Test 84

Time spent on test::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Click on a word
1. I read a letter (character).
Ek ’n letter.   See hint
2. twelve
3. My computer is there.
Daar staan rekenaar.   See hint
4. Don’t you have a mobile / cell phone (am.) with you?
Het jy ’n selfoon by jou nie?   See hint
5. I’d like a tea with lemon.
Ek wil tee met suurlemoen hê.   See hint
6. I’d like to book a flight to Athens.
Ek wil ’n vlug na Athene bespreek.   See hint
7. Then turn into the first street on your right.
Draai by eerste straat regs.   See hint
8. Do you come here often?
Kom gereeld hiernatoe?   See hint
9. I want to go to the supermarket to buy fruit and vegetables.
Ek wil die supermark toe gaan om vrugte en groente te koop.   See hint
10. I am drawing a man.
Ek teken man.   See hint