
en Subordinate clauses: that 2   »   am የበታች አንቀጾች: ያ 2

92 [ninety-two]

Subordinate clauses: that 2

Subordinate clauses: that 2

92 [ዘጠና ሁለት]

92 [ዘጠና ሁለት]

የበታች አንቀጾች: ያ 2

ni’usi ḥāregi – ya 2

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English (UK) Amharic Play More
I’m angry that you snore. ስለ---ኮ-ፋ/-------። ስ_________ አ_____ ስ-ም-ታ-ራ-/- አ-ዶ-ል- ----------------- ስለምንታኮራፋ/ፊ አናዶኛል። 0
sil-mi---a-ora----- --ado--al-. s__________________ ā__________ s-l-m-n-t-k-r-f-/-ī ā-a-o-y-l-. ------------------------------- sileminitakorafa/fī ānadonyali.
I’m angry that you drink so much beer. ብ- ቢ- መ-ጣትህ-ሽ -----። ብ_ ቢ_ መ______ አ_____ ብ- ቢ- መ-ጣ-ህ-ሽ አ-ዶ-ል- -------------------- ብዙ ቢራ መጠጣትህ/ሽ አናዶኛል። 0
b--- ------e--et’a--h----i-ānadon-ali. b___ b___ m_______________ ā__________ b-z- b-r- m-t-e-’-t-h-/-h- ā-a-o-y-l-. -------------------------------------- bizu bīra met’et’atihi/shi ānadonyali.
I’m angry that you come so late. አ---ህ መምጣት-/ሽ-አ-ዶኛል። አ____ መ______ አ_____ አ-ፍ-ህ መ-ጣ-ህ-ሽ አ-ዶ-ል- -------------------- አርፍደህ መምጣትህ/ሽ አናዶኛል። 0
ārifi--h--mem-t’a--hi--hi -n--on-ali. ā________ m______________ ā__________ ā-i-i-e-i m-m-t-a-i-i-s-i ā-a-o-y-l-. ------------------------------------- ārifidehi memit’atihi/shi ānadonyali.
I think he needs a doctor. ዶክተ- --ደ--ስፈ--- -ም--ው። ዶ___ እ_________ አ_____ ዶ-ተ- እ-ደ-ያ-ፈ-ገ- አ-ና-ው- ---------------------- ዶክተር እንደሚያስፈልገው አምናለው። 0
d-ki---i in-d-----sifelige----minal-wi. d_______ i__________________ ā_________ d-k-t-r- i-i-e-ī-a-i-e-i-e-i ā-i-a-e-i- --------------------------------------- dokiteri inidemīyasifeligewi āminalewi.
I think he is ill. እ-ዳ-መው አምናለው። እ_____ አ_____ እ-ዳ-መ- አ-ና-ው- ------------- እንዳመመው አምናለው። 0
in---me-e-----------i. i__________ ā_________ i-i-a-e-e-i ā-i-a-e-i- ---------------------- inidamemewi āminalewi.
I think he is sleeping now. አ-- -ንደተኛ አ---ው። አ__ እ____ አ_____ አ-ን እ-ደ-ኛ አ-ና-ው- ---------------- አሁን እንደተኛ አምናለው። 0
āhu-i-----ete-y----i-a--w-. ā____ i_________ ā_________ ā-u-i i-i-e-e-y- ā-i-a-e-i- --------------------------- āhuni inidetenya āminalewi.
We hope that he marries our daughter. የ-ን ሴ---ጅ እ---ያገባ ተስ--እ-ደ-ጋለ-። የ__ ሴ_ ል_ እ______ ተ__ እ_______ የ-ን ሴ- ል- እ-ደ-ያ-ባ ተ-ፋ እ-ደ-ጋ-ን- ------------------------------ የኛን ሴት ልጅ እንደሚያገባ ተስፋ እናደርጋለን። 0
y--ya-i--ē-i-l-j--i--de-ī-ag-b- -es--a i--d--igale-i. y______ s___ l___ i____________ t_____ i_____________ y-n-a-i s-t- l-j- i-i-e-ī-a-e-a t-s-f- i-a-e-i-a-e-i- ----------------------------------------------------- yenyani sēti liji inidemīyageba tesifa inaderigaleni.
We hope that he has a lot of money. ብዙ ገ----እንዳለው ተ-- -----ለ-። ብ_ ገ___ እ____ ተ__ እ_______ ብ- ገ-ዘ- እ-ዳ-ው ተ-ፋ እ-ደ-ጋ-ን- -------------------------- ብዙ ገንዘብ እንዳለው ተስፋ እናደርጋለን። 0
