
en Double connectors   »   kk Қос жалғаулықтар

98 [ninety-eight]

Double connectors

Double connectors

98 [тоқсан сегіз]

98 [toqsan segiz]

Қос жалғаулықтар

Qos jalğawlıqtar

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The journey was beautiful, but too tiring. Сая--т ---сы -ол--,----ақ---- ша---т-- --б----. С_____ ж____ б_____ б____ т__ ш_______ ж_______ С-я-а- ж-қ-ы б-л-ы- б-р-қ т-м ш-р-а-ы- ж-б-р-і- ----------------------------------------------- Саяхат жақсы болды, бірақ тым шаршатып жіберді. 0
S-y-----j-q-ı --ldı,--ira- t-- -arşatı- j-ber--. S______ j____ b_____ b____ t__ ş_______ j_______ S-y-x-t j-q-ı b-l-ı- b-r-q t-m ş-r-a-ı- j-b-r-i- ------------------------------------------------ Sayaxat jaqsı boldı, biraq tım şarşatıp jiberdi.
The train was on time, but too full. П-йыз---қ--ы-да -е-д-,--і--қ----ы--о-ды. П____ у________ к_____ б____ т___ б_____ П-й-з у-қ-т-н-а к-л-і- б-р-қ т-л- б-л-ы- ---------------------------------------- Пойыз уақытында келді, бірақ толы болды. 0
P-yız-w--ı----a -el--- bir---tolı-b-ldı. P____ w________ k_____ b____ t___ b_____ P-y-z w-q-t-n-a k-l-i- b-r-q t-l- b-l-ı- ---------------------------------------- Poyız waqıtında keldi, biraq tolı boldı.
The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. Қ---- -й ж-йл-- -ірақ т-- қ-м-ат-----ы. Қ____ ү_ ж_____ б____ т__ қ_____ б_____ Қ-н-қ ү- ж-й-ы- б-р-қ т-м қ-м-а- б-л-ы- --------------------------------------- Қонақ үй жайлы, бірақ тым қымбат болды. 0
Qona--üy --y-ı- -ir----ım---mb----o--ı. Q____ ü_ j_____ b____ t__ q_____ b_____ Q-n-q ü- j-y-ı- b-r-q t-m q-m-a- b-l-ı- --------------------------------------- Qonaq üy jaylı, biraq tım qımbat boldı.
He’ll take either the bus or the train. О---е--вт-бу--а--е---й-з-а -ты-а--. О_ н_ а________ н_ п______ о_______ О- н- а-т-б-с-а н- п-й-з-а о-ы-а-ы- ----------------------------------- Ол не автобусқа не пойызға отырады. 0
Ol ne avt-bw--a ne ---ı--a -tı-adı. O_ n_ a________ n_ p______ o_______ O- n- a-t-b-s-a n- p-y-z-a o-ı-a-ı- ----------------------------------- Ol ne avtobwsqa ne poyızğa otıradı.
He’ll come either this evening or tomorrow morning. О- -- бү-і--кеш-е-н---рт-ң ---е-те------ді. О_ н_ б____ к____ н_ е____ т_______ к______ О- н- б-г-н к-ш-е н- е-т-ң т-ң-р-е- к-л-д-. ------------------------------------------- Ол не бүгін кешке не ертең таңертең келеді. 0
O-----b--in -e-k--n----t-- t----t-ñ--el--i. O_ n_ b____ k____ n_ e____ t_______ k______ O- n- b-g-n k-ş-e n- e-t-ñ t-ñ-r-e- k-l-d-. ------------------------------------------- Ol ne bügin keşke ne erteñ tañerteñ keledi.
He’s going to stay either with us or in the hotel. О---е-біз---н--қонақ--йд---ұр-ды. О_ н_ б____ н_ қ____ ү___ т______ О- н- б-з-е н- қ-н-қ ү-д- т-р-д-. --------------------------------- Ол не бізде не қонақ үйде тұрады. 0
Ol ne-bizd- -- -o--- --de--ura--. O_ n_ b____ n_ q____ ü___ t______ O- n- b-z-e n- q-n-q ü-d- t-r-d-. --------------------------------- Ol ne bizde ne qonaq üyde turadı.
She speaks Spanish as well as English. Ол и-п-н-а---,--ғ---ы-ша да с---ей-і. О_ и______ д__ а________ д_ с________ О- и-п-н-а д-, а-ы-ш-н-а д- с-й-е-д-. ------------------------------------- Ол испанша да, ағылшынша да сөйлейді. 0
Ol-ïspanş--da,---ı--ı--a--a söy-eyd-. O_ ï______ d__ a________ d_ s________ O- ï-p-n-a d-, a-ı-ş-n-a d- s-y-e-d-. ------------------------------------- Ol ïspanşa da, ağılşınşa da söyleydi.
