
en Conjunctions   »   am ግንኙነቶች

97 [ninety-seven]



97 [ዘጠና ሰባት]

97 [zet’ena sebati]


[mesitets’amiri 4]

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He fell asleep although the TV was on. ቴሌቪዥኑ-----ቢሆ----ሱ ----- ወሰ-ው። ቴ____ ክ__ ቢ___ እ_ እ____ ወ____ ቴ-ቪ-ኑ ክ-ት ቢ-ን- እ- እ-ቅ-ፍ ወ-ደ-። ----------------------------- ቴሌቪዥኑ ክፍት ቢሆንም እሱ እንቅልፍ ወሰደው። 0
tē-ēvīz--nu-k--i-- -ī-o---i--su--n-k’il-f- w-s-de--. t__________ k_____ b_______ i__ i_________ w________ t-l-v-z-i-u k-f-t- b-h-n-m- i-u i-i-’-l-f- w-s-d-w-. ---------------------------------------------------- tēlēvīzhinu kifiti bīhonimi isu inik’ilifi wesedewi.
He stayed a while although it was late. የመ- ቢ--- እ- -ቀ-ጧ-። የ__ ቢ___ እ_ ተ_____ የ-ሸ ቢ-ን- እ- ተ-ም-ል- ------------------ የመሸ ቢሆንም እሱ ተቀምጧል። 0
ye---he-bīh--imi--s---e--e-i-’wa--. y______ b_______ i__ t_____________ y-m-s-e b-h-n-m- i-u t-k-e-i-’-a-i- ----------------------------------- yemeshe bīhonimi isu tek’emit’wali.
He didn’t come although we had made an appointment. ብንቀጣ-ር---ሱ -ልመ-ም። ብ______ እ_ አ_____ ብ-ቀ-ጠ-ም እ- አ-መ-ም- ----------------- ብንቀጣጠርም እሱ አልመጣም። 0
b-ni--e-’at’-r-mi is---li-et’am-. b________________ i__ ā__________ b-n-k-e-’-t-e-i-i i-u ā-i-e-’-m-. --------------------------------- binik’et’at’erimi isu ālimet’ami.
The TV was on. Nevertheless, he fell asleep. ቴሌቪዥ- -ፍት----ም እሱ ----ፍ----ው። ቴ____ ክ__ ቢ___ እ_ እ____ ወ____ ቴ-ቪ-ኑ ክ-ት ቢ-ን- እ- እ-ቅ-ፍ ወ-ደ-። ----------------------------- ቴሌቪዥኑ ክፍት ቢሆንም እሱ እንቅልፍ ወሰደው። 0
tē-ē-ī--i----if-t- -īh----i-isu---i--il-f- we-ed-w-. t__________ k_____ b_______ i__ i_________ w________ t-l-v-z-i-u k-f-t- b-h-n-m- i-u i-i-’-l-f- w-s-d-w-. ---------------------------------------------------- tēlēvīzhinu kifiti bīhonimi isu inik’ilifi wesedewi.
It was already late. Nevertheless, he stayed a while. የመ----ንም እሱ-ተ----። የ__ ቢ___ እ_ ተ_____ የ-ሸ ቢ-ን- እ- ተ-ም-ል- ------------------ የመሸ ቢሆንም እሱ ተቀምጧል። 0
y-m-s-e ---oni-- is- -ek’e----w-l-. y______ b_______ i__ t_____________ y-m-s-e b-h-n-m- i-u t-k-e-i-’-a-i- ----------------------------------- yemeshe bīhonimi isu tek’emit’wali.
We had made an appointment. Nevertheless, he didn’t come. ብንቀጣ-------አል--ም። ብ______ እ_ አ_____ ብ-ቀ-ጠ-ም እ- አ-መ-ም- ----------------- ብንቀጣጠርም እሱ አልመጣም። 0
b--ik--t’---e-i-i-i-u-ā-i-e-’a-i. b________________ i__ ā__________ b-n-k-e-’-t-e-i-i i-u ā-i-e-’-m-. --------------------------------- binik’et’at’erimi isu ālimet’ami.
Although he has no license, he drives the car. መን--ፈ-ድ-ባ-ኖ--- ---ን መኪ--ይ--ል። መ__ ፈ__ ባ_____ እ___ መ__ ይ____ መ-ጃ ፈ-ድ ባ-ኖ-ው- እ-ኳ- መ-ና ይ-ዳ-። ----------------------------- መንጃ ፈቃድ ባይኖረውም እንኳን መኪና ይነዳል። 0
me-ij-----’-d--b---n-r-wi----ni--a-----kī-a---ned-l-. m_____ f______ b___________ i_______ m_____ y________ m-n-j- f-k-a-i b-y-n-r-w-m- i-i-w-n- m-k-n- y-n-d-l-. ----------------------------------------------------- menija fek’adi bayinorewimi inikwani mekīna yinedali.
Although the road is slippery, he drives so fast. መ--- ተንሸ-ታች---ን--እንኳ- --ጥነ- ----። መ___ ተ_____ ቢ___ እ___ በ____ ይ____ መ-ገ- ተ-ሸ-ታ- ቢ-ን- እ-ኳ- በ-ጥ-ት ይ-ዳ-። --------------------------------- መንገዱ ተንሸራታች ቢሆንም እንኳን በፍጥነት ይነዳል። 0