bizu g-nize-i in--a-e-- ---if- i-ad--i----ni. b___ g_______ i________ t_____ i_____________ b-z- g-n-z-b- i-i-a-e-i t-s-f- i-a-e-i-a-e-i- --------------------------------------------- bizu genizebi inidalewi tesifa inaderigaleni.
We hope that he is a millionaire. ሚ-የ-- ---ሆነ --ፋ -ና-----። ሚ____ እ____ ተ__ እ_______ ሚ-የ-ር እ-ደ-ነ ተ-ፋ እ-ደ-ጋ-ን- ------------------------ ሚሊየነር እንደሆነ ተስፋ እናደርጋለን። 0
m-l-y-n--- ----e---- te-i-- --a-er--a----. m_________ i________ t_____ i_____________ m-l-y-n-r- i-i-e-o-e t-s-f- i-a-e-i-a-e-i- ------------------------------------------ mīlīyeneri inidehone tesifa inaderigaleni.
I heard that your wife had an accident. ሚ-ት--አደጋ-እ-ደደ--ባ- -ም---። ሚ___ አ__ እ_______ ሰ_____ ሚ-ት- አ-ጋ እ-ደ-ረ-ባ- ሰ-ቻ-ው- ------------------------ ሚስትህ አደጋ እንደደረሰባት ሰምቻለው። 0
m--i--h- ād-ga--nideder-s---ti-s--ic-al---. m_______ ā____ i______________ s___________ m-s-t-h- ā-e-a i-i-e-e-e-e-a-i s-m-c-a-e-i- ------------------------------------------- mīsitihi ādega inidederesebati semichalewi.
I heard that she is in the hospital. ሆስ-ታል ው-ጥ እ-ደ-ኛች-ሰ-ቻ--። ሆ____ ው__ እ_____ ሰ_____ ሆ-ፒ-ል ው-ጥ እ-ደ-ኛ- ሰ-ቻ-ው- ----------------------- ሆስፒታል ውስጥ እንደተኛች ሰምቻለው። 0
ho--p-t--- --s--’i i-idete---ch- s--ic---e--. h_________ w______ i____________ s___________ h-s-p-t-l- w-s-t-i i-i-e-e-y-c-i s-m-c-a-e-i- --------------------------------------------- hosipītali wisit’i inidetenyachi semichalewi.
I heard that your car is completely wrecked. መ-ና--- -- -ሙሉ-እ--ተ-ጨ ሰ---ው። መ_____ ሙ_ በ__ እ_____ ሰ_____ መ-ና-/- ሙ- በ-ሉ እ-ደ-ጋ- ሰ-ቻ-ው- --------------------------- መኪናህ/ሽ ሙሉ በሙሉ እንደተጋጨ ሰምቻለው። 0
me---ah------m-lu-bem-lu in--et--ac--e--e-i----e--. m___________ m___ b_____ i____________ s___________ m-k-n-h-/-h- m-l- b-m-l- i-i-e-e-a-h-e s-m-c-a-e-i- --------------------------------------------------- mekīnahi/shi mulu bemulu inidetegach’e semichalewi.
I’m happy that you came. በ-ም-ት---ስ-ኛ--ኝ። በ_____ ደ___ ነ__ በ-ም-ት- ደ-ተ- ነ-። --------------- በመምጣትዎ ደስተኛ ነኝ። 0
b-me-----ti-----s-t-n-- -en--. b____________ d________ n_____ b-m-m-t-a-i-o d-s-t-n-a n-n-i- ------------------------------ bememit’atiwo desitenya nenyi.
I’m happy that you are interested. ፍ-ጎ- --ሎ--ደስ---ነኝ። ፍ___ ስ___ ደ___ ነ__ ፍ-ጎ- ስ-ሎ- ደ-ተ- ነ-። ------------------ ፍላጎት ስላሎት ደስተኛ ነኝ። 0
fi-ago-i si---oti d-s-t---a -enyi. f_______ s_______ d________ n_____ f-l-g-t- s-l-l-t- d-s-t-n-a n-n-i- ---------------------------------- filagoti silaloti desitenya nenyi.
I’m happy that you want to buy the house. ቤቱን ለ-----በመፈለግዎ---ተ----። ቤ__ ለ____ በ_____ ደ___ ነ__ ቤ-ን ለ-ግ-ት በ-ፈ-ግ- ደ-ተ- ነ-። ------------------------- ቤቱን ለመግዛት በመፈለግዎ ደስተኛ ነኝ። 0
