ટેસ્ટ 10

પરીક્ષણમાં વિતાવેલો સમય::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


એક શબ્દ પર ક્લિક કરો
1. I am here.
Ik hier.   See hint
2. Three. The third.
Drie. derde.   See hint
3. Where do they like to go?
gaan ze graag heen?   See hint
4. Shall I peel the potatoes?
ik de aardappelen schillen?   See hint
5. Here is my credit card.
Hier is kredietkaart.   See hint
6. I didn’t order this.
heb ik niet besteld.   See hint
7. The next tram is in 10 minutes.
De volgende komt over minuten.   See hint
8. Is the fair open on Mondays?
Is de ’s maandags geopend?   See hint
9. You need shoes, sandals and boots.
Je hebt , sandalen en laarzen nodig.   See hint
10. We want to buy salami.
willen namelijk salami kopen.   See hint