
en Conjunctions 1   »   ar ‫أدوات الربط 1‬

94 [ninety-four]

Conjunctions 1

Conjunctions 1

‫94 [أربعة وتسعون]‬

94 [arabeat wataseun]

‫أدوات الربط 1‬

[iadawat alrabt 1]

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Wait until the rain stops. ‫-نت---ح-ى-ي-وقف---م-ر-‬ ‫_____ ح__ ي____ ا______ ‫-ن-ظ- ح-ى ي-و-ف ا-م-ر-‬ ------------------------ ‫انتظر حتى يتوقف المطر.‬ 0
anat-z-- ha--- yata----f --m-t--. a_______ h____ y________ a_______ a-a-a-i- h-t-a y-t-w-q-f a-m-t-a- --------------------------------- anatazir hataa yatawaqaf almatra.
Wait until I’m finished. ‫ا---ر-- ح-----بح ج------‬ ‫_____ ، ح__ أ___ ج______ ‫-ن-ظ- ، ح-ى أ-ب- ج-ه-ا-.- -------------------------- ‫انتظر ، حتى أصبح جاهزاً.‬ 0
a---ir , ----a--a--ah j----an. a_____ , h____ '_____ j_______ a-t-i- , h-t-a '-s-a- j-h-a-n- ------------------------------ antzir , hataa 'asbah jahzaan.
Wait until he comes back. ‫-ن-ظر -تى -عود.‬ ‫_____ ح__ ي_____ ‫-ن-ظ- ح-ى ي-و-.- ----------------- ‫انتظر حتى يعود.‬ 0
a-at--ir ----a --eu-a. a_______ h____ y______ a-a-a-i- h-t-a y-e-d-. ---------------------- anatazir hataa yaeuda.
I’ll wait until my hair is dry. ‫س----ر-------ف ش-ري-‬ ‫______ ح__ ي__ ش_____ ‫-أ-ت-ر ح-ى ي-ف ش-ر-.- ---------------------- ‫سأنتظر حتى يجف شعري.‬ 0
s-an---i--h-----ya--f shieri. s________ h____ y____ s______ s-a-t-z-r h-t-a y-j-f s-i-r-. ----------------------------- s'antazir hataa yajif shieri.
I’ll wait until the film is over. ‫س-ن--ر --ى ي-ت-ي ال-يل--‬ ‫______ ح__ ي____ ا_______ ‫-أ-ت-ر ح-ى ي-ت-ي ا-ف-ل-.- -------------------------- ‫سأنتظر حتى ينتهي الفيلم.‬ 0
s----az-- -a-----an-------fi--m. s________ h____ y______ a_______ s-a-t-z-r h-t-a y-n-a-i a-f-l-m- -------------------------------- s'antazir hataa yantahi alfilum.
I’ll wait until the traffic light is green. ‫-أ--ظر--تى -صبح ---شارة -ض----‬ ‫______ ح__ ت___ ا______ خ______ ‫-أ-ت-ر ح-ى ت-ب- ا-إ-ا-ة خ-ر-ء-‬ -------------------------------- ‫سأنتظر حتى تصبح الإشارة خضراء.‬ 0
s'ant-z-r----a- t-s-i----'-i-ha------dra'. s________ h____ t_____ a__________ k______ s-a-t-z-r h-t-a t-s-i- a-'-i-h-r-t k-d-a-. ------------------------------------------ s'antazir hataa tusbih al'iisharat khdra'.
When do you go on holiday? ‫--ى ست-ا-ر -ي-إ-ا----‬ ‫___ س_____ ف_ إ____ ؟_ ‫-ت- س-س-ف- ف- إ-ا-ة ؟- ----------------------- ‫متى ستسافر في إجازة ؟‬ 0
mtaa--at---fir--i '-i-a-a-? m___ s________ f_ '______ ? m-a- s-t-s-f-r f- '-i-a-a ? --------------------------- mtaa satusafir fi 'iijaza ?
Before the summer holidays? ‫--- -ن ت-د- -لعط-ة الصي----‬ ‫___ أ_ ت___ ا_____ ا________ ‫-ب- أ- ت-د- ا-ع-ل- ا-ص-ف-ة-‬ ----------------------------- ‫قبل أن تبدأ العطلة الصيفية.‬ 0
qb---'a- tabd---leu--at-----y---t-. q___ '__ t____ a_______ a__________ q-i- '-n t-b-a a-e-t-a- a-s-y-i-t-. ----------------------------------- qbil 'an tabda aleutlat alsayfiata.
