ટેસ્ટ 41

પરીક્ષણમાં વિતાવેલો સમય::

Wed Oct 02, 2024


એક શબ્દ પર ક્લિક કરો
1. Please do visit me sometime!
Приходите ко в гости   See hint
2. Friday
3. I am eating toast with butter.
Я тост с маслом.   See hint
4. Do you like to go to the opera?
Вы любите ходить в ,   See hint
5. I need a double room.
Мне нужен номер.   See hint
6. Do you also like to eat sauerkraut?
Вы тоже любите квашеную ,   See hint
7. Please turn left at the corner.
Вот на том , пожалуйста, налево.   See hint
8. There is a café over there.
Там ,   See hint
9. The German team is playing against the English one.
играют с англичанами.   See hint
10. That is my boss.
Это мой ,   See hint