Test 98

Time spent on test::

Tue Oct 01, 2024


Click on a word
1. You write.
scrii.   See hint
2. I do not like wine.
Mie nu-mi vinul.   See hint
3. I am ironing the clothes.
Eu rufele.   See hint
4. I will pick you up at the bus stop.
Te iau staţia de autobuz.   See hint
5. I’d like a bottle of champagne.
Aş dori sticlă de şampanie.   See hint
6. How much luggage can I take?
Cât bagaj lua cu mine?   See hint
7. Where can one buy tickets?
unde se pot cumpăra bilete de călătorie?   See hint
8. Don’t forget your passport!
Nu paşaportul   See hint
9. I need a football and a chess board.
trebuie o minge de fotbal şi un joc de şah.   See hint
10. The man is made of snow.
este din zăpadă.   See hint