ટેસ્ટ 4

પરીક્ષણમાં વિતાવેલો સમય::

Sun Sep 29, 2024


એક શબ્દ પર ક્લિક કરો
1. the man
2. seven, eight, nine
, 八, 九   See hint
3. She works at an office.
在 办公室 工作   See hint
4. Who does the dishes?
谁 刷 餐具 ,   See hint
5. How do I get to the airport?
到 飞机场 走 ?   See hint
6. I’d like something that won’t take much time.
想 要 一个 上的快的 菜   See hint
7. Which bus goes to the city centre / center (am.)?
哪路 开往 市中心 ?   See hint
8. Where do I have to change?
得 在 哪里 换车 ?   See hint
9. How long is the tour?
一共 多长 时间   See hint
10. Do you want to take a road map?
要 带 一张 城市交通图 吗   See hint