Test 49

Time spent on test::

Tue Sep 24, 2024


Click on a word
1. Where are we?
نحن؟‬   See hint
2. The fourth day is Thursday.
‫اليوم الرابع الخميس.‬   See hint
3. What else do we need?
نحتاج أيضاً؟‬   See hint
4. What is your profession?
5. Here are the keys.
المفاتيح.‬   See hint
6. thirty-three
وثلاثون‬   See hint
7. I have no change.
‫ليست لدي نقود ,   See hint
8. Is there a pub here?
هناك حانة؟‬   See hint
9. It is hot today.
‫الطقس حار ,   See hint
10. We don’t feel like. / We do’t want to.
‫لا رغبة ,   See hint