
en Conjunctions 3   »   am መገናኛዎች 3

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

96 [ዘጠና ስድስት]

96 [ዘጠና ስድስት]

መገናኛዎች 3

mesitets’amiri 3

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English (UK) Amharic Play More
I get up as soon as the alarm rings. ሰኣቱ ---ጮ----ያ- --ሳ-። ሰ__ እ____ ወ___ ተ____ ሰ-ቱ እ-ደ-ከ ወ-ያ- ተ-ሳ-። -------------------- ሰኣቱ እንደጮከ ወዲያው ተነሳው። 0
s--at- in--e--’ok--w-dīy--- -ene-awi. s_____ i__________ w_______ t________ s-’-t- i-i-e-h-o-e w-d-y-w- t-n-s-w-. ------------------------------------- se’atu inidech’oke wedīyawi tenesawi.
I become tired as soon as I have to study. ላጠና-ስ----ያው-ይደ--ኛል። ላ__ ስ_ ው___ ይ______ ላ-ና ስ- ው-ያ- ይ-ከ-ኛ-። ------------------- ላጠና ስል ውዲያው ይደከመኛል። 0
l-t’en- -i---w--ī--w----deke-en----. l______ s___ w_______ y_____________ l-t-e-a s-l- w-d-y-w- y-d-k-m-n-a-i- ------------------------------------ lat’ena sili widīyawi yidekemenyali.
I will stop working as soon as I am 60. 6---መት------- መ----አቆ-ለው። 6_ አ__ እ_____ መ___ አ_____ 6- አ-ት እ-ደ-ላ- መ-ራ- አ-ማ-ው- ------------------------- 60 አመት እንደሞላኝ መስራት አቆማለው። 0
6- -m-t- -ni-emol-n-- ---ir-----k--m---w-. 6_ ā____ i___________ m_______ ā__________ 6- ā-e-i i-i-e-o-a-y- m-s-r-t- ā-’-m-l-w-. ------------------------------------------ 60 āmeti inidemolanyi mesirati āk’omalewi.
When will you call? መ--ይደው--? መ_ ይ_____ መ- ይ-ው-ሉ- --------- መቼ ይደውላሉ? 0
me-h-----e--l--u? m____ y__________ m-c-ē y-d-w-l-l-? ----------------- mechē yidewilalu?
As soon as I have a moment. ወ--ው -ዓት-እ---ኘ-። ወ___ ሰ__ እ______ ወ-ያ- ሰ-ት እ-ዳ-ኘ-። ---------------- ወዲያው ሰዓት እንዳገኘው። 0
we--y-w- --‘at- -n--ag-ny---. w_______ s_____ i____________ w-d-y-w- s-‘-t- i-i-a-e-y-w-. ----------------------------- wedīyawi se‘ati inidagenyewi.
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. ት-ሽ -ዜ እን-ገኘ ይ-ውላል። ት__ ጊ_ እ____ ይ_____ ት-ሽ ጊ- እ-ዳ-ኘ ይ-ው-ል- ------------------- ትንሽ ጊዜ እንዳገኘ ይደውላል። 0
t-n---i ---ē --i--gen-e--id--il-li. t______ g___ i_________ y__________ t-n-s-i g-z- i-i-a-e-y- y-d-w-l-l-. ----------------------------------- tinishi gīzē inidagenye yidewilali.
How long will you work? ምን--ክል--ዜ----ሉ? ም_ ያ__ ጊ_ ይ____ ም- ያ-ል ጊ- ይ-ራ-? --------------- ምን ያክል ጊዜ ይሰራሉ? 0
mi-i-y-k--- gī-ē y-se----? m___ y_____ g___ y________ m-n- y-k-l- g-z- y-s-r-l-? -------------------------- mini yakili gīzē yiseralu?
I’ll work as long as I can. እስከም-ለው-ድ---እሰ-ለ-። እ______ ድ__ እ_____ እ-ከ-ች-ው ድ-ስ እ-ራ-ው- ------------------ እስከምችለው ድረስ እሰራለው። 0
i--k-michilewi -ire---i--r-----. i_____________ d_____ i_________ i-i-e-i-h-l-w- d-r-s- i-e-a-e-i- -------------------------------- isikemichilewi diresi iseralewi.
I’ll work as long as I am healthy. ጤ-ማ --ከሆ----ድ-- እሰራ-ው። ጤ__ እ______ ድ__ እ_____ ጤ-ማ እ-ከ-ን-ኝ ድ-ስ እ-ራ-ው- ---------------------- ጤናማ እስከሆንኩኝ ድረስ እሰራለው። 0
