Test 87

Time spent on test::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Click on a word
1. I read a letter.
(Jo) llegeixo carta.   See hint
2. I drink mineral water.
(Jo) aigua mineral.   See hint
3. Today is Saturday.
Avui dissabte.   See hint
4. Take an umbrella with you next time!
Emporta’t un la pròxima vegada   See hint
5. Do you have an ashtray?
cendrer?   See hint
6. I would like to confirm my reservation.
confirmar la meva reserva.   See hint
7. It is best if you take the underground / subway (am.).
millor és agafar el metro.   See hint
8. Maybe later.
Més tard, ,   See hint
9. Shall we go to the department store?
Anem grans magatzems?   See hint
10. One cannot see the hair.
cabells no es veuen.   See hint