
en Genitive   »   he ‫יחסת הקניין‬

99 [ninety-nine]



‫99 [תשעים ותשע]‬

99 [tish'im w'tesha]

‫יחסת הקניין‬

yaxast haqinian

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my girlfriend’s cat ‫ה---לה-של-הח-ר--שלי.‬ ‫______ ש_ ה____ ש____ ‫-ח-ו-ה ש- ה-ב-ה ש-י-‬ ---------------------- ‫החתולה של החברה שלי.‬ 0
h-xat-l---sh-- ha--v-ra- --e--. h________ s___ h________ s_____ h-x-t-l-h s-e- h-x-v-r-h s-e-i- ------------------------------- haxatulah shel haxaverah sheli.
my boyfriend’s dog ‫ה-ל--של ה-ב--ש---‬ ‫____ ש_ ה___ ש____ ‫-כ-ב ש- ה-ב- ש-י-‬ ------------------- ‫הכלב של החבר שלי.‬ 0
h-kelev----- --x--er-s-e-i. h______ s___ h______ s_____ h-k-l-v s-e- h-x-v-r s-e-i- --------------------------- hakelev shel haxaver sheli.
my children’s toys ‫הצע-ועי--ש- ה-ל----ש--‬ ‫________ ש_ ה_____ ש___ ‫-צ-צ-ע-ם ש- ה-ל-י- ש-י- ------------------------ ‫הצעצועים של הילדים שלי‬ 0
h---a---su--m --e--h-yel-di--s-e--. h____________ s___ h________ s_____ h-t-a-a-s-'-m s-e- h-y-l-d-m s-e-i- ----------------------------------- hatsa'atsu'im shel hayeladim sheli.
This is my colleague’s overcoat. ‫ז- ---י- ----קול-ה ש--.‬ ‫__ ה____ ש_ ה_____ ש____ ‫-ה ה-ע-ל ש- ה-ו-ג- ש-י-‬ ------------------------- ‫זה המעיל של הקולגה שלי.‬ 0
z-h h---'-l -h----a------- s--l-. z__ h______ s___ h________ s_____ z-h h-m-'-l s-e- h-q-l-g-h s-e-i- --------------------------------- zeh hami'il shel haqolegah sheli.
That is my colleague’s car. ‫ז--המ-וני--של-----ג- ש-י.‬ ‫__ ה______ ש_ ה_____ ש____ ‫-ו ה-כ-נ-ת ש- ה-ו-ג- ש-י-‬ --------------------------- ‫זו המכונית של הקולגה שלי.‬ 0
zo --mekh-nit---el -a----ga- --e--. z_ h_________ s___ h________ s_____ z- h-m-k-o-i- s-e- h-q-l-g-h s-e-i- ----------------------------------- zo hamekhonit shel haqolegah sheli.
That is my colleagues’ work. ‫-- ---ודה-של הקו--ו---ל-.‬ ‫__ ה_____ ש_ ה______ ש____ ‫-ו ה-ב-ד- ש- ה-ו-ג-ת ש-י-‬ --------------------------- ‫זו העבודה של הקולגות שלי.‬ 0
zo-ha------h-sh---haq-le--t shel-. z_ h________ s___ h________ s_____ z- h-'-v-d-h s-e- h-q-l-g-t s-e-i- ---------------------------------- zo ha'avodah shel haqolegot sheli.
The button from the shirt is gone. ‫הכפ-ור--ל החולצה--פ-.‬ ‫______ ש_ ה_____ נ____ ‫-כ-ת-ר ש- ה-ו-צ- נ-ל-‬ ----------------------- ‫הכפתור של החולצה נפל.‬ 0
h-kaf-o--sh---haxul---h-n--al. h_______ s___ h________ n_____ h-k-f-o- s-e- h-x-l-s-h n-f-l- ------------------------------ hakaftor shel haxultsah nafal.
The garage key is gone. ‫--פת---ל ה-נ--ה א--.‬ ‫_____ ש_ ה_____ א____ ‫-מ-ת- ש- ה-נ-י- א-ד-‬ ---------------------- ‫המפתח של החנייה אבד.‬ 0
h-ma-teax-s-e--h--an-ya- avad. h________ s___ h________ a____ h-m-f-e-x s-e- h-x-n-y-h a-a-. ------------------------------ hamafteax shel haxaneyah avad.
The boss’ computer is not working. ‫המ-----ל-המנהל ---לקל.‬ ‫_____ ש_ ה____ ה_______ ‫-מ-ש- ש- ה-נ-ל ה-ק-ק-.- ------------------------ ‫המחשב של המנהל התקלקל.‬ 0
ham-x--e- s--l-ham--ah-l----qa-qe-. h________ s___ h________ h_________ h-m-x-h-v s-e- h-m-n-h-l h-t-a-q-l- ----------------------------------- hamaxshev shel hamenahel hitqalqel.
Who are the girl’s parents? ‫מ- ---י- -ל----ד--‬ ‫__ ה____ ש_ ה______ ‫-י ה-ר-ה ש- ה-ל-ה-‬ -------------------- ‫מי הוריה של הילדה?‬ 0
mi-h-rey-h--hel--ayal-ah? m_ h______ s___ h________ m- h-r-y-h s-e- h-y-l-a-? ------------------------- mi horeyah shel hayaldah?
How do I get to her parents’ house? ‫--צד א-כל----י--לבית---ל-הורי-?‬ ‫____ א___ ל____ ל____ ש_ ה______ ‫-י-ד א-כ- ל-ג-ע ל-י-ם ש- ה-ר-ה-‬ --------------------------------- ‫כיצד אוכל להגיע לביתם של הוריה?‬ 0
k-yt--d -k-a--lehagi--lebey-a--s--l---r-y-h? k______ u____ l______ l_______ s___ h_______ k-y-s-d u-h-l l-h-g-a l-b-y-a- s-e- h-r-y-h- -------------------------------------------- keytsad ukhal lehagia lebeytam shel horeyah?
The house is at the end of the road. ‫---ת -מ-א -----הר-וב.‬ ‫____ נ___ ב___ ה______ ‫-ב-ת נ-צ- ב-ו- ה-ח-ב-‬ ----------------------- ‫הבית נמצא בסוף הרחוב.‬ 0
