
en Subordinate clauses: that 2   »   ad ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 2

92 [ninety-two]

Subordinate clauses: that 2

Subordinate clauses: that 2

92 [тIокIиплIырэ пшIыкIутIурэ]

92 [tIokIiplIyrje pshIykIutIurje]

ГущыIэухыгъэ гуадзэхэр 2

GushhyIjeuhygje guadzjehjer 2

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I’m angry that you snore. У---эп-р-ъ---р----у -ефэрэ-. У_____________ с___ т_______ У-э-э-ы-х-э-э- с-г- т-ф-р-п- ---------------------------- Узэpэпырхъэрэр сыгу тефэрэп. 0
U--e--e-yr--erj---s--u--e-j-----. U________________ s___ t_________ U-j-p-e-y-h-e-j-r s-g- t-f-e-j-p- --------------------------------- Uzjepjepyrhjerjer sygu tefjerjep.
I’m angry that you drink so much beer. Пи-- -ащ----ри-ш-у-э- ---у теф----. П___ б___ з__________ с___ т_______ П-в- б-щ- з-р-п-ъ-р-р с-г- т-ф-р-п- ----------------------------------- Пивэ бащэ зэрипшъурэр сыгу тефэрэп. 0
Pi-je bas-h-----erip---r----s-gu-t-fj-rj--. P____ b______ z____________ s___ t_________ P-v-e b-s-h-e z-e-i-s-u-j-r s-g- t-f-e-j-p- ------------------------------------------- Pivje bashhje zjeripshurjer sygu tefjerjep.
I’m angry that you come so late. КI--э-----ы--р---кI----эр----у ----рэп. К_____ у_________________ с___ т_______ К-а-э- у-ъ-з-р-х-к-ы-ь-э- с-г- т-ф-р-п- --------------------------------------- КIасэу укъызэрэхэкIыжьрэр сыгу тефэрэп. 0
K-a--eu--ky-j--j--je---zh-rje- s----t--j-r---. K______ u_____________________ s___ t_________ K-a-j-u u-y-j-r-e-j-k-y-h-r-e- s-g- t-f-e-j-p- ---------------------------------------------- KIasjeu ukyzjerjehjekIyzh'rjer sygu tefjerjep.
I think he needs a doctor. Сенэ-у-, -щ -р----щ-кI-гъ. С_______ а_ в___ и________ С-н-г-е- а- в-а- и-ы-I-г-. -------------------------- Сенэгуе, ащ врач ищыкIагъ. 0
S---e-u-- a--h vr------hh-kI-g. S________ a___ v____ i_________ S-n-e-u-, a-h- v-a-h i-h-y-I-g- ------------------------------- Senjegue, ashh vrach ishhykIag.
I think he is ill. Се--г-е, ар ------. С_______ а_ с______ С-н-г-е- а- с-м-д-. ------------------- Сенэгуе, ар сымадж. 0
Se--egu-, -- -yma-z-. S________ a_ s_______ S-n-e-u-, a- s-m-d-h- --------------------- Senjegue, ar symadzh.
I think he is sleeping now. Се--г--- ар -жыдэдэм--эчъ--. С_______ а_ д_______ м______ С-н-г-е- а- д-ы-э-э- м-ч-ы-. ---------------------------- Сенэгуе, ар джыдэдэм мэчъые. 0
S--je-ue, ar--zhy--ed-e---------. S________ a_ d__________ m_______ S-n-e-u-, a- d-h-d-e-j-m m-e-h-e- --------------------------------- Senjegue, ar dzhydjedjem mjechye.
We hope that he marries our daughter. Ти--ъа--э-ыщ--э-----у-ъэ. Т________ ы_____ т_______ Т-п-ъ-ш-э ы-э-э- т-г-г-э- ------------------------- Типшъашъэ ыщэнэу тэгугъэ. 0
Ti---ashje---hhj-n--u tj----je. T_________ y_________ t________ T-p-h-s-j- y-h-j-n-e- t-e-u-j-. ------------------------------- Tipshashje yshhjenjeu tjegugje.
We hope that he has a lot of money. А-ъщ- и----у тэ--г-э. А____ и_____ т_______ А-ъ-э и-ъ-е- т-г-г-э- --------------------- Ахъщэ ихъоеу тэгугъэ. 0
