Test 78

Time spent on test::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


Click on a word
1. Japan is in Asia.
se nahaja v Aziji.   See hint
2. September
3. The living room and bedroom are there.
Tam sta soba in spalnica.   See hint
4. Are you taking a language course?
Ali hodite kakšen jezikovni tečaj?   See hint
5. I’d like a mineral water.
(a) bi mineralno vodo.   See hint
6. How long does the journey to Berlin take?
Kako dolgo vožnja do Berlina?   See hint
7. You can also take the tram.
greste tudi s tramvajem.   See hint
8. How were the actors?
so bili igralci?   See hint
9. I want to go to the supermarket.
v samopostrežnico.   See hint
10. Lie down on the examining table.
Uležite se, , na ležalnik.   See hint