h-ba-t-n-mt----e------rexo-. h_____ n_____ b____ h_______ h-b-y- n-m-s- b-s-f h-r-x-v- ---------------------------- habayt nimtsa besof harexov.
What is the name of the capital city of Switzerland? ‫מה -----ל ---ת---וי-ץ-‬ ‫__ ש__ ש_ ב___ ש_______ ‫-ה ש-ה ש- ב-ר- ש-ו-י-?- ------------------------ ‫מה שמה של בירת שווייץ?‬ 0
ma--s--ah--h-l-bi-a--s--ay-s? m__ s____ s___ b____ s_______ m-h s-m-h s-e- b-r-t s-w-y-s- ----------------------------- mah shmah shel birat shwayts?
What is the title of the book? ‫-- ש-ו-ש- -ספר-‬ ‫__ ש__ ש_ ה_____ ‫-ה ש-ו ש- ה-פ-?- ----------------- ‫מה שמו של הספר?‬ 0
mah sh-- -------s---r? m__ s___ s___ h_______ m-h s-m- s-e- h-s-f-r- ---------------------- mah shmo shel hasefer?
What are the names of the neighbour’s / neighbor’s (am.) children? ‫-ה -מ---י-------- --כ-י-?‬ ‫__ ש___ י_____ ש_ ה_______ ‫-ה ש-ו- י-ד-ה- ש- ה-כ-י-?- --------------------------- ‫מה שמות ילדיהם של השכנים?‬ 0
m-h-s--o- -a--ey--m sh-- -as-k---im? m__ s____ y________ s___ h__________ m-h s-m-t y-l-e-h-m s-e- h-s-k-e-i-? ------------------------------------ mah shmot yaldeyhem shel hashkhenim?
When are the children’s holidays? ‫מ-י-ת--------שת--של ---ד-ם-‬ ‫___ ת____ ח_____ ש_ ה_______ ‫-ת- ת-ח-ל ח-פ-ת- ש- ה-ל-י-?- ----------------------------- ‫מתי תתחיל חופשתם של הילדים?‬ 0
matay-t--x---x-f--ata- -hel-ha---adi-? m____ t_____ x________ s___ h_________ m-t-y t-t-i- x-f-h-t-m s-e- h-y-l-d-m- -------------------------------------- matay tatxil xufshatam shel hayeladim?
What are the doctor’s consultation times? ‫מ-י ש-ות-ה--לה -ל ----א-‬ ‫___ ש___ ה____ ש_ ה______ ‫-ת- ש-ו- ה-ב-ה ש- ה-ו-א-‬ -------------------------- ‫מתי שעות הקבלה של הרופא?‬ 0
m-t---sh----ha-abal-h -----harof-? m____ s____ h________ s___ h______ m-t-y s-'-t h-q-b-l-h s-e- h-r-f-? ---------------------------------- matay sh'ot haqabalah shel harofe?
What time is the museum open? ‫-תי--ע-- הב---------יאון?‬ ‫___ ש___ ה_____ ב_________ ‫-ת- ש-ו- ה-י-ו- ב-ו-י-ו-?- --------------------------- ‫מתי שעות הביקור במוזיאון?‬ 0
mat-y -h'-t -a---------u-e-'on? m____ s____ h______ b__________ m-t-y s-'-t h-b-q-r b-m-z-y-o-? ------------------------------- matay sh'ot habiqur bamuzey'on?

Better concentration = better learning

When we learn we must concentrate. All of our attention must be on one thing. The ability to concentrate is not inherent. We first have to learn how to concentrate. This typically occurs in kindergarten or school. At the age of six, children can concentrate for about 15 minutes. Adolescents of 14 years can concentrate and work for twice as long. The concentration phase of adults lasts about 45 minutes. After a certain amount of time concentration dwindles. After which those studying lose interest in the material. They can also get tired or stressed. As a result, studying becomes more difficult. The memory can't retain the material as well. However, a person can increase their concentration! It's very important that you have slept enough before studying. A person who is tired can only concentrate for a short period of time. Our brain makes more mistakes when we're tired. Our emotions influence our concentration as well. A person who wants to learn efficiently should be in a neutral state of mind. Too many positive or negative emotions hinder learning success. Of course, a person can't always control his feelings. But you can try to ignore them when studying. A person who wants to be concentrated has to be motivated. We must always have a goal in mind when studying. Only then is our brain ready to concentrate. A quiet environment is also important for good concentration. And: You should drink a lot of water when studying; it keeps you awake. A person who keeps all this in mind will certainly stay concentrated for longer!