Он водит машину, несмотря на то, что у него нет прав.
Although the road is slippery, he drives so fast.
Въ-ре-- ч- ----- е-хлъз-ав, -ой--а-- б-рзо.
В______ ч_ п____ е х_______ т__ к___ б_____
В-п-е-и ч- п-т-т е х-ъ-г-в- т-й к-р- б-р-о-
Въпреки че пътят е хлъзгав, той кара бързо. 0 Vyp-----c-e -y-ya- ye -hl--ga-------k----byr-o.V______ c__ p_____ y_ k________ t__ k___ b_____V-p-e-i c-e p-t-a- y- k-l-z-a-, t-y k-r- b-r-o------------------------------------------------Vypreki che pytyat ye khlyzgav, toy kara byrzo.
Although she went to college, she can’t find a job.
Тя--- с--на---а--а-ота- въ--е-- ---е---едва-а.
Т_ н_ с_ н_____ р______ в______ ч_ е с________
Т- н- с- н-м-р- р-б-т-, в-п-е-и ч- е с-е-в-л-.
Тя не си намира работа, въпреки че е следвала. 0 Ty- -e----nami-- ----t---v-p---- --e -- s-------.T__ n_ s_ n_____ r______ v______ c__ y_ s________T-a n- s- n-m-r- r-b-t-, v-p-e-i c-e y- s-e-v-l-.-------------------------------------------------Tya ne si namira rabota, vypreki che ye sledvala.
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Although she went to college, she can’t find a job.
Она не может найти работу, несмотря на то, что у неё высшее образование.
Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor.
Т---е-оти---н- лек-р--в-пр-ки--е-и-а -о-ки.
Т_ н_ о____ н_ л_____ в______ ч_ и__ б_____
Т- н- о-и-а н- л-к-р- в-п-е-и ч- и-а б-л-и-
Тя не отива на лекар, въпреки че има болки. 0 T-a -e-o-----n- ---ar---y-r-ki---e-i---b---i.T__ n_ o____ n_ l_____ v______ c__ i__ b_____T-a n- o-i-a n- l-k-r- v-p-e-i c-e i-a b-l-i----------------------------------------------Tya ne otiva na lekar, vypreki che ima bolki.
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Although she is in pain, she doesn’t go to the doctor.
Children learn language relatively quickly.
It typically takes longer for adults.
But children don't learn better than adults.
They just learn differently.
When learning languages, the brain has to accomplish quite a lot.
It has to learn multiple things simultaneously.
When a person is learning a language, it's not enough to just think about it.
He must also learn how to say the new words.
For that, the speech organs must learn new movements.
The brain must also learn to react to new situations.
It is a challenge to communicate in a foreign language.
Adults learn languages differently in every period of life, however.
With 20 or 30 years of age, people still have a learning routine.
School or studying isn't that far in the past.
Therefore, the brain is well trained.
As a result it can learn foreign languages at a very high level.
People between the ages of 40 and 50 have already learned a lot.
Their brain profits from this experience.
It can combine new content with old knowledge well.
At this age it learns best the things with which it is already familiar.
That is, for example, languages that are similar to languages learned earlier in life.
With 60 or 70 years of age, people typically have a lot of time.
They can practice often.
That is especially important with languages.
Older people learn foreign writing especially well, for example.
One can learn successfully at every age.
The brain can still build new nerve cells after puberty.
And it enjoys doing so…