
en Conjunctions 3   »   ky Байламталар 3

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

96 [токсон алты]

96 [tokson altı]

Байламталар 3

[Baylamtalar 3]

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I get up as soon as the alarm rings. Ой-о---ч-------аа---м-н-- т--а-. О_______ ш_________ м____ т_____ О-г-т-у- ш-ң-ы-а-р- м-н-н т-р-м- -------------------------------- Ойготкуч шыңгыраары менен турам. 0
O-gotkuç--ıŋg---arı m-nen t--am. O_______ ş_________ m____ t_____ O-g-t-u- ş-ŋ-ı-a-r- m-n-n t-r-m- -------------------------------- Oygotkuç şıŋgıraarı menen turam.
I become tired as soon as I have to study. М-н бир---р-- ү--ө-үш-м---рек -олго-до, чарч-п---лам--. М__ б__ н____ ү________ к____ б________ ч_____ к_______ М-н б-р н-р-е ү-р-н-ш-м к-р-к б-л-о-д-, ч-р-а- к-л-м-н- ------------------------------------------------------- Мен бир нерсе үйрөнүшүм керек болгондо, чарчап каламын. 0
Me- bi--ners- --r-----m--ere- b-l-o-do,--ar--- -a--m-n. M__ b__ n____ ü________ k____ b________ ç_____ k_______ M-n b-r n-r-e ü-r-n-ş-m k-r-k b-l-o-d-, ç-r-a- k-l-m-n- ------------------------------------------------------- Men bir nerse üyrönüşüm kerek bolgondo, çarçap kalamın.
I will stop working as soon as I am 60. А---мыш-- чыкс-м----т-------. А________ ч______ и__________ А-т-м-ш-а ч-к-а-, и-т-б-й-и-. ----------------------------- Алтымышка чыксам, иштебеймин. 0
Al-ımış-a-çı-sa-,-iş-e-ey-in. A________ ç______ i__________ A-t-m-ş-a ç-k-a-, i-t-b-y-i-. ----------------------------- Altımışka çıksam, iştebeymin.
When will you call? Ка----ч-л-с--? К____ ч_______ К-ч-н ч-л-с-з- -------------- Качан чаласыз? 0
K-ç-n-ça-a-ı-? K____ ç_______ K-ç-n ç-l-s-z- -------------- Kaçan çalasız?
As soon as I have a moment. Бир--з убак-т-болг-н-о-эле. Б__ а_ у_____ б_______ э___ Б-р а- у-а-ы- б-л-о-д- э-е- --------------------------- Бир аз убакыт болгондо эле. 0
B-- -z --akı- b-l-o-do --e. B__ a_ u_____ b_______ e___ B-r a- u-a-ı- b-l-o-d- e-e- --------------------------- Bir az ubakıt bolgondo ele.
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. Ал----кт-с- бо-----ле--ала-. А_ у_______ б____ э__ ч_____ А- у-а-т-с- б-л-о э-е ч-л-т- ---------------------------- Ал убактысы болсо эле чалат. 0
Al -ba-tı---bol-o-e-e--ala-. A_ u_______ b____ e__ ç_____ A- u-a-t-s- b-l-o e-e ç-l-t- ---------------------------- Al ubaktısı bolso ele çalat.
How long will you work? Ка-анга че--н----ейсиз? К______ ч____ и________ К-ч-н-а ч-й-н и-т-й-и-? ----------------------- Качанга чейин иштейсиз? 0
K--ang-----in i--e-si-? K______ ç____ i________ K-ç-n-a ç-y-n i-t-y-i-? ----------------------- Kaçanga çeyin işteysiz?
I’ll work as long as I can. К----дан к-л-ш-нче-и-т-- --реми-. К_______ к________ и____ б_______ К-л-м-а- к-л-ш-н-е и-т-й б-р-м-н- --------------------------------- Колумдан келишинче иштей беремин. 0
Ko-u-dan-keliş---e-i-tey-be-e-in. K_______ k________ i____ b_______ K-l-m-a- k-l-ş-n-e i-t-y b-r-m-n- --------------------------------- Kolumdan kelişinçe iştey beremin.
I’ll work as long as I am healthy. Д-- -оолу--- чы- бо----э--- иш--й--ер-ми-. Д__ с_______ ч__ б____ э___ и____ б_______ Д-н с-о-у-у- ч-ң б-л-о э-е- и-т-й б-р-м-н- ------------------------------------------ Ден соолугум чың болсо эле, иштей беремин. 0
D-n so----u- -ı------- -l---işt---ber-mi-. D__ s_______ ç__ b____ e___ i____ b_______ D-n s-o-u-u- ç-ŋ b-l-o e-e- i-t-y b-r-m-n- ------------------------------------------ Den soolugum çıŋ bolso ele, iştey beremin.
He lies in bed instead of working. Ал-иш-е-енд-н о-дуна -ө----ө-ж-т-т. А_ и_________ о_____ т______ ж_____ А- и-т-г-н-и- о-д-н- т-ш-к-ө ж-т-т- ----------------------------------- Ал иштегендин ордуна төшөктө жатат. 0
Al i-tege--in or-un---ö---tö j-t-t. A_ i_________ o_____ t______ j_____ A- i-t-g-n-i- o-d-n- t-ş-k-ö j-t-t- ----------------------------------- Al iştegendin orduna töşöktö jatat.
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. Ал ---ак-жаса-анды--ор---а ----- о-у- ---ат. А_ т____ ж_________ о_____ г____ о___ ж_____ А- т-м-к ж-с-г-н-ы- о-д-н- г-з-т о-у- ж-т-т- -------------------------------------------- Ал тамак жасагандын ордуна гезит окуп жатат. 0
A- t-m-k -----an--- or--n----z-t o-u- jatat. A_ t____ j_________ o_____ g____ o___ j_____ A- t-m-k j-s-g-n-ı- o-d-n- g-z-t o-u- j-t-t- -------------------------------------------- Al tamak jasagandın orduna gezit okup jatat.
He is at the bar instead of going home. А- --гө б-рга-ды- орд-на-пабд- от-р-т. А_ ү___ б________ о_____ п____ о______ А- ү-г- б-р-а-д-н о-д-н- п-б-а о-у-а-. -------------------------------------- Ал үйгө баргандын ордуна пабда отурат. 0