Yes, before the summer holidays begin. ‫ن-م ، قبل-ب--ي-------ة--لصيفية.‬ ‫___ ، ق__ ب____ ا_____ ا________ ‫-ع- ، ق-ل ب-ا-ة ا-ع-ل- ا-ص-ف-ة-‬ --------------------------------- ‫نعم ، قبل بداية العطلة الصيفية.‬ 0
nea--- --b- bi---a- a-eu-l-t--l-a----ta. n___ , q___ b______ a_______ a__________ n-a- , q-b- b-d-y-t a-e-t-a- a-s-y-i-t-. ---------------------------------------- neam , qabl bidayat aleutlat alsayfiata.
Repair the roof before the winter begins. ‫ا-ل- ال--ف قب---- ------ل-ت-ء.‬ ‫____ ا____ ق__ أ_ ي___ ا_______ ‫-ص-ح ا-س-ف ق-ل أ- ي-ت- ا-ش-ا-.- -------------------------------- ‫اصلح السقف قبل أن يأتي الشتاء.‬ 0
as------ls--f--abl--an-ya-i alshi-aa-. a_____ a_____ q___ '__ y___ a_________ a-a-i- a-s-q- q-b- '-n y-t- a-s-i-a-'- -------------------------------------- asalih alsaqf qabl 'an yati alshitaa'.
Wash your hands before you sit at the table. ‫-----ي-يك-قب- -ن ت--- إ-ى--ل-ا--ة.‬ ‫____ ي___ ق__ أ_ ت___ إ__ ا________ ‫-غ-ل ي-ي- ق-ل أ- ت-ل- إ-ى ا-ط-و-ة-‬ ------------------------------------ ‫إغسل يديك قبل أن تجلس إلى الطاولة.‬ 0
'-g--sl-yud-y-----l---- --j--- -iilaa--ltaa---at. '______ y_____ q___ '__ t_____ '_____ a__________ '-g-a-l y-d-y- q-b- '-n t-j-a- '-i-a- a-t-a-i-a-. ------------------------------------------------- 'ighasl yudayk qabl 'an tajlas 'iilaa altaawilat.
Close the window before you go out. ‫---- -ل-ا-ذ- -------ت-ر--‬ ‫____ ا______ ق__ أ_ ت_____ ‫-غ-ق ا-ن-ف-ة ق-ل أ- ت-ر-.- --------------------------- ‫إغلق النافذة قبل أن تخرج.‬ 0
'-gha-----ln--f---a----bl--an----hrija. '_______ a__________ q___ '__ t________ '-g-a-i- a-n-a-i-h-t q-b- '-n t-k-r-j-. --------------------------------------- 'ighaliq alnaafidhat qabl 'an tukhrija.
When will you come home? ‫-ت--ست-ت--إ---ا---ت-؟‬ ‫___ س____ إ__ ا____ ؟_ ‫-ت- س-أ-ي إ-ى ا-ب-ت ؟- ----------------------- ‫متى ستأتي إلى البيت ؟‬ 0
mt-- sa--t-----l-- alba---? m___ s_____ '_____ a_____ ? m-a- s-t-t- '-i-a- a-b-y- ? --------------------------- mtaa satati 'iilaa albayt ?
After class? ‫بع- --درس-‬ ‫___ ا______ ‫-ع- ا-د-س-‬ ------------ ‫بعد الدرس.‬ 0
be-d-a-di--a. b___ a_______ b-u- a-d-r-a- ------------- beud aldirsa.
Yes, after the class is over. ‫-عم ،--ع--ا--ه-- -لد---‬ ‫___ ، ب__ ا_____ ا______ ‫-ع- ، ب-د ا-ت-ا- ا-د-س-‬ ------------------------- ‫نعم ، بعد انتهاء الدرس.‬ 0
n--m-,--a-d -i--i--'--ld-rs. n___ , b___ a_______ a______ n-a- , b-e- a-n-i-a- a-d-r-. ---------------------------- neam , baed aintiha' aldirs.
After he had an accident, he could not work anymore. ‫--د -ن-تعرض لحا-- ل- ي----ا-را--على-ا---ل.‬ ‫___ أ_ ت___ ل____ ل_ ي__ ق____ ع__ ا______ ‫-ع- أ- ت-ر- ل-ا-ث ل- ي-د ق-د-ا- ع-ى ا-ع-ل-‬ -------------------------------------------- ‫بعد أن تعرض لحادث لم يعد قادراً على العمل.‬ 0