m-n-g------ni-----t-c---b-honi----nikwa-- b-f-----eti yi---al-. m_______ t_____________ b_______ i_______ b__________ y________ m-n-g-d- t-n-s-e-a-a-h- b-h-n-m- i-i-w-n- b-f-t-i-e-i y-n-d-l-. --------------------------------------------------------------- menigedu tenisheratachi bīhonimi inikwani befit’ineti yinedali.
Although he is drunk, he rides his bicycle. የጠጣ ቢሆ-ም--ንኳ---ይ-ል ይ---። የ__ ቢ___ እ___ ሳ___ ይ____ የ-ጣ ቢ-ን- እ-ኳ- ሳ-ክ- ይ-ዳ-። ------------------------ የጠጣ ቢሆንም እንኳን ሳይክል ይነዳል። 0
ye--et’-------i----nikw-ni ----kil--y--eda--. y_______ b_______ i_______ s_______ y________ y-t-e-’- b-h-n-m- i-i-w-n- s-y-k-l- y-n-d-l-. --------------------------------------------- yet’et’a bīhonimi inikwani sayikili yinedali.
Despite having no licence / license (am.), he drives the car. መ-ጃ---- የለ-- -ኖም--ኪ- ይነ-ል። መ__ ፈ__ የ___ ሆ__ መ__ ይ____ መ-ጃ ፈ-ድ የ-ው- ሆ-ም መ-ና ይ-ዳ-። -------------------------- መንጃ ፈቃድ የለውም ሆኖም መኪና ይነዳል። 0
menij-----’adi----ewi-i-ho---i me-ī-a--i-edali. m_____ f______ y_______ h_____ m_____ y________ m-n-j- f-k-a-i y-l-w-m- h-n-m- m-k-n- y-n-d-l-. ----------------------------------------------- menija fek’adi yelewimi honomi mekīna yinedali.
Despite the road being slippery, he drives fast. መንገ---ንሸራታ- -----ንም-----ት-ይነ--። መ___ አ_____ ነ_ ቢ___ በ____ ይ____ መ-ገ- አ-ሸ-ታ- ነ- ቢ-ን- በ-ጥ-ት ይ-ዳ-። ------------------------------- መንገዱ አንሸራታች ነው ቢሆንም በፍጥነት ይነዳል። 0
meni-e-u-ānis-era----- -e-- -----im- bef-t-in-ti-yin-----. m_______ ā____________ n___ b_______ b__________ y________ m-n-g-d- ā-i-h-r-t-c-i n-w- b-h-n-m- b-f-t-i-e-i y-n-d-l-. ---------------------------------------------------------- menigedu ānisheratachi newi bīhonimi befit’ineti yinedali.
Despite being drunk, he rides the bike. ሰክ-------ሳይክ- ---ል። ሰ___ ሆ__ ሳ___ ይ____ ሰ-ሯ- ሆ-ም ሳ-ክ- ይ-ዳ-። ------------------- ሰክሯል ሆኖም ሳይክል ይነዳል። 0
s--i-wa-i -on--i --y--i-i--i---a-i. s________ h_____ s_______ y________ s-k-r-a-i h-n-m- s-y-k-l- y-n-d-l-. ----------------------------------- sekirwali honomi sayikili yinedali.
Although she went to college, she can’t find a job. ብትማ-- ---- -ራ --ገ-ችም። ብ____ እ___ ስ_ አ______ ብ-ማ-ም እ-ኳ- ስ- አ-ገ-ች-። --------------------- ብትማርም እንኳን ስራ አላገኘችም። 0
b-t-m-rimi ini--------r--āl---nye--im-. b_________ i_______ s___ ā_____________ b-t-m-r-m- i-i-w-n- s-r- ā-a-e-y-c-i-i- --------------------------------------- bitimarimi inikwani sira ālagenyechimi.
Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor. ቢያማትም -ንኳ---ደ --ተ- አል-ደች- ። ቢ____ እ___ ወ_ ዶ___ አ_____ ። ቢ-ማ-ም እ-ኳ- ወ- ዶ-ተ- አ-ሄ-ች- ። --------------------------- ቢያማትም እንኳን ወደ ዶክተር አልሄደችም ። 0
bīy--atim- -----a-i--ed--d---t--i-āl-h-d-c-i-i-. b_________ i_______ w___ d_______ ā___________ . b-y-m-t-m- i-i-w-n- w-d- d-k-t-r- ā-i-ē-e-h-m- . ------------------------------------------------ bīyamatimi inikwani wede dokiteri ālihēdechimi .
Although she has no money, she buys a car. ገንዘብ --ኖ--ም -ንኳ----ና-ገዛ-። ገ___ ባ_____ እ___ መ__ ገ___ ገ-ዘ- ባ-ኖ-ት- እ-ኳ- መ-ና ገ-ች- ------------------------- ገንዘብ ባይኖራትም እንኳን መኪና ገዛች። 0
