Test 95

Time spent on test::

Mon Sep 30, 2024


Click on a word
1. I write a sentence.
እኔ ነገር እጽፋለው።   See hint
2. Do you drink whisky / whiskey (am.)?
ትጠጣለህ/ ጫለሽ?   See hint
3. My husband is tidying up his desk.
ባሌ የራሱን ጠረዼዛ ነው።   See hint
4. Shall we go to the mountains?
ወደ ብንሄድ ይሻላል?   See hint
5. A tomato juice, please.
የቲማቲም ጭማቂ   See hint
6. Is that your suitcase?
ያንተ ቦርሳ/ሳምሶናይት ነው?   See hint
7. Where is the museum?
የት ነው?   See hint
8. You have to pack our suitcase!
ማዘጋጀት አለብህ/ሽ።   See hint
9. I need a desk and a bookshelf.
ጠረጴዛ እና የመፅሀፍ መደርደሪያ   See hint
10. It is winter and it is cold.
ክረምትና ቀዝቃዛ   See hint