b-ud---- t--r-----h---th-l----eu- ---ra-n -a-a--a----a-. b___ '__ t_____ l_______ l_ y____ q______ e____ a_______ b-u- '-n t-e-a- l-h-d-t- l- y-e-d q-d-a-n e-l-a a-e-m-l- -------------------------------------------------------- beud 'an tuerad lihadith lm yaeud qadraan ealaa aleamal.
After he had lost his job, he went to America. ‫بعد -----ر---له----ر-ل- أ-ي-كا-‬ ‫___ أ_ خ__ ع___ س______ أ_______ ‫-ع- أ- خ-ر ع-ل- س-ف-إ-ى أ-ي-ك-.- --------------------------------- ‫بعد أن خسر عمله سافرإلى أميركا.‬ 0
b------- kha-ir-ea---i- -afi---i-l-- 'ami-ka. b___ '__ k_____ e______ s___________ '_______ b-u- '-n k-a-i- e-m-l-h s-f-r-'-i-a- '-m-r-a- --------------------------------------------- beud 'an khasir eamalih safira'iilaa 'amirka.
After he went to America, he became rich. ‫-ع- أن --ف- --ى----ر-ا-أ--ح--ني-ً-‬ ‫___ أ_ س___ إ__ أ_____ أ___ غ_____ ‫-ع- أ- س-ف- إ-ى أ-ي-ك- أ-ب- غ-ي-ً-‬ ------------------------------------ ‫بعد أن سافر إلى أميركا أصبح غنياً.‬ 0
bed --- ---a---iil-a '--ir-- -a--ah ---y---. b__ '__ s____ '_____ '______ '_____ g_______ b-d '-n s-f-r '-i-a- '-m-r-a '-s-a- g-n-a-n- -------------------------------------------- bed 'an safar 'iilaa 'amirka 'asbah ghnyaan.

How to learn two languages at once

Foreign languages are becoming increasingly important today. Many people are learning a foreign language. There are, however, many interesting languages in the world. Therefore, many people learn multiple languages at the same time. It's typically not a problem if children grow up bilingual. Their brain learns both languages automatically. When they are older they know what belongs to which language. Bilingual individuals know the typical features of both languages. It's different with adults. They cannot learn two languages simultaneously as easily. Those who learn two languages at once should follow some rules. First, it's important to compare both languages to each other. Languages that belong to the same language family are often very similar. That can lead to mixing them up. Therefore, it makes sense to closely analyze both languages. For example, you can make a list. There you can record the similarities and differences. This way the brain is forced to work with both languages intensively. It can better remember what the particularities of the two languages are. One should also choose separate colors and folders for each language. That helps clearly separate the languages from each other. If a person is learning dissimilar languages, it's different. There is no danger of mixing up two very different languages. In this case, there is danger in comparing the languages with one another! It would be better to compare the languages with one's native language. When the brain recognizes the contrast, it will learn more effectively. It is also important that both languages are learned with equal intensity. However, theoretically it doesn't matter to the brain how many languages it learns…