She has lived in Madrid as well as in London. О---адр--те--е---онд-нд--д- тұ----. О_ М_______ д__ Л_______ д_ т______ О- М-д-и-т- д-, Л-н-о-д- д- т-р-а-. ----------------------------------- Ол Мадридте де, Лондонда да тұрған. 0
Ol-Madrïdt--de---ondon-a da t-rğan. O_ M_______ d__ L_______ d_ t______ O- M-d-ï-t- d-, L-n-o-d- d- t-r-a-. ----------------------------------- Ol Madrïdte de, Londonda da turğan.
She knows Spain as well as England. Ол -спани------- Анг-иян---- б--ед-. О_ И________ д__ А_______ д_ б______ О- И-п-н-я-ы д-, А-г-и-н- д- б-л-д-. ------------------------------------ Ол Испанияны да, Англияны да біледі. 0
Ol-Ïsp-n----ı d-, --g-ïyanı da-b--edi. O_ Ï_________ d__ A________ d_ b______ O- Ï-p-n-y-n- d-, A-g-ï-a-ı d- b-l-d-. -------------------------------------- Ol Ïspanïyanı da, Anglïyanı da biledi.
He is not only stupid, but also lazy. Ол --ымақ--ана е-ес---о-ым-н---т-р-жа-қа-. О_ а_____ қ___ е____ с______ қ____ ж______ О- а-ы-а- қ-н- е-е-, с-н-м-н қ-т-р ж-л-а-. ------------------------------------------ Ол ақымақ қана емес, сонымен қатар жалқау. 0
O- a-ıma----na ---s,-so-ı-en----a- -alqaw. O_ a_____ q___ e____ s______ q____ j______ O- a-ı-a- q-n- e-e-, s-n-m-n q-t-r j-l-a-. ------------------------------------------ Ol aqımaq qana emes, sonımen qatar jalqaw.
She is not only pretty, but also intelligent. Ол ә-----ған---мес--со-ыме- -ат-- -қыл--. О_ ә____ ғ___ е____ с______ қ____ а______ О- ә-е-і ғ-н- е-е-, с-н-м-н қ-т-р а-ы-д-. ----------------------------------------- Ол әдемі ғана емес, сонымен қатар ақылды. 0
Ol----m- ğan---me-- so---en----ar-a-ıld-. O_ ä____ ğ___ e____ s______ q____ a______ O- ä-e-i ğ-n- e-e-, s-n-m-n q-t-r a-ı-d-. ----------------------------------------- Ol ädemi ğana emes, sonımen qatar aqıldı.
She speaks not only German, but also French. Ол н-міс-е ғ--а-е--с- ------зш---- с-й-ейді. О_ н______ ғ___ е____ ф________ д_ с________ О- н-м-с-е ғ-н- е-е-, ф-а-ц-з-а д- с-й-е-д-. -------------------------------------------- Ол немісше ғана емес, французша да сөйлейді. 0
Ol--emis-e-ğ-na-e--s, -r-n-wz----a -ö-leydi. O_ n______ ğ___ e____ f________ d_ s________ O- n-m-s-e ğ-n- e-e-, f-a-c-z-a d- s-y-e-d-. -------------------------------------------- Ol nemisşe ğana emes, francwzşa da söyleydi.
I can neither play the piano nor the guitar. М-н -е--и-н-н--не--и-ара-о-----------ы-. М__ н_ п______ н_ г_____ о____ а________ М-н н- п-а-и-о н- г-т-р- о-н-й а-м-й-ы-. ---------------------------------------- Мен не пианино не гитара ойнай алмаймын. 0
M-n-ne---a------e------- -yn-y---m-y-ın. M__ n_ p______ n_ g_____ o____ a________ M-n n- p-a-ï-o n- g-t-r- o-n-y a-m-y-ı-. ---------------------------------------- Men ne pïanïno ne gïtara oynay almaymın.
I can neither waltz nor do the samba. Мен-н--в-л-с не --м-- ----й ал-ай--н. М__ н_ в____ н_ с____ б____ а________ М-н н- в-л-с н- с-м-а б-л-й а-м-й-ы-. ------------------------------------- Мен не вальс не самба билей алмаймын. 0
Men ----a-s-ne s--ba ---------a-mın. M__ n_ v___ n_ s____ b____ a________ M-n n- v-l- n- s-m-a b-l-y a-m-y-ı-. ------------------------------------ Men ne vals ne samba bïley almaymın.
I like neither opera nor ballet. М----- --е-а-ы----б---тт- ----п-й-ы-. М__ н_ о______ н_ б______ ұ__________ М-н н- о-е-а-ы н- б-л-т-і ұ-а-п-й-ы-. ------------------------------------- Мен не операны не балетті ұнатпаймын. 0
