
en Conjunctions 3   »   ad Зэпххэр 3

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

96 [тIокIиплIырэ пшIыкIухырэ]

96 [tIokIiplIyrje pshIykIuhyrje]

Зэпххэр 3

Zjephhjer 3

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I get up as soon as the alarm rings. Сых-ат-р -ъ-зэ--тео-- -ыкъ---дж-. С_______ к___________ с__________ С-х-а-ы- к-ы-э-э-е-у- с-к-э-э-ж-. --------------------------------- Сыхьатыр къызэрэтеоу, сыкъэтэджы. 0
S--'at-r--y------te-u, s---etj-d-hy. S_______ k____________ s____________ S-h-a-y- k-z-e-j-t-o-, s-k-e-j-d-h-. ------------------------------------ Syh'atyr kyzjerjeteou, sykjetjedzhy.
I become tired as soon as I have to study. Зы---э з-зг-э-Iэ- фае- --хъу--м- -э -ы-ъ-пшъы. З_____ з_________ ф___ з________ с_ с_________ З-г-р- з-з-ъ-ш-э- ф-е- з-х-у-э-, с- с-к-э-ш-ы- ---------------------------------------------- Зыгорэ зэзгъэшIэн фаеу зыхъурэм, сэ сыкъэпшъы. 0
Zyg---e--j-zgj-s-Ijen --e- z--u--em,-s-e sy-j----y. Z______ z____________ f___ z________ s__ s_________ Z-g-r-e z-e-g-e-h-j-n f-e- z-h-r-e-, s-e s-k-e-s-y- --------------------------------------------------- Zygorje zjezgjeshIjen faeu zyhurjem, sje sykjepshy.
I will stop working as soon as I am 60. И-ъ-с---о-I-- -ызэ-эхъо----оф-шI-----щы-------ьы-т. И____ т______ с__________ I__ ш_____ щ_____________ И-ъ-с т-о-I-щ с-з-р-х-о-, I-ф ш-э-ы- щ-з-ъ-т-ж-ы-т- --------------------------------------------------- Илъэс тIокIищ сызэрэхъоу, Iоф шIэныр щызгъэтыжьыщт. 0
I--e- t-ok-i--h sy---rje---- I----h----yr -hh-z-j--y----sh--. I____ t________ s___________ I__ s_______ s__________________ I-j-s t-o-I-s-h s-z-e-j-h-u- I-f s-I-e-y- s-h-z-j-t-z-'-s-h-. ------------------------------------------------------------- Iljes tIokIishh syzjerjehou, Iof shIjenyr shhyzgjetyzh'yshht.
When will you call? Сыд-г--а-ук--зыт-----р? С_______ у_____________ С-д-г-у- у-ъ-з-т-о-т-р- ----------------------- Сыдигъуа укъызытеощтыр? 0
Syd-g-a--kyzy----h--yr? S______ u______________ S-d-g-a u-y-y-e-s-h-y-? ----------------------- Sydigua ukyzyteoshhtyr?
As soon as I have a moment. Уа-ъ-э - -IэкIу --Iэми---и-э зэр-хъ-у. У_____ , т_____ н______ с___ з________ У-х-т- , т-э-I- н-I-м-, с-I- з-р-х-о-. -------------------------------------- Уахътэ , тIэкIу ныIэми, сиIэ зэрэхъоу. 0
U-h--e --t---kI-----je-i, -i-je --er---ou. U_____ , t______ n_______ s____ z_________ U-h-j- , t-j-k-u n-I-e-i- s-I-e z-e-j-h-u- ------------------------------------------ Uahtje , tIjekIu nyIjemi, siIje zjerjehou.
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. Ар--хъулъфыгъ--къ-з-т-----р- уах-т-, т------ныIэм-, иIэ---р-хъ-у. А_ (__________ к____________ у______ т_____ н______ и__ з________ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) к-ы-ы-е-щ-ы-, у-х-т-, т-э-I- н-I-м-, и-э з-р-х-о-. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ар (хъулъфыгъ) къызытеощтыр, уахътэ, тIэкIу ныIэми, иIэ зэрэхъоу. 0
Ar ----fyg)-k-zyt--s--ty-- -a-tje, tI--k-- nyI--m---iI-- zjer-e-o-. A_ (_______ k_____________ u______ t______ n_______ i___ z_________ A- (-u-f-g- k-z-t-o-h-t-r- u-h-j-, t-j-k-u n-I-e-i- i-j- z-e-j-h-u- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ar (hulfyg) kyzyteoshhtyr, uahtje, tIjekIu nyIjemi, iIje zjerjehou.
How long will you work? Б-рэ--оф пш--щ--? Б___ I__ п_______ Б-р- I-ф п-I-щ-а- ----------------- Бэрэ Iоф пшIэщта? 0
B-e-j- -of ---Ij-s--t-? B_____ I__ p___________ B-e-j- I-f p-h-j-s-h-a- ----------------------- Bjerje Iof pshIjeshhta?
I’ll work as long as I can. С-л-эк--ф- I-ф с--эщт. С_________ I__ с______ С-л-э-I-ф- I-ф с-I-щ-. ---------------------- СэлъэкIыфэ Iоф сшIэщт. 0