bē--n- l-me-iz-t- -----e--g-wo d-----n-- ne-y-. b_____ l_________ b___________ d________ n_____ b-t-n- l-m-g-z-t- b-m-f-l-g-w- d-s-t-n-a n-n-i- ----------------------------------------------- bētuni lemegizati bemefelegiwo desitenya nenyi.
I’m afraid the last bus has already gone. የ----ው -ው-ቢ- እን--መ-ጠን-ሰግቻለ-። የ_____ አ____ እ_______ ሰ_____ የ-ጨ-ሻ- አ-ቶ-ስ እ-ዳ-መ-ጠ- ሰ-ቻ-ው- ---------------------------- የመጨረሻው አውቶቢስ እንዳያመልጠን ሰግቻለው። 0
yem-ch-er---a-i ā-----īs----i--yam-li---n- ----chal--i. y______________ ā________ i_______________ s___________ y-m-c-’-r-s-a-i ā-i-o-ī-i i-i-a-a-e-i-’-n- s-g-c-a-e-i- ------------------------------------------------------- yemech’ereshawi āwitobīsi inidayamelit’eni segichalewi.
I’m afraid we will have to take a taxi. ታ-ሲ -ያዝ እ-ዳ-ኖ-ብን ሰግቻ--። ታ__ መ__ እ_______ ሰ_____ ታ-ሲ መ-ዝ እ-ዳ-ኖ-ብ- ሰ-ቻ-ው- ----------------------- ታክሲ መያዝ እንዳይኖርብን ሰግቻለው። 0
t-k--- m-------nida-----ibin- s--icha-ewi. t_____ m_____ i______________ s___________ t-k-s- m-y-z- i-i-a-i-o-i-i-i s-g-c-a-e-i- ------------------------------------------ takisī meyazi inidayinoribini segichalewi.
I’m afraid I have no more money. ገ-ዘ----------- ሰ-ቻለው። ገ___ ካ_____ ብ_ ሰ_____ ገ-ዘ- ካ-ያ-ኩ- ብ- ሰ-ቻ-ው- --------------------- ገንዘብ ካልያዝኩኝ ብዬ ሰግቻለው። 0
g--iz--i-k-li----k-ny- b--- -egi-h---w-. g_______ k____________ b___ s___________ g-n-z-b- k-l-y-z-k-n-i b-y- s-g-c-a-e-i- ---------------------------------------- genizebi kaliyazikunyi biyē segichalewi.

From gestures to speech

When we speak or listen, our brain has a lot to do. It has to process the linguistic signals. Gestures and symbols are linguistic signals too. They existed even before human speech. Some symbols are understood in all cultures. Others have to be learned. They can't be understood just by looking at them. Gestures and symbols are processed like speech. And they are processed in the same area of the brain! A new study has proven this. Researchers tested several test subjects. These test subjects had to view various video clips. While they were watching the clips, their brain activity was measured. In one group, the clips expressed various things. These occurred through movements, symbols and speech. The other test group watched different video clips. These videos were nonsense clips. Speech, gestures and symbols didn't exist. They had no meaning. In the measurements, the researchers saw what was processed where. They could compare the brain activity of the test subjects. Everything that had meaning was analyzed in the same area. The results of this experiment are very interesting. They show how our brain has learned language over time. At first, man communicated with gestures. Later he developed a language. The brain had to learn, therefore, to process speech like gestures. And evidently it simply updated the old version …