Ahsh--- -hoe------u--e. A______ i____ t________ A-s-h-e i-o-u t-e-u-j-. ----------------------- Ahshhje ihoeu tjegugje.
We hope that he is a millionaire. Ар м-лл--нерэу -эгугъ-. А_ м__________ т_______ А- м-л-и-н-р-у т-г-г-э- ----------------------- Ар миллионерэу тэгугъэ. 0
Ar-mi-lio-e---- -j--ugje. A_ m___________ t________ A- m-l-i-n-r-e- t-e-u-j-. ------------------------- Ar millionerjeu tjegugje.
I heard that your wife had an accident. Сэ-уи-----гъ-сэ--уиш-уз) --------аг---къ--ъул-а--эу-зэхэсхы-ъ. С_ у___________ (_______ т___________ к____________ з_________ С- у-ш-х-э-ъ-с- (-и-ъ-з- т-ь-м-к-а-ъ- к-е-ъ-л-а-ъ-у з-х-с-ы-ъ- -------------------------------------------------------------- Сэ уишъхьэгъусэ (уишъуз) тхьамыкIагъо къехъулIагъэу зэхэсхыгъ. 0
Sj--u-s--'-----j--(uis-u-) t-'am-kI--- --h--I-g--- -j-hje-h-g. S__ u____________ (_______ t__________ k__________ z__________ S-e u-s-h-j-g-s-e (-i-h-z- t-'-m-k-a-o k-h-l-a-j-u z-e-j-s-y-. -------------------------------------------------------------- Sje uishh'jegusje (uishuz) th'amykIago kehulIagjeu zjehjeshyg.
I heard that she is in the hospital. С- ар-с--эд--щ-м--Iэ-ъ-у -э-эс-ы-ъ. С_ а_ с_________ ч______ з_________ С- а- с-м-д-э-ы- ч-э-ъ-у з-х-с-ы-ъ- ----------------------------------- Сэ ар сымэджэщым чIэлъэу зэхэсхыгъ. 0
Sj------y-j---hj--hh----------eu -j-h-e--yg. S__ a_ s______________ c________ z__________ S-e a- s-m-e-z-j-s-h-m c-I-e-j-u z-e-j-s-y-. -------------------------------------------- Sje ar symjedzhjeshhym chIjeljeu zjehjeshyg.
I heard that your car is completely wrecked. Сэ-у-м-шинэ--а-- з-хэк---а---у-з--э---гъ. С_ у_______ I___ з____________ з_________ С- у-м-ш-н- I-е- з-х-к-у-а-ъ-у з-х-с-ы-ъ- ----------------------------------------- Сэ уимашинэ Iаеу зэхэкъутагъэу зэхэсхыгъ. 0
S---uimashin---I------ehjek-tagj-u zje-je---g. S__ u_________ I___ z_____________ z__________ S-e u-m-s-i-j- I-e- z-e-j-k-t-g-e- z-e-j-s-y-. ---------------------------------------------- Sje uimashinje Iaeu zjehjekutagjeu zjehjeshyg.
I’m happy that you came. Шъу--ызэрэ-I---ъэр с-г--п-. Ш_________________ с_______ Ш-у-ъ-з-р-к-у-г-э- с-г-а-э- --------------------------- ШъукъызэрэкIуагъэр сигуапэ. 0
S-----j--j-k-u-gjer -iguap--. S__________________ s________ S-u-y-j-r-e-I-a-j-r s-g-a-j-. ----------------------------- ShukyzjerjekIuagjer siguapje.
I’m happy that you are interested. З-р-ш-у--о-ъ---э----ыр --г-а--. З_____________________ с_______ З-р-ш-у-I-г-э-I-г-о-ы- с-г-а-э- ------------------------------- ЗэрэшъушIогъэшIэгъоныр сигуапэ. 0
Zj--j-s-us-I----shI-e--------------. Z_________________________ s________ Z-e-j-s-u-h-o-j-s-I-e-o-y- s-g-a-j-. ------------------------------------ ZjerjeshushIogjeshIjegonyr siguapje.
I’m happy that you want to buy the house. Ун-р-ш-у--фы ---эшъ-шI--гъор си-----. У___ ш______ з______________ с_______ У-э- ш-у-э-ы з-р-ш-у-I-и-ъ-р с-г-а-э- ------------------------------------- Унэр шъущэфы зэрэшъушIоигъор сигуапэ. 0
