Põhitõed | Esmaabi | Fraasid algajatele

Hi! How are you?
Head päeva! Kuidas sul läheb?

I'm fine!
Mul läheb hästi!

I'm not so fine!
Ma ei tunne end nii hästi!

Good morning!
Tere hommikust!

Good evening!
Tere õhtust!

Good night!
Head ööd!

Goodbye! Bye!
Hüvasti! Hüvasti!

Where do the people come from?
Kust inimesed tulevad?

I'm from Africa.
Olen pärit Aafrikast.

I'm from the USA.
Olen pärit USA-st.

My passport is gone and my money is gone.
Minu pass on kadunud ja mu raha on kadunud.

Oh, I'm sorry!
Oh vabandust!

I speak French.
Ma räägin prantsuse keelt.

I can't speak French very well.
Ma ei räägi eriti hästi prantsuse keelt.

I can't understand you!
Ma ei saa sinust aru!

Can you please speak slowly?
Kas saaksite palun aeglaselt rääkida?

Can you please repeat that?
Kas saate seda palun korrata?

Can you please write that down?
Kas saaksite selle palun üles kirjutada?

Who is that? What does he do?
Kes see on? Mida ta teeb?

I don't know.
Ma ei tea seda.

What's your name?
Mis su nimi on?

My name is...
Minu nimi on…

Thank you!

You're welcome.
Tere tulemast.

What do you do for a living?
Millega sa tegeled?

I work in Germany.
Töötan Saksamaal.

Can I buy you a coffee?
Kas ma saan sulle kohvi osta?

Can I invite you to dinner?
Kas ma tohin teid õhtusöögile kutsuda?

Are you married?
Kas sa oled abielus?

Do you have children? - Yes, a daughter and a son.
Kas teil on lapsi? Jah, tütar ja poeg.

I'm still single.
Olen endiselt vallaline.

The menu, please!
Menüü, palun!

You are looking pretty.
Sa näed ilus välja.

I like you.
Sa meeldid mulle.


I love you.
Ma armastan sind.

Can I take you home?
Kas ma võin su koju viia?

Yes! - No! - Maybe!
Jah! - Ei! - Võib-olla!

The check, please!
Arve, palun!

We want to go to the train station.
Tahame rongijaama minna.

Go straight, then right, then left.
Mine otse, siis paremale, siis vasakule.

I'm lost.
ma olen eksinud.

When does the bus come?
Millal buss tuleb?

I need a taxi.
Mul on vaja taksot.

How much does it cost?
Kui palju see maksab?

That's too expensive!
See on liiga kallis!


Can you help me?
Kas saate mind aidata?

What happened?
Mis juhtus?

I need a doctor!
Ma vajan arsti!

Where does it hurt?
Kus see valutab?

I feel dizzy.
Mul on pearinglus.

I have a headache.
Mul on peavalu.