t’--am- isi----n----y- --r----i--ral---. t______ i_____________ d_____ i_________ t-ē-a-a i-i-e-o-i-u-y- d-r-s- i-e-a-e-i- ---------------------------------------- t’ēnama isikehonikunyi diresi iseralewi.
He lies in bed instead of working. በመ--ት ፋን--አልጋ ላ- ተ---። በ____ ፋ__ አ__ ላ_ ተ____ በ-ስ-ት ፋ-ታ አ-ጋ ላ- ተ-ቷ-። ---------------------- በመስራት ፋንታ አልጋ ላይ ተኝቷል። 0
bem-sir-ti -an--- ----- --y--te-y-t---i. b_________ f_____ ā____ l___ t__________ b-m-s-r-t- f-n-t- ā-i-a l-y- t-n-i-w-l-. ---------------------------------------- bemesirati fanita āliga layi tenyitwali.
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. እ- በ--ሰል-ፋንታ------ነባለች። እ_ በ____ ፋ__ ጋ__ ታ_____ እ- በ-ብ-ል ፋ-ታ ጋ-ጣ ታ-ባ-ች- ----------------------- እሷ በማብሰል ፋንታ ጋዜጣ ታነባለች። 0
i-w---e-a-i--li---ni---g-zēt’a-t-n-ba---h-. i___ b_________ f_____ g______ t___________ i-w- b-m-b-s-l- f-n-t- g-z-t-a t-n-b-l-c-i- ------------------------------------------- iswa bemabiseli fanita gazēt’a tanebalechi.
He is at the bar instead of going home. ወደ ------ድ---ታ መጠ--ቤ--ተቀ-ጧ-። ወ_ ቤ_ በ___ ፋ__ መ__ ቤ_ ተ_____ ወ- ቤ- በ-ሄ- ፋ-ታ መ-ጥ ቤ- ተ-ም-ል- ---------------------------- ወደ ቤት በመሄድ ፋንታ መጠጥ ቤት ተቀምጧል። 0
w-d- --t--b-meh-d---an-t- --t’e-’- b-t- ----e-i------. w___ b___ b_______ f_____ m_______ b___ t_____________ w-d- b-t- b-m-h-d- f-n-t- m-t-e-’- b-t- t-k-e-i-’-a-i- ------------------------------------------------------ wede bēti bemehēdi fanita met’et’i bēti tek’emit’wali.
As far as I know, he lives here. እ-ከ-ውቀ- -ረ- -ሱ የ--ረ---ዚ--ነ-። እ______ ድ__ እ_ የ____ እ__ ነ__ እ-ከ-ው-ው ድ-ስ እ- የ-ኖ-ው እ-ህ ነ-። ---------------------------- እስከማውቀው ድረስ እሱ የሚኖረው እዚህ ነው። 0
isik-------ewi -i-esi-i-u ye--n-rewi-i--h--n-w-. i_____________ d_____ i__ y_________ i____ n____ i-i-e-a-i-’-w- d-r-s- i-u y-m-n-r-w- i-ī-i n-w-. ------------------------------------------------ isikemawik’ewi diresi isu yemīnorewi izīhi newi.
As far as I know, his wife is ill. እስ--ውቀው-ድረ- ሚ-- ---ች። እ______ ድ__ ሚ__ ታ____ እ-ከ-ው-ው ድ-ስ ሚ-ቱ ታ-ለ-። --------------------- እስከማውቀው ድረስ ሚስቱ ታማለች። 0
isi-e-a-ik’--i --re-- mī---u ta--le-hi. i_____________ d_____ m_____ t_________ i-i-e-a-i-’-w- d-r-s- m-s-t- t-m-l-c-i- --------------------------------------- isikemawik’ewi diresi mīsitu tamalechi.
As far as I know, he is unemployed. እ-ከማው-ው --ስ እ------- --። እ______ ድ__ እ_ ስ_ አ_ ነ__ እ-ከ-ው-ው ድ-ስ እ- ስ- አ- ነ-። ------------------------ እስከማውቀው ድረስ እሱ ስራ አጥ ነው። 0
i-ikema--k’-wi---r------u-s--a -t’i-n---. i_____________ d_____ i__ s___ ā___ n____ i-i-e-a-i-’-w- d-r-s- i-u s-r- ā-’- n-w-. ----------------------------------------- isikemawik’ewi diresi isu sira āt’i newi.
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. በጣ- --ው - --ዚ- ልክ ---ቱ እ-------። በ__ ተ__ ፤ አ___ ል_ በ___ እ___ ነ___ በ-ም ተ-ው ፤ አ-ዚ- ል- በ-ዓ- እ-ር- ነ-ር- -------------------------------- በጣም ተኛው ፤ አለዚያ ልክ በሰዓቱ እደርስ ነበር። 0
