Test 34

Time spent on test::

Mon Sep 23, 2024


Click on a word
1. Do you come from America?
Gelo hûn Emerîkayê tên?   See hint
2. An hour has sixty minutes.
Di satetekê şêst xulek heye.   See hint
3. I have a strawberry.
Tûfrengiyeke heye.   See hint
4. Do you have a dog?
Kuçikê we ,   See hint
5. I find that ugly.
Ez vî dibînim.   See hint
6. What vegetables do you have?
Çi cure we hene?   See hint
7. Can one rent skis here?
Li vir tê kira kirin?   See hint
8. Where are the lions?
Şêr kû ne?   See hint
9. I am a member of a sports club.
Ez diçim werzîşê.   See hint
10. We will soon receive our pension.
Demeke nêz em ê teqewîd bibim.   See hint