ટેસ્ટ 2

પરીક્ષણમાં વિતાવેલો સમય::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


એક શબ્દ પર ક્લિક કરો
1. both of us
beide   See hint
2. The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice.
Die Frau Orangensaft und Grapefruitsaft.   See hint
3. Who washes the windows?
Wer putzt Fenster?   See hint
4. I would like to go to the city centre / center (am.).
möchte ins Stadtzentrum.   See hint
5. How do I get to the station?
komme ich zum Bahnhof?   See hint
6. I’d like something without meat.
Ich möchte ohne Fleisch.   See hint
7. When does the tour begin?
beginnt die Führung?   See hint
8. Take the sun-glasses with you.
Nimm Sonnenbrille mit.   See hint
9. Where is the jewellery / jewelry (am.) department?
Wo ist Schmuck?   See hint
10. I need a ring and earrings.
Ich brauche Ring und Ohrringe.   See hint