bet-a-- --ny-w--- -----y- -----b-----tu i-e-is--n-b---. b______ t______ ; ā______ l___ b_______ i______ n______ b-t-a-i t-n-a-i ; ā-e-ī-a l-k- b-s-‘-t- i-e-i-i n-b-r-. ------------------------------------------------------- bet’ami tenyawi ; ālezīya liki bese‘atu iderisi neberi.
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. አ-ቶ-- አ-ለ-- ፤--ለዚ--ል- -ሰ-ቱ--ደ-- --ር። አ____ አ____ ፤ አ___ ል_ በ___ እ___ ነ___ አ-ቶ-ስ አ-ለ-ኝ ፤ አ-ዚ- ል- በ-ዓ- እ-ር- ነ-ር- ------------------------------------ አውቶቢስ አመለጠኝ ፤ አለዚያ ልክ በሰዓቱ እደርስ ነበር። 0
āwi-obīsi-ā--le-’-n-i - -l-z-ya-li-- bese‘a---i--r--- ne-e-i. ā________ ā__________ ; ā______ l___ b_______ i______ n______ ā-i-o-ī-i ā-e-e-’-n-i ; ā-e-ī-a l-k- b-s-‘-t- i-e-i-i n-b-r-. ------------------------------------------------------------- āwitobīsi āmelet’enyi ; ālezīya liki bese‘atu iderisi neberi.
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. መንገዱን----ኘሁ-ም---አለዚያ-ልክ-በሰ-- --ርስ----። መ____ አ______ ፤ አ___ ል_ በ___ እ___ ነ___ መ-ገ-ን አ-ገ-ሁ-ም ፤ አ-ዚ- ል- በ-ዓ- እ-ር- ነ-ር- -------------------------------------- መንገዱን አላገኘሁትም ፤ አለዚያ ልክ በሰዓቱ እደርስ ነበር። 0
m-ni-e-u---ālage-ye-u-imi ;----zīy- li-- -ese‘a---i---i----e-e--. m_________ ā_____________ ; ā______ l___ b_______ i______ n______ m-n-g-d-n- ā-a-e-y-h-t-m- ; ā-e-ī-a l-k- b-s-‘-t- i-e-i-i n-b-r-. ----------------------------------------------------------------- menigeduni ālagenyehutimi ; ālezīya liki bese‘atu iderisi neberi.

Language and math

Thinking and speech go together. They influence one another. Linguistic structures influence the structures of our thinking. In some languages, for example, there are no words for numbers. The speakers do not understand the concept of numbers. So math and language also go together in some way. Grammatical and mathematical structures are often similar. Some researchers believe that they are also processed similarly. They believe that the speech center is also responsible for math. It can help the brain to perform calculations. Recent studies are coming to another conclusion, however. They show that our brain processes math without speech. Researchers studied three men. The brains of these test subjects were injured. As a result, the speech center was also damaged. The men had big problems with speaking. They could no longer formulate simple sentences. They couldn't understand words either. After the speech test the men had to solve math problems. A few of these mathematical puzzles were very complex. Even so, the test subjects could solve them! The results of this study are very interesting. They show that math is not encoded with words. It's possible that language and math have the same basis. Both are processed from the same center. But math doesn't have to be translated into speech first. Perhaps language and math develop together too... Then when the brain has finished developing, they exist separately!