g--ize-----y-no-a-i-i-in--w-ni --kīna g-za-hi. g_______ b___________ i_______ m_____ g_______ g-n-z-b- b-y-n-r-t-m- i-i-w-n- m-k-n- g-z-c-i- ---------------------------------------------- genizebi bayinoratimi inikwani mekīna gezachi.
She went to college. Nevertheless, she can’t find a job. ተ---- --ም--ራ --ገኘ--። ተ____ ሆ__ ስ_ አ______ ተ-ራ-ች ሆ-ም ስ- አ-ገ-ች-። -------------------- ተምራለች ሆኖም ስራ አላገኘችም። 0
t--i--l-chi-----mi-si-- āl-----echim-. t__________ h_____ s___ ā_____________ t-m-r-l-c-i h-n-m- s-r- ā-a-e-y-c-i-i- -------------------------------------- temiralechi honomi sira ālagenyechimi.
She is in pain. Nevertheless, she doesn’t go to the doctor. ህ---አ-- -ኖም -- -ክ-ር-አ-ሄ--ም። ህ__ አ__ ሆ__ ወ_ ዶ___ አ______ ህ-ም አ-ት ሆ-ም ወ- ዶ-ተ- አ-ሄ-ች-። --------------------------- ህመም አላት ሆኖም ወደ ዶክተር አልሄደችም። 0
h-m----āla-- -ono-i--e-------t-r- āli--dec--mi. h_____ ā____ h_____ w___ d_______ ā____________ h-m-m- ā-a-i h-n-m- w-d- d-k-t-r- ā-i-ē-e-h-m-. ----------------------------------------------- himemi ālati honomi wede dokiteri ālihēdechimi.
She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. ገ-ዘ--የላት---ኖ--መ-ና ገዛ-። ገ___ የ___ ሆ__ መ__ ገ___ ገ-ዘ- የ-ት- ሆ-ም መ-ና ገ-ች- ---------------------- ገንዘብ የላትም ሆኖም መኪና ገዛች። 0
ge-iz----yel-t-mi-h----i-m-k--a ge-achi. g_______ y_______ h_____ m_____ g_______ g-n-z-b- y-l-t-m- h-n-m- m-k-n- g-z-c-i- ---------------------------------------- genizebi yelatimi honomi mekīna gezachi.

Young people learn differently than older people

Children learn language relatively quickly. It typically takes longer for adults. But children don't learn better than adults. They just learn differently. When learning languages, the brain has to accomplish quite a lot. It has to learn multiple things simultaneously. When a person is learning a language, it's not enough to just think about it. He must also learn how to say the new words. For that, the speech organs must learn new movements. The brain must also learn to react to new situations. It is a challenge to communicate in a foreign language. Adults learn languages differently in every period of life, however. With 20 or 30 years of age, people still have a learning routine. School or studying isn't that far in the past. Therefore, the brain is well trained. As a result it can learn foreign languages at a very high level. People between the ages of 40 and 50 have already learned a lot. Their brain profits from this experience. It can combine new content with old knowledge well. At this age it learns best the things with which it is already familiar. That is, for example, languages that are similar to languages learned earlier in life. With 60 or 70 years of age, people typically have a lot of time. They can practice often. That is especially important with languages. Older people learn foreign writing especially well, for example. One can learn successfully at every age. The brain can still build new nerve cells after puberty. And it enjoys doing so…