Test 9

Time spent on test::

Fri Sep 20, 2024


Click on a word
1. My family is here.
Familien er her.   See hint
2. Two. The second.
To. andre.   See hint
3. He is drinking coffee.
Han kaffe.   See hint
4. Shall I cut the onions?
Skal jeg opp løken?   See hint
5. I would like to rent a car.
ønsker å leie en bil.   See hint
6. The food is cold.
Maten kald.   See hint
7. The next train is in 5 minutes.
Neste T-bane om fem minutter.   See hint
8. Is the market open on Sundays?
Er torget på søndager?   See hint
9. Remember to take pyjamas, nightgowns and t-shirts.
pyjamaene, nattkjolene og t-skjortene.   See hint
10. We want to buy a football.
Vi skal kjøpe en fotball.   See hint