U-jer--h-s-hjefy--jerje-h-shIo---r-si-ua--e. U____ s_________ z________________ s________ U-j-r s-u-h-j-f- z-e-j-s-u-h-o-g-r s-g-a-j-. -------------------------------------------- Unjer shushhjefy zjerjeshushIoigor siguapje.
I’m afraid the last bus has already gone. А-ж-р- ав--бу--р ---I---ахэ- -ег---ф-. А_____ а________ I__________ с________ А-ж-р- а-т-б-с-р I-к-ы-ъ-х-у с-г-ц-ф-. -------------------------------------- Аужырэ автобусыр IукIыгъахэу сегуцафэ. 0
A-zh--je ----b------ukI--a-jeu s-gu----e. A_______ a________ I__________ s_________ A-z-y-j- a-t-b-s-r I-k-y-a-j-u s-g-c-f-e- ----------------------------------------- Auzhyrje avtobusyr IukIygahjeu segucafje.
I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi. Т-к-- -------ае---ъ--эу --гуца-э. Т____ т____ ф___ х_____ с________ Т-к-и т-т-н ф-е- х-у-э- с-г-ц-ф-. --------------------------------- Такси тштэн фаеу хъунэу сегуцафэ. 0
Ta-s- ts-t------e- -unjeu-se----f--. T____ t______ f___ h_____ s_________ T-k-i t-h-j-n f-e- h-n-e- s-g-c-f-e- ------------------------------------ Taksi tshtjen faeu hunjeu segucafje.
I’m afraid I have no more money. А-ъщ- к----д----ы-та-ъ-- --гу---э. А____ к_________________ с________ А-ъ-э к-ы-ы-э-ы-ы-т-г-э- с-г-ц-ф-. ---------------------------------- Ахъщэ къызыдэсымыштагъэу сегуцафэ. 0
Ah-hhje k-z-d--s-my---a--eu s--uc--j-. A______ k__________________ s_________ A-s-h-e k-z-d-e-y-y-h-a-j-u s-g-c-f-e- -------------------------------------- Ahshhje kyzydjesymyshtagjeu segucafje.

From gestures to speech

When we speak or listen, our brain has a lot to do. It has to process the linguistic signals. Gestures and symbols are linguistic signals too. They existed even before human speech. Some symbols are understood in all cultures. Others have to be learned. They can't be understood just by looking at them. Gestures and symbols are processed like speech. And they are processed in the same area of the brain! A new study has proven this. Researchers tested several test subjects. These test subjects had to view various video clips. While they were watching the clips, their brain activity was measured. In one group, the clips expressed various things. These occurred through movements, symbols and speech. The other test group watched different video clips. These videos were nonsense clips. Speech, gestures and symbols didn't exist. They had no meaning. In the measurements, the researchers saw what was processed where. They could compare the brain activity of the test subjects. Everything that had meaning was analyzed in the same area. The results of this experiment are very interesting. They show how our brain has learned language over time. At first, man communicated with gestures. Later he developed a language. The brain had to learn, therefore, to process speech like gestures. And evidently it simply updated the old version …