Me--n- ---ra-ı -- --l---- -natpa-m--. M__ n_ o______ n_ b______ u__________ M-n n- o-e-a-ı n- b-l-t-i u-a-p-y-ı-. ------------------------------------- Men ne operanı ne baletti unatpaymın.
The faster you work, the earlier you will be finished. Не---л-м-т-- -ұмыс ------ң--с---рл-- е-те-бі-і-е---. Н_______ т__ ж____ і_______ с_______ е___ б_________ Н-ғ-р-ы- т-з ж-м-с і-т-с-ң- с-ғ-р-ы- е-т- б-т-р-с-ң- ---------------------------------------------------- Неғұрлым тез жұмыс істесең, соғұрлым ерте бітіресің. 0
Ne----ım -e--j-mıs -st-señ--so--rl-- e--- --t-r---ñ. N_______ t__ j____ i_______ s_______ e___ b_________ N-ğ-r-ı- t-z j-m-s i-t-s-ñ- s-ğ-r-ı- e-t- b-t-r-s-ñ- ---------------------------------------------------- Neğurlım tez jumıs isteseñ, soğurlım erte bitiresiñ.
The earlier you come, the earlier you can go. Н--ұ-лым е--е--к-к--се-,--оғ-рлы- е-т-р-- кет- -лас-ң. Н_______ е______ к______ с_______ е______ к___ а______ Н-ғ-р-ы- е-т-р-к к-л-е-, с-ғ-р-ы- е-т-р-к к-т- а-а-ы-. ------------------------------------------------------ Неғұрлым ертерек келсең, соғұрлым ертерек кете аласың. 0
Neğ---ım---ter-- ke-s-ñ---oğurlım -rter-k-k-te al--ıñ. N_______ e______ k______ s_______ e______ k___ a______ N-ğ-r-ı- e-t-r-k k-l-e-, s-ğ-r-ı- e-t-r-k k-t- a-a-ı-. ------------------------------------------------------ Neğurlım erterek kelseñ, soğurlım erterek kete alasıñ.
The older one gets, the more complacent one gets. Ж-сы--ұ-ғ--ға------н,-міне--ң --мс--а-бер---. Ж____ ұ_______ с_____ м______ ж______ б______ Ж-с-ң ұ-ғ-й-а- с-й-н- м-н-з-ң ж-м-а-а б-р-д-. --------------------------------------------- Жасың ұлғайған сайын, мінезің жұмсара береді. 0
Jası--ulğa--an----ı-,--in---ñ j-m-ar- b-red-. J____ u_______ s_____ m______ j______ b______ J-s-ñ u-ğ-y-a- s-y-n- m-n-z-ñ j-m-a-a b-r-d-. --------------------------------------------- Jasıñ ulğayğan sayın, mineziñ jumsara beredi.

Learning languages with the Internet

More and more people are learning foreign languages. And more and more people are using the Internet to do so! Online learning is different from the classic language course. And it has many advantages! Users decide for themselves, when they want to learn. They can also choose what they want to learn. And they determine how much they want to learn per day. With online learning, the users are supposed to learn intuitively. That means, they should learn the new language naturally. Just like they learned languages as children or on vacation. As such, the users learn using simulated situations. They experience different things in different places. They must become active themselves in the process. With some programs you need headphones and a microphone. With these you can talk with native speakers. It is also possible to have one's pronunciation analyzed. This way you can continue to improve. You can chat with other users in communities. The Internet also offers the possibility of learning on the go. You can take the language with you everywhere with digital technology. Online courses aren't more inferior than conventional courses. When the programs are well done, they can be very efficient. But it is important that the online course isn't too flashy. Too many animations can distract from the learning material. The brain has to process every single stimulus. As a result, the memory can become overwhelmed quickly. Therefore, it is sometimes better to learn quietly with a book. Those who mix new methods with old will surely make good progress…