Sj---ek-yf-e --f -shIj--h--. S___________ I__ s__________ S-e-j-k-y-j- I-f s-h-j-s-h-. ---------------------------- SjeljekIyfje Iof sshIjeshht.
I’ll work as long as I am healthy. С---ау-э-I---сш-э--. С_______ I__ с______ С-п-а-ф- I-ф с-I-щ-. -------------------- Сэпсауфэ Iоф сшIэщт. 0
S--p-auf-e -of--s-I-e-hh-. S_________ I__ s__________ S-e-s-u-j- I-f s-h-j-s-h-. -------------------------- Sjepsaufje Iof sshIjeshht.
He lies in bed instead of working. Ар -х---ъф-г---п--м -эл-, -оф -ш---ым ы-Iып-э. А_ (__________ п___ х____ I__ ы______ ы_______ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) п-э- х-л-, I-ф ы-I-н-м ы-I-п-э- ---------------------------------------------- Ар (хъулъфыгъ) пIэм хэлъ, Iоф ышIэным ычIыпIэ. 0
A- --u-fyg--pIj-m h----------s---en-m-yc-Iy--je. A_ (_______ p____ h____ I__ y________ y_________ A- (-u-f-g- p-j-m h-e-, I-f y-h-j-n-m y-h-y-I-e- ------------------------------------------------ Ar (hulfyg) pIjem hjel, Iof yshIjenym ychIypIje.
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. А---бз--ъф-гъ--гъэз-тэ--ед--- пщ--ы-ьан-м-ы--ы--э. А_ (__________ г_______ е____ п__________ ы_______ А- (-з-л-ф-г-) г-э-е-э- е-ж-, п-э-ы-ь-н-м ы-I-п-э- -------------------------------------------------- Ар (бзылъфыгъ) гъэзетэм еджэ, пщэрыхьаным ычIыпIэ. 0
A--(------------z-t-------hj-- pshh-e-yh'-n-- ych----je. A_ (________ g________ e______ p_____________ y_________ A- (-z-l-y-) g-e-e-j-m e-z-j-, p-h-j-r-h-a-y- y-h-y-I-e- -------------------------------------------------------- Ar (bzylfyg) gjezetjem edzhje, pshhjeryh'anym ychIypIje.
He is at the bar instead of going home. А- -х---ъ-ыгъ- пивэ---I----Iэс,-у-э- --ожь--ы- ыч----э. А_ (__________ п_________ ч____ у___ к________ ы_______ А- (-ъ-л-ф-г-) п-в-щ-п-э- ч-э-, у-э- к-о-ь-н-м ы-I-п-э- ------------------------------------------------------- Ар (хъулъфыгъ) пивэщапIэм чIэс, унэм кIожьыным ычIыпIэ. 0
A---h-lfy---pivje-h-----e- ch-jes,--nj-m-kI-zh--nym -c-Iyp---. A_ (_______ p_____________ c______ u____ k_________ y_________ A- (-u-f-g- p-v-e-h-a-I-e- c-I-e-, u-j-m k-o-h-y-y- y-h-y-I-e- -------------------------------------------------------------- Ar (hulfyg) pivjeshhapIjem chIjes, unjem kIozh'ynym ychIypIje.
As far as I know, he lives here. Сы-------------к-э,-ар--ы- -э----. С__________________ а_ м__ щ______ С-з-р-щ-г-у-з-м-I-, а- м-щ щ-п-э-. ---------------------------------- СызэрэщыгъуазэмкIэ, ар мыщ щэпсэу. 0
S-zje------y-ua-je----e- -r-----h-sh-je-s---. S_______________________ a_ m____ s__________ S-z-e-j-s-h-g-a-j-m-I-e- a- m-s-h s-h-e-s-e-. --------------------------------------------- SyzjerjeshhyguazjemkIje, ar myshh shhjepsjeu.
As far as I know, his wife is ill. С-з--э-ыгъ---эмкIэ- -щ и--хьаг-у-э -и---з----м---. С__________________ а_ и__________ (______ с______ С-з-р-щ-г-у-з-м-I-, а- и-ъ-ь-г-у-э (-ш-у-) с-м-д-. -------------------------------------------------- СызэрэщыгъуазэмкIэ, ащ ишъхьагъусэ (ишъуз) сымадж. 0
Syz-er-e--h-g-az--mkI----a--h is-h-a-u-je-----u----ym-d-h. S_______________________ a___ i__________ (______ s_______ S-z-e-j-s-h-g-a-j-m-I-e- a-h- i-h-'-g-s-e (-s-u-) s-m-d-h- ---------------------------------------------------------- SyzjerjeshhyguazjemkIje, ashh ishh'agusje (ishuz) symadzh.
As far as I know, he is unemployed. С-з-р----ъ-а--мк-э--ар -о-ш-э-ы-ч-. С__________________ а_ I___________ С-з-р-щ-г-у-з-м-I-, а- I-ф-I-н-н-ъ- ----------------------------------- СызэрэщыгъуазэмкIэ, ар IофшIэнынчъ. 0
