---h--k-eu-ky-e--hh-. A_ s_______ k_________ A- s-y-k-e- k-t-o-h-t- ---------------------- Ar shypkjeu kyteoshht.
Really? Шъыпк-э--I-? Ш___________ Ш-ы-к-э-к-э- ------------ ШъыпкъэмкIэ? 0
S-y-k---kI-e? S____________ S-y-k-e-k-j-? ------------- ShypkjemkIje?
I believe that he’ll call. Ар-те-е-он-I--к-ытеонэ--с-л--тэ. А_ т_________ к________ с_______ А- т-л-ф-н-I- к-ы-е-н-у с-л-ы-э- -------------------------------- Ар телефонкIэ къытеонэу сэлъытэ. 0
A- t-le-o-k-----yt-on----sje-yt--. A_ t__________ k________ s________ A- t-l-f-n-I-e k-t-o-j-u s-e-y-j-. ---------------------------------- Ar telefonkIje kyteonjeu sjelytje.
The wine is definitely old. Са--р- -э- хэм-лъэ-- ж-ы (н-бжь -I). С_____ щ__ х________ ж__ (_____ и___ С-н-р- щ-ч х-м-л-э-, ж-ы (-ы-ж- и-)- ------------------------------------ Санэр, щэч хэмылъэу, жъы (ныбжь иI). 0
Sa--er--s---ec- h----l---,--hy (n---h' iI). S______ s______ h_________ z__ (______ i___ S-n-e-, s-h-e-h h-e-y-j-u- z-y (-y-z-' i-)- ------------------------------------------- Sanjer, shhjech hjemyljeu, zhy (nybzh' iI).
Do you know that for sure? Ар ----па? А_ о______ А- о-I-п-? ---------- Ар ошIапа? 0
A- ---I--a? A_ o_______ A- o-h-a-a- ----------- Ar oshIapa?
I think that he is old. А- --бж- -I---с-хэ-л-э. А_ н____ и___ с________ А- н-б-ь и-э- с-х-п-ъ-. ----------------------- Ащ ныбжь иIэу сыхэплъэ. 0
A-hh n-bzh'-iI-e- ----epl--. A___ n_____ i____ s_________ A-h- n-b-h- i-j-u s-h-e-l-e- ---------------------------- Ashh nybzh' iIjeu syhjeplje.
Our boss is good-looking. Т-I---хьэт----еп--э--у-и-. Т___________ т________ и__ Т-I-ш-х-э-е- т-п-ъ-ш-у и-. -------------------------- ТиIэшъхьэтет теплъэшIу иI. 0
Ti---s--'-etet-t---je--Iu iI. T_____________ t_________ i__ T-I-e-h-'-e-e- t-p-j-s-I- i-. ----------------------------- TiIjeshh'jetet tepljeshIu iI.
Do you think so? А-э--тэу --апл-а? А_______ у_______ А-э-щ-э- у-а-л-а- ----------------- Арэущтэу ухаплъа? 0
A-j-us----e--u-a-l-? A___________ u______ A-j-u-h-t-e- u-a-l-? -------------------- Arjeushhtjeu uhapla?
I find him very handsome. Ц-ыф------дэ-э- с-----э. Ц___ д___ д____ с_______ Ц-ы- д-х- д-д-у с-л-ы-э- ------------------------ ЦIыф дэхэ дэдэу сэлъытэ. 0
CI---djehj- --edje--s-----j-. C___ d_____ d______ s________ C-y- d-e-j- d-e-j-u s-e-y-j-. ----------------------------- CIyf djehje djedjeu sjelytje.
The boss definitely has a girlfriend. Т-Iэшъ-----т-гъэ--фагъэ--к-эщэ- и-. Т___________ г__________ к_____ и__ Т-I-ш-х-э-е- г-э-э-а-ъ-у к-э-э- и-. ----------------------------------- ТиIэшъхьэтет гъэнэфагъэу къэщэн иI. 0
T--jes----e--t--je--e------ k--shh-----I. T_____________ g___________ k________ i__ T-I-e-h-'-e-e- g-e-j-f-g-e- k-e-h-j-n i-. ----------------------------------------- TiIjeshh'jetet gjenjefagjeu kjeshhjen iI.
Do you really think so? А-----эу-ш--п---м-I- --ап-ъ-? А_______ ш__________ у_______ А-э-щ-э- ш-ы-к-э-к-э у-а-л-а- ----------------------------- Арэущтэу шъыпкъэмкIэ ухаплъа? 0
Ar--u-h-t-------p--em---e--ha--a? A___________ s___________ u______ A-j-u-h-t-e- s-y-k-e-k-j- u-a-l-? --------------------------------- Arjeushhtjeu shypkjemkIje uhapla?
It is very possible that he has a girlfriend. К--щ-н иI--кI- -эх-у. К_____ и______ м_____ К-э-э- и-э-к-э м-х-у- --------------------- Къэщэн иIэнкIэ мэхъу. 0
K----hj-n-iI---kIj- m-ehu. K________ i________ m_____ K-e-h-j-n i-j-n-I-e m-e-u- -------------------------- Kjeshhjen iIjenkIje mjehu.

The Spanish language

The Spanish language belongs to the world languages. It is the native language of more than 380 million people. Additionally, there are many people who speak it as their second language. That makes Spanish one of the most significant languages on the planet. It is also the largest of all the Romance languages. Spanish speakers call their language español or castellano . The term castellano reveals the origin of the Spanish language. It developed from the vernacular spoken in the Castille region. Most Spaniards spoke castellano as early as the 16th century. Today the terms español and castellano are used interchangeably. But they can also have a political dimension. Spanish was dispersed by conquests and colonization. Spanish is also spoken in West Africa and in the Philippines. But the most Spanish-speaking people live in America. In Central and South America, Spanish is the dominant language. However, the number of Spanish-speaking people is also increasing in the USA. About 50 million people in the USA speak Spanish. That's more than in Spain! The Spanish in America is different from European Spanish. The differences are found in the vocabulary and grammar more than anything else. In America, for example, a different past tense form is used. There are also many differences in vocabulary. Some words are only used in America, others only in Spain. But Spanish isn't even uniform in America. There are many different varieties of American Spanish. After English, Spanish is the most learned foreign language worldwide. And it can be learned relatively quickly. What are you waiting for? - ¡Vamos!