Littafin jumla

ha sau   »   en The time

8 [takwas]



8 [eight]

The time

Zaɓi yadda kuke son ganin fassarar:   
Hausa English (UK) Wasa Kara
Ku yi hakuri! Ex-us---e! E_____ m__ E-c-s- m-! ---------- Excuse me! 0
Wani lokaci ne? Wha--time-is i-- -leas-? W___ t___ i_ i__ p______ W-a- t-m- i- i-, p-e-s-? ------------------------ What time is it, please? 0
Godiya sosai. T---- y-----r--m--h. T____ y__ v___ m____ T-a-k y-u v-r- m-c-. -------------------- Thank you very much. 0
Karfe daya ya yi. I- -s--ne o-c--ck. I_ i_ o__ o_______ I- i- o-e o-c-o-k- ------------------ It is one o’clock. 0
Karfe biyu ne. I- -s t-o ------k. I_ i_ t__ o_______ I- i- t-o o-c-o-k- ------------------ It is two o’clock. 0
Karfe uku ne. It -- -hree----l-ck. I_ i_ t____ o_______ I- i- t-r-e o-c-o-k- -------------------- It is three o’clock. 0
Karfe hudu ne. I- -s f-u--o-c---k. I_ i_ f___ o_______ I- i- f-u- o-c-o-k- ------------------- It is four o’clock. 0
Karfe biyar ne. It -- --ve-o-c-o-k. I_ i_ f___ o_______ I- i- f-v- o-c-o-k- ------------------- It is five o’clock. 0
Karfe shida. I- is six----l---. I_ i_ s__ o_______ I- i- s-x o-c-o-k- ------------------ It is six o’clock. 0
Karfe bakwai ne. It-is---ven ---l--k. I_ i_ s____ o_______ I- i- s-v-n o-c-o-k- -------------------- It is seven o’clock. 0
Karfe takwas ne. I--is eig-t ---loc-. I_ i_ e____ o_______ I- i- e-g-t o-c-o-k- -------------------- It is eight o’clock. 0
Karfe tara ne. It -s ni---o’c-o-k. I_ i_ n___ o_______ I- i- n-n- o-c-o-k- ------------------- It is nine o’clock. 0
Karfe goma ne. I---s t---o--l-c-. I_ i_ t__ o_______ I- i- t-n o-c-o-k- ------------------ It is ten o’clock. 0
Karfe sha daya ne. I- is---e--n-o’-lo-k. I_ i_ e_____ o_______ I- i- e-e-e- o-c-o-k- --------------------- It is eleven o’clock. 0
Karfe sha biyu ne. It-is t----- -’--ock. I_ i_ t_____ o_______ I- i- t-e-v- o-c-o-k- --------------------- It is twelve o’clock. 0
Minti ɗaya yana da daƙiƙa sittin. A m--ut--has si--- s-----s. A m_____ h__ s____ s_______ A m-n-t- h-s s-x-y s-c-n-s- --------------------------- A minute has sixty seconds. 0
Awa daya yana da mintuna sittin. A- ho-- ha- -i--- -i----s. A_ h___ h__ s____ m_______ A- h-u- h-s s-x-y m-n-t-s- -------------------------- An hour has sixty minutes. 0
Wata rana tana da awa ashirin da hudu. A -ay-h-s t-e-ty-four-h---s. A d__ h__ t__________ h_____ A d-y h-s t-e-t---o-r h-u-s- ---------------------------- A day has twenty-four hours. 0


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