Sy--e----h--gua---mk-je-----I-f-hIje---ch. S_______________________ a_ I_____________ S-z-e-j-s-h-g-a-j-m-I-e- a- I-f-h-j-n-n-h- ------------------------------------------ SyzjerjeshhyguazjemkIje, ar IofshIjenynch.
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. Сэ-сы--ч-ыяг--нах-- арм--мэ--гъ---сык-э-ыщ---а-ъ-. С_ с_________ н____ а______ и____ с_______________ С- с-х-ч-ы-г- н-х-, а-м-р-э и-ъ-м с-к-э-ы-т-ъ-г-э- -------------------------------------------------- Сэ сыхэчъыягъ нахь, армырмэ игъом сыкъэсыщтгъагъэ. 0
Sj- s-h-e-hy----nah----r-y---e -gom-sy--e--s-htga---. S__ s__________ n____ a_______ i___ s________________ S-e s-h-e-h-j-g n-h-, a-m-r-j- i-o- s-k-e-y-h-t-a-j-. ----------------------------------------------------- Sje syhjechyjag nah', armyrmje igom sykjesyshhtgagje.
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. Сэ-авто-ус-- -----I-п--гъ--а-----р----- --ъ-------э-ы--ы---. С_ а________ б___________ н____ а______ и____ с_____________ С- а-т-б-с-р б-э-т-у-щ-г- н-х-, а-м-р-э и-ъ-м с-к-э-ы-т-г-э- ------------------------------------------------------------ Сэ автобусыр блэстIупщыгъ нахь, армырмэ игъом сыкъэсыщтыгъэ. 0
S-e-avto---y--b--e---upshhyg --h'- arm-r-j- ---m -ykj----hhty-j-. S__ a________ b_____________ n____ a_______ i___ s_______________ S-e a-t-b-s-r b-j-s-I-p-h-y- n-h-, a-m-r-j- i-o- s-k-e-y-h-t-g-e- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sje avtobusyr bljestIupshhyg nah', armyrmje igom sykjesyshhtygje.
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. Сэ-гъ-гу--зг-отыг--- на--, ар--рмэ---ъо- --к-эс-----агъ-. С_ г_____ з_________ н____ а______ и____ с_______________ С- г-о-у- з-ъ-т-г-э- н-х-, а-м-р-э и-ъ-м с-к-э-ы-т-ъ-г-э- --------------------------------------------------------- Сэ гъогур згъотыгъэп нахь, армырмэ игъом сыкъэсыщтгъагъэ. 0
S----o--- -g--y-jep na--,---m-r--- ---m -y-je-y-hh-gag-e. S__ g____ z________ n____ a_______ i___ s________________ S-e g-g-r z-o-y-j-p n-h-, a-m-r-j- i-o- s-k-e-y-h-t-a-j-. --------------------------------------------------------- Sje gogur zgotygjep nah', armyrmje igom sykjesyshhtgagje.

Language and math

Thinking and speech go together. They influence one another. Linguistic structures influence the structures of our thinking. In some languages, for example, there are no words for numbers. The speakers do not understand the concept of numbers. So math and language also go together in some way. Grammatical and mathematical structures are often similar. Some researchers believe that they are also processed similarly. They believe that the speech center is also responsible for math. It can help the brain to perform calculations. Recent studies are coming to another conclusion, however. They show that our brain processes math without speech. Researchers studied three men. The brains of these test subjects were injured. As a result, the speech center was also damaged. The men had big problems with speaking. They could no longer formulate simple sentences. They couldn't understand words either. After the speech test the men had to solve math problems. A few of these mathematical puzzles were very complex. Even so, the test subjects could solve them! The results of this study are very interesting. They show that math is not encoded with words. It's possible that language and math have the same basis. Both are processed from the same center. But math doesn't have to be translated into speech first. Perhaps language and math develop together too... Then when the brain has finished developing, they exist separately!