Test 22

Time spent on test::

Sun Sep 22, 2024


Click on a word
1. the brother
2. It is two o’clock.
Ёshtё dy.   See hint
3. The cloud is grey / gray (am.).
Reja gri.   See hint
4. Here are the knives, the forks and the spoons.
Kёtu janё , pirunjtё dhe lugёt.   See hint
5. Do you see the river there?
A shikon lumin?   See hint
6. Rolls with jam and honey?
Simite tё me marmalatё dhe mjaltё?   See hint
7. He swims.
noton.   See hint
8. How old is the building?
Sa e ёshte ndёrtesa?   See hint
9. I would like to water ski.
tё kisha qejf tё bёja ski mbi ujё.   See hint
10. I’m looking for a photo shop to buy a roll of film.
njё fotograf, pёr tё blerё njё film.   See hint