Test 55

Time spent on test::

Wed Sep 25, 2024


Click on a word
1. What are we doing?
Што ,   See hint
2. ten
3. autumn / fall (am.) and winter.
, зима.   See hint
4. Does it disturb you if I smoke?
Ќе пречи ли, ако јас пушам?   See hint
5. The shower isn’t working.
Тушот не ,   See hint
6. When does the train for Budapest leave?
Во колку часот возот за Будимпешта?   See hint
7. Where is the next gas station?
Каде е следната пумпа?   See hint
8. Are tickets for the football / soccer am. game still available?
Има ли уште билети фудбалскиот натпревар?   See hint
9. Can you swim?
Умееш да пливаш?   See hint
10. He has no time.
Тој време.   See hint