Al üy-ö -a-g-nd-n-o---na--------tu-a-. A_ ü___ b________ o_____ p____ o______ A- ü-g- b-r-a-d-n o-d-n- p-b-a o-u-a-. -------------------------------------- Al üygö bargandın orduna pabda oturat.
As far as I know, he lives here. Ме-ин-били-им-е,-а---ш-л ж--д--ж---йт. М____ б_________ а_ у___ ж____ ж______ М-н-н б-л-ш-м-е- а- у-у- ж-р-е ж-ш-й-. -------------------------------------- Менин билишимче, ал ушул жерде жашайт. 0
Men---bil--im--, a- -----jerde --ş-yt. M____ b_________ a_ u___ j____ j______ M-n-n b-l-ş-m-e- a- u-u- j-r-e j-ş-y-. -------------------------------------- Menin bilişimçe, al uşul jerde jaşayt.
As far as I know, his wife is ill. Мен----------ч---а--н---л- ------жата-. М____ б_________ а___ а___ о____ ж_____ М-н-н б-л-ш-м-е- а-ы- а-л- о-р-п ж-т-т- --------------------------------------- Менин билишимче, анын аялы ооруп жатат. 0
M--in -ilişi---, an-------ı ooru- -a--t. M____ b_________ a___ a____ o____ j_____ M-n-n b-l-ş-m-e- a-ı- a-a-ı o-r-p j-t-t- ---------------------------------------- Menin bilişimçe, anın ayalı oorup jatat.
As far as I know, he is unemployed. Ме----б-л-ш-м--, ал -ум--с-з. М____ б_________ а_ ж________ М-н-н б-л-ш-м-е- а- ж-м-ш-у-. ----------------------------- Менин билишимче, ал жумушсуз. 0
Me-i- bil-şimç-,-a- -u---su-. M____ b_________ a_ j________ M-n-n b-l-ş-m-e- a- j-m-ş-u-. ----------------------------- Menin bilişimçe, al jumuşsuz.
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. Ме- укта- кал-п-ы------б---ос- убаг-нда к---ек--н. М__ у____ к___________ б______ у_______ к_________ М-н у-т-п к-л-п-ы-м-н- б-л-о-о у-а-ы-д- к-л-е-м-н- -------------------------------------------------- Мен уктап калыптырмын, болбосо убагында келмекмин. 0
M-n ---a- k----tır-ın,--o----- -bagın-- -e-mekm-n. M__ u____ k___________ b______ u_______ k_________ M-n u-t-p k-l-p-ı-m-n- b-l-o-o u-a-ı-d- k-l-e-m-n- -------------------------------------------------- Men uktap kalıptırmın, bolboso ubagında kelmekmin.
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. Ме----т-б-с-----чи-ип-к-лып--р---,-б-л-ос---б-г-нд--к---е-ми-. М__ а________ к______ к___________ б______ у_______ к_________ М-н а-т-б-с-а к-ч-г-п к-л-п-ы-м-н- б-л-о-о у-а-ы-д- к-л-е-м-н- -------------------------------------------------------------- Мен автобуска кечигип калыптырмын, болбосо убагында келмекмин. 0
Men---t----ka--eçig------ıptır--n, -ol-oso ubag--da-------mi-. M__ a________ k______ k___________ b______ u_______ k_________ M-n a-t-b-s-a k-ç-g-p k-l-p-ı-m-n- b-l-o-o u-a-ı-d- k-l-e-m-n- -------------------------------------------------------------- Men avtobuska keçigip kalıptırmın, bolboso ubagında kelmekmin.
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. Мен-ж--д- -а--ад-м----лб-с- -ба-ы-д--барм-----. М__ ж____ т________ б______ у_______ б_________ М-н ж-л-у т-п-а-ы-, б-л-о-о у-а-ы-д- б-р-а-м-н- ----------------------------------------------- Мен жолду таппадым, болбосо убагында бармакмын. 0
Men-j------appa-ı-, b-l---o-ub-gı-da--a-makmın. M__ j____ t________ b______ u_______ b_________ M-n j-l-u t-p-a-ı-, b-l-o-o u-a-ı-d- b-r-a-m-n- ----------------------------------------------- Men joldu tappadım, bolboso ubagında barmakmın.

Language and math

Thinking and speech go together. They influence one another. Linguistic structures influence the structures of our thinking. In some languages, for example, there are no words for numbers. The speakers do not understand the concept of numbers. So math and language also go together in some way. Grammatical and mathematical structures are often similar. Some researchers believe that they are also processed similarly. They believe that the speech center is also responsible for math. It can help the brain to perform calculations. Recent studies are coming to another conclusion, however. They show that our brain processes math without speech. Researchers studied three men. The brains of these test subjects were injured. As a result, the speech center was also damaged. The men had big problems with speaking. They could no longer formulate simple sentences. They couldn't understand words either. After the speech test the men had to solve math problems. A few of these mathematical puzzles were very complex. Even so, the test subjects could solve them! The results of this study are very interesting. They show that math is not encoded with words. It's possible that language and math have the same basis. Both are processed from the same center. But math doesn't have to be translated into speech first. Perhaps language and math develop together too... Then when the brain has finished developing, they exist separately!