Test 40

Time spent on test::

Mon Sep 23, 2024


Click on a word
1. Are you here on vacation?
Gelo hûn vir betlaneyê dikin?   See hint
2. Thursday
Pêncşem   See hint
3. I am eating toast.
Ez dixwim.   See hint
4. Do you like to go to the theatre / theater (am.)?
Tu ji şanoyê hez dikî?   See hint
5. I need a single room.
bo min odeyeke ji bo kesekê/î pêwîst e.   See hint
6. Do you also like to eat leek?
Hûn ji quradê hez dikin?   See hint
7. Please turn right here.
Ji kerema re li vir milê rastê.   See hint
8. Where is the toilet / restroom (am.)?
Tiwalet li ye?   See hint
9. There is a football / soccer (am.) match on now.
lîstikeke futbolê heye.   See hint
10. I am doing an internship abroad.
Li derveyî stajê dikim.   See hint