Test 60

Time spent on test::

Wed Sep 25, 2024


Click on a word
1. We learn French.
ንሕና ፍራንስኛ ኣሎና።   See hint
2. Today is Sunday.
ሰንበት እዩ።   See hint
3. It snows or rains in winter.
ክረምቲ ውርጪ ወይ ማይ ይሃርም እዩ።   See hint
4. It’s so hot!
እንታይ ዓይነት ዩ   See hint
5. The room has no balcony.
ክፍሊ ባልኮን የብሉን።   See hint
6. When does the train arrive in Moscow?
እቲ ባቡር መዓስ ኢያ ኣብ ትኣቱ?   See hint
7. Do you have a petrol can / jerry can / gas can (am.)?
ናይ መሓለውታ ኣለኩም ዶ?   See hint
8. When does the show begin?
እቲ ትርኢት መዓስ ዝጅምር?   See hint
9. Where are the swimming goggles?
መነጽር ናይ ምሕምበሲ ኣላ?   See hint
10. Are you hungry?
ጥምየት ኣለኩም ,   See hint